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Our Sheep Are the Best

23-10-2017 < Counter Currents 77 2468 words

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Now and then I encounter fellow travelers who have become fed up with our movement due to what they perceive as the incorrigible stupidity of white people. Let us take stock. Whites are on a fast track to being replaced by some other people (in Europe by black and Arab Muslims, in America by mestizos). Their culture is literally being torn down all around them. They are constantly being demonized and blamed for everyone’s problems. And their spirit (what’s left of it) is being crushed in grossly obvious ways. They are forbidden to have any sense of white identity other than guilt. They are forbidden to object to their replacement (via hate speech laws, social shaming, etc.). Finally, and perhaps most horrifically, they are forced to watch impotently as their women are groped and raped (Cologne, Stockholm), as their children are violated (Rotherham), and as the non-white culprits get off with a slap on the wrist.

Yet the vast majority of whites seem to accept all this, in a manner that is so contemptibly meek and docile it makes me think we need to invent a stronger word than “contempt” to express the probably inexpressible intensity of the loathing I feel for them. And, of course, many whites are not just accepting all the above, they are cheering it along. Indeed, it is whites themselves that are principally responsible for everything that currently threatens their survival, for if we wanted to, we could end this situation overnight. Faced with the enormity of this situation, it is only natural that some of us would conclude that whites are not worth saving, and decide to go and cultivate our own garden.

A British friend, who must remain nameless, dropped out of movement circles in the UK years ago when he had the experience of being literally spat upon by white people at a protest intended to support white people (it was a BNP event, or a skinhead event, or something—I don’t remember now). He dropped political involvement, for the most part (though recently it seems that his political interest is returning). My friend’s reaction is, it must said, both understandable and defensible. If the people you are trying to help not only reject your help but spit on you, it seems reasonable to conclude that they are not worth helping.

And I know many others who are on the cusp of giving up: weary of the ethno-masochism of white folk, of their stubborn unwillingness to take their own side. Again and again these weary warriors invoke the same image: white people are like sheep. This could, in fact, be an insult to sheep: though they may be quite docile in being herded around and led off to the slaughter, at least they haven’t vocally endorsed getting slaughtered. Setting this aside, the problem here is that those who make such a charge are simply expecting too much of their own people. In fact, virtually all people, of whatever race, are sheep.

In the sixth century BC the philosopher Heraclitus said that most people live their lives as if “asleep.” He asked “what understanding or intelligence have they?” and remarked that they “take the mob for their teacher.” A few years later another early philosopher, Parmenides, said that most people were “deaf and blind alike, dazed, hordes without judgment.” More famously, Socrates characterized the people as a big, dumb, sleeping horse that he, as a gadfly, had to sting into wakefulness. And his student Plato spoke of most men as chained in a cave of their own making, taking shadows for real objects, and hating the man who might offer to set them free. If one looks to the philosophers of the East, one finds similar statements (the anonymous authors of the Upanishads, for example, urge men to “wake up!”).

Sheepiness is sleepiness, in short. And it is universal. Pretty much everyone, in every society is a sheep asleep. And one often finds this where one least expects to. For example, most of today’s philosophers and scientists—who are supposed to be men of reason—are sheep. (And one supposes that this has always been true—perhaps the work of the ancient philosopher-sheep has simply not survived because, of course, it didn’t deserve to.) Most smart and educated people are only independent-minded up to a point. Very often they are only willing to ask penetrating questions and entertain heretical thoughts within a limited domain.

For example, Einstein turned classical physics upside down with relativity theory, but in his social and political views he was a mushy Leftist, with headpiece full of straw. Einstein famously said “You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war.” But of course you can: it’s called deterrence, brainiac! For a genius, Einstein was actually pretty dumb. Today’s physicists are even worse. Lots of people evidently want to turn to Stephen Hawking for guidance, figuring that since he’s both a genius in physics and a pitiable gimp he must be positively overflowing with wisdom. But as soon as Hawking stops speaking about physics and starts spouting off about anything else the result is cringeworthy. Perhaps the most overrated intellectual of the last hundred years was Bertrand Russell: a brilliant mathematician who completely sucked as a philosopher, especially when he pronounced on politics. These men exceled within certain fields, but both the depth and the range of their thinking was quite limited.

One of the most disheartening experiences you can have in life is to discover the real limits of people close to you, especially people you looked up to as sagacious. I’ll wager this is an experience every single one of my readers has had. What typically happens is that you spend perhaps years with such a person, awed by their perceptiveness within certain areas, looking to them for guidance. Then one day you ask some question or other, or innocently confront them with a certain fact. And then it is as if a wall goes up, dividing the two of you. You realize that this person you admired has intellectual limits beyond which they fear to go; each has a kind of intellectual Forbidden Zone into which they will not venture. And suddenly you’re seeing them all fleecy and docile.

Only very rarely do we meet individuals who are truly fearless, in that they will ask any question, and draw any conclusion, if that is where the evidence leads them. And some of those people are actually disappointing because they turn out to be spergs. In other words, they’re not boldly venturing into the Forbidden Zone in conscious rebellion against the forces of conformity and damning the hurt feelings of others—rather, they just don’t get the social signals of conformity and hurt feelings. This is why so many men in our movement are spergie (myself included): any forbidden idea will attract lots of spergs, because they are insensitive to the social pressures that make an idea forbidden. (And this is also the reason why so many men who are drawn to our ideas are also drawn—very disappointingly—to kooky conspiracy theories: run as fast as you can from anyone who wants to conjoin White Nationalism with, say, Flat Earth.)

Nevertheless, the spergs are useful—as are, especially, those who are willing consciously to defy orthodoxy and go wherever their minds lead them. And these people, in turn, are the ones who must lead the sheep. You see, it’s no good complaining that white people are sheep. Of course they are. But they are capable of great things when they are herded by the right folks. Unlike real sheep, our “sheep” are not dumb or talentless. No, they are in fact the finest sheep in the world. I would also say that we have more independent thinkers per ovium capita (per sheep head) than any other race. This is why, despite the fact that the vast majority of us are sheep, we have led the world in science, exploring, and every other field. We have more fearless folk willing to venture into the Forbidden Zone. And as for our sheep, though they won’t set off for the Forbidden Zone on their own initiative, they can be persuaded when someone else leads the charge. When this happens, the sheep become more than mere sheep—though, again, this never happens under their own power.

Nevertheless, those of us in North America seem to face a particular challenge. Our sheep seem to be especially sheepy. And this was noticed long ago. Tocqueville in Democracy in America includes a section titled “The Power Exercised by the Majority in America over Thought.” He writes:

I know no country in which, speaking generally, there is less independence of mind and true freedom of discussion than in America. . . . In America the majority has enclosed thought within a formidable fence. A writer is free inside that area, but woe to the man who goes beyond it. . . . Before he goes into print, he believes he has supporters; but he feels that he has them no more once he stands revealed to all, for those who condemn him express their views loudly, while those who think as he does, but without his courage, retreat into silence as if ashamed of having told the truth. . . . Hence the majority lives in a state of perpetual self-adoration; only strangers or experience may be able to bring certain truths to the Americans’ attention.

And more recently D. H. Lawrence wrote “I have never been in a country where the individual has such an abject fear of his fellow countrymen. Because, as I say, they are free to lynch the moment he shows he is not one of them.” (See Derek Hawthorne’s essay “D. H. Lawrence on America” for more information.) Rather than freeing us to speak our minds and go boldly forth into the unknown, democracy (even with our First Amendment) seems to have shut most of us down. And what Tocqueville observed has become even more extreme today, with so many Americans terrified to open their mouths for fear of offending others, and feeling obliged to preface every statement with some disclaimer like “This is just my opinion . . .” Somehow, the idea that everyone has the right to an opinion became the idea that everyone has the right to have their opinion go unchallenged—or even that every opinion is equally right (a.k.a. relativism).

One sees something of the same phenomenon across the pond, no doubt at least partly due to America’s influence. In Europe we see it coupled, disastrously, with certain indigenous phenomena such as “German guilt.” Among the Germans, fear of the majority and of giving offence is coupled with a pernicious ethno-masochism—really, a will to self-annihilation. (A Jewish acquaintance of mine put it succinctly and not, I might add, without sympathy: “They want to die.”) In addition, we see sheepishness and conformity in Europe coupled with suffocating speech laws which can land one in jail for trespassing where thought is verboten. However, for my money there’s something uniquely witless about the conformity and timidity of Americans, even of those who can knock an IQ test out of the park.

In any case, I believe the key to winning over the American sheep (of the white variety, of course) is simply the awakening of more and more of us non-sheep who have the potential to be awakened. If Americans are intimidated by numbers, and afraid to hold minority opinions, then all we can hope for is a “tipping point,” where the sheep start noticing that more and more people are willing to embrace ideas they may be privately drawn to, but are too terrified to express when they feel all alone. Here I have good news: this is now happening. As wretched as our American sheep are, there seems hope for them yet.

Perhaps my being an American surrounded by Americans just makes me loathe the conformity of my own people more intensely, and makes me imagine that somehow white people are a little less ovine elsewhere. (My European readers can certainly weigh in on this issue in the comments section.) But this brings me to an important point, and the one on which I will conclude. If we wish to save our people, not only must we banish the notion that the majority of them can be anything other than sheep, we must also try to . . . gulp . . . love our sheep. This is a case of me asking my readers to do something that I myself find incredibly difficult. It’s hard for me to feel anything other than contempt for the white sheep. Nevertheless, to be a good White Nationalist (and, let us hope, a successful one) I know this is what I have to strive for, and I know that the means for getting there is sympathy. Instead of hating the sheeple I need to feel sorry for them. I need to accept that the majority of my people will always be such, and accept and pity their limitations. I need to see that my people have all sorts of potential—just not for completely unfettered thought. And I need to see that that potential can be actualized under the guidance of the right herdsmen.

Most of all I need to stop—just a little bit—being so damned elitist! After all, this movement is supposed to be all about love of one’s own. In another essay I wrote that the dirty little secret of White Nationalism is that “many of us do not really love our race.” This is something we need to work on. Misanthropy and unrealistic expectations have absolutely no value for us. We even need to get beyond the sort of thinking I’ve seemingly endorsed by my “funny” title, “Our Sheep are the Best.” The reason to love and protect our sheep is NOT that they are the best. It’s that they are OUR sheep. In truth, this is all that needs to be said.

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