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Is Trump a Fraud or the Victim of An Ongoing Coup?

7-5-2017 < The Common Sense Show 75 1315 words


It is Donald. So, why are you not keeping your promises to "Make America Great Again"?

It is Donald. So, why are you not keeping your promise to “Make America Great Again”?


This is the first of a two part series dealing with how the Trump presidency has been crippled.

Some have accused me of abandoning Donald Trump. I have not!  I stand in firm support of what Trump promised the American people. As a voter, and as someone who covered in detail what he promised he would try and accomplish in his presidency, I still 100% support President Trump.

Some have accused me of being too impatient with the new President and that I should stop complaining and “give him more time”. Giving the President time to accomplish his promised reforms is not, and never has been the issue. Many times, prior to the election and then before the inauguration, I stated that his first two years would be a quagmire due to a bought and paid for Congress that is loyal to the corrupt forces that supplies their needed cash necessary for re-election. These same forces have wrecked our economy and have seriously eroded our civil liberties. However, I still expected President Trump to be steadfast in what he promised the American people, and he has not been loyal to what candidate Trump promised the American people.

An Inconsistent President

For most of President Trump’s first 100 days, I made excuses for him. I desperately tried to make sense out his statements and actions which ran in opposition on what he campaigned on. Here are a few examples.

“I am a nationalist and will always put the American first”. That was then and the following quote is now: “I am a nationalist and a globalist”. That is like saying “I am a virgin AND I am a whore” at the same time.

During the campaign, Trump stated, “I will destroy NAFTA”. Now, he wants to renegotiate NAFTA.

Candidate Trump promised to screen every immigrant coming into the United States for national security reasons. The courts struck down his so-called Muslim ban as being unconstitutional. Deserved of not, it is discriminatory and gave the courts an opening to impose their liberal agenda of totally open borders. However, under the Constitution, Trump had the ability to force the hand of the liberal left when it came to immigration. As President, he has the ability to shut down the borders. This strategy should have been employed as leverage to force Congress and the leftist judges in this country to accept reasonable security measures when it came to immigration. It is a mystery as to why Trump has not pursued this strategy.

Trump promised to end America’s days as an imperial power. However, he has expanded the war in Afghanistan, he has sent troops to Iraq and to the Syria-Turkey border. He has sent forces to Yemen and other African nations. He has sent troops to the Russian border. We have 3 carrier task forces off the cost of Korea. This is imperialism gone mad and this has all happened in his first 100 days. From a neocon perspective, Trump receives a grade of A+ for his first hundred days.

Trump is also pursing a policy of keeping the Rothschild banksters happy. Taking out Korea has much more to do with getting every nation under the control of the Central banks than it does the proliferation of nuclear weapons among rogue states.

Candidate Trump promised to end the nearly $900 billion trade deficit with China. Instead, all we hear on this topic, from the President, is how wonderful China is (e.g. “China has great leaders”).

Trump promised to appoint to his list of Presidential advisors’, people who were “loyal to America and the Constitution”. Instead, and quite amazingly, he has appointed more CFR members than did Obama. He has allowed George Soros a very big voice in White House policies through the appointment of son-in-law Jared Kushner, a business partner of Soros.

In case you have not been paying attention, George Soros is the enemy of every American who is not in the .1% of the one percent. not since the days of Hank Paulson has the presidency been so compromised by Goldman Sachs.

These examples only form the very tip of the iceberg. How could this be? Is Trump a clever pathological liar who worked in cahoots with the liberal media to create a victim mentality that got him elected?  Is he incompetent? Is he mentally ill? What could explain these wild flucuations in policy and bad judgment?


What most do not know, is that President Trump was prepared to reign in the heinous practices of banking policies that contributed to the 2008 economic downturn. Trump wants to implement a form of Glass-Steagall which would prevent banks from being collateralized against the bad loans and business practices of the credit swap derivatives. This would be a very bold move as it would anger most of Wall Street.

Trump was also prepared to begin cleaning house of the “Deep State” at the State Department and the FBI. One inside source told me that people were actually cleaning out their desk last week in anticipation of being reassigned or fired. Is this just a dead man’s bounce on the part of Trump? Or is this indicative of something much deeper, much more sinister? The latter is true. In Part 2, I will be presenting the anatomy of a coup and Donald Trump is the target.


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