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How the Globalist Maintain Control and What’s Coming Because They Have Lost Control

5-9-2016 < The Common Sense Show 54 2090 words




In large part, the American people have been conquered through the principle of groupthink. Throughout history, groupthink has played a prominent role in coercing the public of any nation into going to war for the benefit of the elite ruling class and their financial bottom line.


groupthinkGroupthink is a term coined by social psychologist Irving Janis in 1972, and it occurs when a group makes faulty decisions because group pressures lead to a deterioration of “mental efficiency, reality testing, and moral judgment”.

Groups affected by groupthink ignore alternatives and tend to take irrational actions that dehumanize other groups. A group is especially vulnerable to groupthink (e.g. Neocons and the Iraq War, radical Muslim elements within the government and the coming great American purge followed by WW III) when its members are similar in background, when the group is insulated from outside opinions, and when there are no clear rules for decision making.

It is the premise of this article that groupthink is being used to “nudge” Americans into accepting a new paradigm which is suicidal for the country’s continued existence.

The Meat and Potatoes of Groupthink

In his book, Victims of Groupthink, Dr. Janis has documented eight symptoms of groupthink:

  1. The illusion of invulnerability is often perpetuated when a cause first becomes public. “If God is for us, who can be against us” is often the kind of mentality that permeates a group in which self-righteousness will somehow protect the group from the faulty decisions of their leaders. It would be interesting to ask the tens of millions of dead people who died in the two world wars in the 20th century how well this illusion works. This illusion of invulnerability creates excessive optimism that encourages taking extreme risks. For example, when NFL player, Pat Tillman forsook his lucrative playing career and volunteered to serve in Afghanistan, following 9/11, he was killed by military leadership for expressing the anti-war views he increasingly came to believe. In the early days of a movement, people lose their minds and volunteer to give up their lives in order to kill complete strangers in order that billionaire bankers can make billions of dollars of more money.


  1. The members of a group quickly fall into a type of collective rationalization in the early days of group think. “If my neighbors believe in our course of action”, it must be perfectly OK to engage in things like genocide and mass murder (i.e. war). The members of the group discount warnings and do not reconsider their assumptions regarding a course of action even when it becomes clear that the course of action is immoral or even suicidal.


  1. Belief in an inherent and self-righteous morality. This view is often expressed, as President George W. Bush once said “You are either with us, or you are with the terrorists”. The members of the group believe in the righteousness of their cause and therefore ignore the ethical or moral consequences of their decisions. This type of group psychology has given history some of its darkest days.


  1. Stereotyped views of unfavorable out-groups is perpetuated. Stereotypical and extreme negative views of the “enemy” make effective responses to conflict seem unnecessary. This leads to the creation of devices like the infamous “Red List” which will ostensibly be used one day to rid the country of any dissenters.


  1. Direct pressure on dissenters in the group begins to surface in the early days of a movement. Members are under pressure not to express arguments against any of the group’s views. Political correctness is often used to usher in a group think kind of paradigm change. We have witnessed the climate change arguments and the advancement of gay marriage where nobody dare speak out against the concept at the risk of being branded “prejudiced”.


  1. Self-censorship becomes a critical operating component of the group. People fear speaking out, so they don’t. Doubts and deviations from the perceived group consensus are not expressed for fear of retaliation from the group and its leader. This is when a society begins to live in fear of its government and the establishment behind the government.


  1. sheep The illusion of unanimity is perpetuated in and among the members of a group. The majority view and judgments are assumed to be unanimous. This becomes the well-spring of prohibitions on free speech, politically motivated round-ups and deportation to concentration camps (i.e. FEMA camps). Nowhere, can we find a better example of what happens when six corporations control 98% of the media. Browse through the networks, during the news hour, and you won’t find a stone’s throw difference between the way that CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox, report the news. It is the ultimate example of groupthink. And it is the single most important reason that we have a “sheep mentality “among 95% of the people in this country.


  1. Self-appointed ‘mindguards’ becomes a key operating component of the group. Members protect the group and the leader from information that is problematic or contradictory to the group’s cohesiveness, view, and/or decisions. This is the central operating principle of the maintenance of group think. Any dissension inside the group is quickly dealt with as if the dissenter were a member of the group of which their group is aligned against.

Examples of the Fallacy of Groupthink

Historians often point to examples of groupthink “fiascoes”. Dr. Janis offers as examples “the US failures to anticipate the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Bay of Pigs invasion, the escalation of the Vietnam war, and the ill-fated hostage rescue in Iran”. Certainly, the flawed policies enacted in conducting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are prime examples of this erroneous thinking brought about by the eight elements of group think. And this flawed thinking has led to the rise of ISIS, with the help of the CIA.

History commands to not forget the Holocaust, Rwanda, Mao’s purge in China and on and on it goes.

Groupthink Is Being Used to Condition the American People for World War

groupthink obamaWith every journalist ISIS beheads and with every staged terror attack upon American interests, the American people are being readied for war and the invocation of groupthink is the prime method of mental subjugation of our people. Many of you reading these words are going to become victims to what is coming.

The elite use such organizations as Tavistock Institute to devise public policy reflective of these psychological tools of manipulation.

Any organizing principle of war states that you must first neutralize the command and control structure over the enemy. This is why, whenever we invade a country, we first take out their radar and communications ability. This is one of the approaches that we need to employ in neutralizing the hold the globalists have over our minds. To do that, we only need to follow Jim Marrs’ advice and turn off the TV. Collapse the major instrument of control that our enemies employ against us, namely, the control over our minds through the mainstream media.

Groupthink Leads to Very Unwise Choices

His followers have fallen victim to groupthink

His followers have fallen victim to groupthink

There are some decisions we would ever make if it were not for the pressure of the group. Take the Bernie Sanders supporters. At the DNC, they had to be removed because they would never have supported Hillary so long as they had a viable alternative. Unfortunately, Sanders sold out his followers. Over time, the pressure from fellow Democrats has led to many of the Sanders supporters  to move in the direction of Hillary Clinton despite her alcoholism, cognitive deficits, serial criminality and her sociopathic behavior.

Up to this point we have seen how the globalists maintain control over the people. But they have lost control because of the populist movement arising from Trump’s candidacy. What do the globalists do when then lose control?

The Solution

What is the end game for groupthink? The answer is simple, using food and water as a weapon to force compliance, gun confiscation to prevent citizen self-defense, seizure of all bank and retirement accounts and of course, the final is step is genocide. The globalists will seek to maintain control at ALL COSTS!

If CNN and FOX were to disappear, we would stop being conditioned on what to think and begin thinking for ourselves. Subsequently, the veil of deception would be removed from over our eyes. The sheep would lose their media based shepherd and the sheep would be forced to find their own way in life. The resulting paradigm could lead to a global awakening and, other than the return of Jesus, this would constitute the worst nightmare for the globalists.

How doe we accomplish this?  Only visit the sites of Steve Quayle, Alex Jones, JB Wells, et al.  Then and only then will the masses learn to think for themselves.


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