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Ex-CIA Clandestine Officer Confirms False Flag Missile Attack Upon Hawaii

22-1-2018 < The Common Sense Show 72 1147 words

The Hawaiian Islands “incoming missile” alert, which was officially downgraded to a “mistake”, was  supposedly made due to an inattentive worker that happened during a shift change. That explanation is total Bravo Sierra. As I previously reported on a broadcast on The Common Sense Show Youtube channel, the process to deliver a warning of this magnitude is a 5 step process, involving two humans, with keys, turning the mechanism to release the information at the same time. The key mounts are eight feet apart. An accident is impossible. Within hours of the event, and because I was able to quickly gather information to demonstrate that the Hawaiian event was no accident, and ex-CIA Robert David Steele was able to confirm the information.

In the following video, Lisa Haven also reported on this issue and she clearly states that her sources confirmed that the process to warn the public of an incoming threat is a 5 step process. Not only that, Lisa reduces the odds that this was some big coincidence because the same thing happened in Japan on the following day. When one does the work that Lisa and myself do on an ongoing basis, one comes to realize that coincidences are few and far between. Here is Lisa Haven’s report on this matter:

I also have confirmed this 5 step process with multiple people including one who will go on the record, and that person is former CIA clandestine officer, Robert David Steele. In addition, The Common Sense Show has learned that AFPAC’s warning system also broadcast the same warning at the same time and that this system is independent of the Hawaiian warning system. The government and the Governor of Hawaii are both lying to the people!

Multiple people, approximately 100 nautical miles from the Hawaiian Islands saw a flash of light following an explosion in the air.  The time frame fits the Hawaiian warning of an incoming missile. The witnesses included a boating expedition of about 10 people. Further, there are multiple accounts in the Islands of seeing the flash of light (ie explosion).

Yesterday, I interviewed Robert David Steele, who served for years in the clandestine service portion of the CIA. Among many subjects, we discussed the Hawaiian missile alert. He confirms the process of alerting the public to an imminent event and this warning is, as I have stated, a 5 step process and an accident of the type being described by the Hawaiian governor is not possible. The Governor is lying to the citizens of Hawaii.

In the interview, Steele is crystal clear in saying that this was a false flag attack designed to blame North  Korea and start World War III.

One should realize that the “attack” upon Hawaii and later Japan happened very shortly after is was announced that the two Korea’s would march under the same flag and form a joint hockey team. This development is being undertated in the mainstream media. This development is monumental in its implication because this represents two nations who are saying no to World War III.

It is not likely that the hockey coach and Olympic contingent from both nations called each other said let’s be friends. This development was generated at a much higher level. I have been told that the President’s’ of China and the US agreed to and encouraged this development.  And as I have previously covered on The Common Sense Show, this means that in actuality, none of the principals in the ongoing events related to NK’s nuclear missiles want World War III. Given what we know about the situation, it seems very likely that rogue elements of the globalists launched a missile at both Japan and Hawaii, both were taken down, and the attempted false flag events designed to start World War III were averted for the time being. I covered these possibilities in the following interview:

It is going to be a wild ride because the globalists don’t passively accept defeat. There will undoubtedly be  more provocations designed to start World War III as the globalists search for the right combination of events to have their (WW I) Archduke Francis Ferdinand moment.

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