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What’s Really Going On, Plus Do We Know?

20-7-2017 < Activist Post 76 540 words

By Catherine J. Frompovich

Readers contact with me about issues and concerns, and also with information and an occasional “atta girl” compliment, which I truly appreciate.  Frankly, I hope my work contributes to your expansion of knowledge, which is power, as Sir Francis Bacon wrote in his 1597 book “Meditationes Sacrae and Human Philosophy.”

My recent articles about AMI Smart Meters, 5G, electromagnetic frequencies and hypersensitivity have prompted more than the usual emails and comments.  There’s one I’d like to share with you, as I think it says something that probably needs to be factored into “what-the-hell-is-going-on,” since most folks over fifty years of age think reality seems to have been turned upside down and inside out.

Can part of that reality shift be a ‘natural’ result of all the electromagnetic interferences we now experience from the sea of electromagnetic frequencies we live in, plus an overwhelming and inordinate exposure to neurotoxic chemicals in our water, food, air and weather geoengineering (“chemtrails”) that not only continue, but escalate?  How about the proposed 5G Wi-Fi-in-the-sky!

The reader’s email, which I think may enlighten some as to probabilities and possibilities, is this:

May God continue to bless & protect you in your most important of works in these unprecedented (of recent) times.  As you said – Mankind has been through a number of “resets”.  To my knowledge, the Mahabharata War 5,000 years ago was the last most recent known documented one.  I’m sure many before that.  And that one without a doubt had ET involvement with very powerful weapons & craft (Vimanas & etc.)

[Speaking of Vimanas, back in 2010 world leaders ‘flocked’ to see one, which recently had been discovered in Afghanistan .  Ironically, there is so much in ancient historical writings from thousands of years ago, which controllers today want ‘sheeple’ to think or believe is fake news or mythologies.  Humankind has been around evolving for close to two hundred thousand years, maybe more?!  Probably one of the least-suppressed texts about ancient goings-on can be found in the Old Testament of the Holy Bible, which probably is one of the more accurate historical and ‘geopolitical’ accounts of those times, citing sovereignties and rulers thereby placing context and accuracy around dates.]

Now here’s the part of that reader’s email I think is where the nail is hit on the head or the “rubber meets the road” about what’s going on now:

This time around the Negative forces seem to be using natural laws against Mankind…such as the law of “free will”.  They have found ways to manipulate & steer Man’s consciousness towards actually demanding their own “poison”.  [Stop and think about that nugget of wisdom.]
