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Christianity Inverted

24-1-2018 < Counter Currents 82 3570 words

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“Why shouldn’t truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all has to make sense.”
– Mark Twain

Michael Hoffman
The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome
Coeur d’Alene: Independent History and Research, 2017

Not many people would disagree with the claim that the old grey mare of Christianity is not what it used to be but few could tell with any accuracy what exactly went wrong. Michael Hoffman is one of those few. His latest book, The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome tells the tale of how Christianity was infiltrated and molded into a Judeo-Christian organism.

I myself grew up believing I was a Christian, never suspecting I was something else. They told me I was a Christian living in a Christian country and as a boy I unquestionably believed them. Christian society is supposed to be one of order, harmony, and social cohesion but as I left my childhood behind I could see that society was, and is, coming apart at the seams. The faith that twice stopped an Islamic invasion of Europe, retook Spain, and confined the Jews to the ghetto now welcomes Islamics as brothers and adores the Christ-denying Jew as its elder brother. The church itself at the highest levels is schizophrenic and undermining the Christendom it is supposed to serve and protect. Emma Bonino, for example, who in 2013 was appointed to the office of Italy’s foreign minister was an abortionist who contributed to the death of roughly six million Italian babies and yet in 2017 was recognized as a “forgotten great”[1] by Pope Francis for her work with helping settle half a million “refugees” in an effort to overcome the demographic crisis Italy is facing. A demographic crisis she helped create.

North America came into being after the Reformation but the Catholic Church was the dominant factor molding the white world for 1500 years and today still sets the course for a world full of wandering, disillusioned, non-practicing Christians. Nobody really cares what the Anglicans think (do we really want to know?) or the Baptists or any other denomination but we still give some thought to the latest utterances from the pope. The Protestants spun off from Rome and in the process weakened the mother church and gradually lost influence themselves as they continued to fracture and divide until Christianity was upside down and today, as Andrew Fraser would say, we now find Christ in “the other.”

Michael Jones’s The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit backs Hoffman’s claim that the revolution was Jewish. Jones stated that the first leaders of the Protestant sects were half-Jewish[2] and that the Puritan rejection of the church could be traced to the Jewish rejection of our suffering Christ.[3]. Jones himself has an ally in Samuel Butler who in 1626 denounced Britain’s Royal Society as practitioners of Jewish science.[4] The revolution was total.

The Protestant revolution damaged the developing cohesiveness of Europe. The rules of war developed by the church were actually civilizing the practice but as F.J.P. Veale in his book Advance to Barbarianism demonstrated, the American Indian Wars set war back on the path to today’s “total war” where civilian targets are fair game. Jones added that the descent into modern war really began at Culloden in 1746 but was later refined on this side of the Atlantic.

The monasteries during the medieval period were a major factor in building Europe as the monks cleared the land, farmed it, then rented it out to the people the monasteries attracted into the once wilderness. Back then we clustered around monasteries and cathedrals the way today we cluster around shopping malls, having traded the next life for this life. The monks and nuns also preserved the culture as the monasteries acted as centers for the arts and learning. The protestant writer William Cobbett wrote that the Reformation was the revolt of the rich against the poor and was the origin of much of today’s social evils. He wrote that it was not a reformation but a devastation of England which was once probably the happiest country that the world had ever seen but was now impoverished and degraded. The old English hospitality was banished and replaced by pauperism.[5].

If I understand Hoffman correctly, the church was slowly corrupted by the Talmud until a dual church reigned over its flock: “One visible for the well intentioned but sadly ignorant and bamboozled priests and parishioners,”[6] and for the insiders a “diabolic, led by numerous popes who were either active conspirators or mute accomplices to the covert, escalation of magic, homosexual predation on children, usurious money power and lying and deceit.”[7] The ruling elite in the Vatican worship Hermes Trismegistus while the parishioners and priests worship Jesus Christ. Hermes Trismegistus is “identified with the Ibis god Thoth…the inspiration of all philosophy and religion that followed him,”[8] which could explain why from the Renaissance on the goal of the Talmudic Vatican has been “to rethink the relationship between Christianity and the other great world religions.”[9] Pope Benedict XVI declared that, “the significance of Hermes for the Renaissance Christian could not have been announced more triumphantly than by his depiction in marble at the very threshold of the great cathedral in Sienna in 1482.”[10] Pope Pius X declared, “Here it is well to note at once that, given the doctrine of experience united with that of symbolism, every religion, even that of paganism, must be held to be true.”[11]

Hoffman is quite certain that the corruption of the church began with the introduction of the Talmud. The apostate Jew, Nicholas Donin, who became a Christian in 1236 brought the Talmud to the attention of Pope Gregory IX and until then Christianity was unaware of what the Jews really believed. Both Donin and Pfefferkorn argued for burning the Talmud to help free their fellow Jews.[12] E. Michael Jones also asserted that Donin was an apostate Jew who first brought the Talmud to the attention of the Church with the result that Jews became regarded as social revolutionaries.[13] While Donin and Pfefferkorn are regarded as genuine converts to the faith not all Jews were as honest with the result that the lines between Christians and Jews became blurred in doctrinally and socially dangerous ways.[14] The insincere Jewish converts to Christianity made subversion and deceit a way of life with the consequence being that there was no cure for Marranos except expulsion or extermination.[15] Pinpointing the Jews as the problem would give rise to the easy solution except that the Pfefferkorn/Reuchlin affair complicates the matter. The converted Jew Pfefferkorn had defended the Christian faith while the Aryan Christian Reuchlin attacked the faith and defended the Talmud. But then the bible does say that the love of money is the root of all evil; not the modern love of the Jew.

The Reuchlin affair came about under Pope Leo X (1513 – 1521). Reuchlin was the prime mover in the campaign for the improvement of the political and legal status of the Jewish person.[16] Reuchlin not only regarded the Thomistic inheritance of the church as a barbaric and uncultivated philosophy but developed further the introduction of the Talmud into the church where it became important in ceremonial magic. A further step away from Thomas Aquinas was taken by Elizabeth May’s Tories when they voted that animals have no feelings which was a giant step forward for factory farming and another nail in the coffin for Christianity and the health of the everyday Brit. According to Hoffman this paragon of the Renaissance and professor at Tubingen University had a Jewish handler named Rabbi Joel of Rosheim.[17] Reuchlin lied “repeatedly and knowingly”[18] and he succeeded because the cryptocracy in the Vatican, as Hoffman calls the insiders, created for him a celebrity victim status like that of Galileo which has proved difficult to correct factually.[19] Reuchlin was the only one to explicitly defend the Talmud. Archbishop Uriel, who was in debt to the Jewish moneylender Weissenau, stopped Pfefferkorn from burning the Vatican’s new bible.[20] Hoffman also suggested that Pope Leo X was influenced by his Jewish physician to go against Pfefferkorn.[21] But for whatever reason, Pope Leo X did save the Talmud and allowed the van Bombergens of Antwerp to establish the first Catholic printing press in Rome who with the help of the pseudo convert to Christianity, Felix Pratensis,[22] printed the first complete Babylonian Talmud. The door was open and the Catholic printing house of Giovanni di Gara in Venice of 1594 printed Rabbi Judah Halevy’s anti Christian Kuzari.[23] During the Renaissance the Church of Rome was responsible for the diffusion and popularization of the Talmud and Kabbalah throughout Europe and the Middle East.[24]

Hoffman observed that prior to the Renaissance public nudity in art was a sign of shame. An example would be Giotto’s nudes in his The Last Judgment at Padua Arena Chapel which only served to heighten the sense of shame and degradation whereas Michelangelo’s nudes in the Sistine chapel verge on the erotic. The contrast is that for Giotto, a product of pre-Renaissance Christianity, nudity is mainly a sign of disorder and damnation, whereas for Michelangelo, a product of the Renaissance, the public nudity at the Sistine Chapel is a way of expressing the belief that we can in this life return to Eden.[25]

The Sistine Chapel is famed for its beautiful Michelangelo paintings but his sexualization of Christ overturned the order of the previous 1,500 years. As Hoffman wrote, “What passes for Catholic art in the Renaissance by Michelangelo, Botticelli, Pinturicchio, and others, is part of a disguise at the heart of the Neoplatonic attitude of contempt for the common man…the common people have no right to the truth, which is reserved for the elite alone, as Giovanni Pico della Mirandola stated, just as the secret magic we first described from Orpheus’ hymns is not to be explained in public.”[26] Hoffman then quoted Edith Balas who wrote that “Michelangelo’s works were indeed of pagan inspiration and like other masterpieces of the Renaissance were designed specially for initiates into pagan theology and Neoplatonic thought.”[27] Hoffman further reinforced his claim by quoting the art expert Edgar Wind who wrote, “They were designed for initiates; hence they require an initiation.[28] So although the Sistine Chapel is regarded as the holiest sanctuary in Christendom its paintings transform it into the realm of Plato, not Jesus Christ.

According to Hoffman the western imperium has two phases of time; the time of keeping secrets and the time of revealing them.[29] It appears that the time of revelation is at hand for what would have shocked and outraged our ancestors barely elicits a shrug now. John Paul 2nd was the first pope to openly display the hidden machinations of the inner sanctum of the church when he publicly embraced Talmudic-Judaism in the synagogue in Rome, voodoo in Benin, Islam’s Koran, the congress of world religions at Assisi and the Aztec rites during his pilgrimage to Mexico. [30] John Paul 2nd was also the pope who described the Sistine chapel as the “sanctuary of the Theology of the Body.”[31] Pope Benedict XVI affirmed that sentiment when he declared that, “the significance of Hermes for the Renaissance Christian could not have been announced more triumphantly than by his depiction in marble at the very threshold of the great cathedral at Siena, in 1482.”[32] The canonization of John Paul 2nd and the fact that the pagan rites were performed “before the eyes of the Catholic world in the twenty-first century demonstrates the success of the occult transmutation process in that we are all initiates now.[33]

Along with paganism entering into and dominating Christianity came the lies and deception. Alphonsus Liguori was instrumental in debasing the Catholics in the same way the Kol Nidri has debased the Jew. Protestants didn’t escape Hoffman’s wrath either for he quoted Milton as saying, “what man in his senses would deny, that there are those whom we have the best grounds for considering that we ought to deceive.” And he added that the great English authors, such as Jeremy Taylor, Milton, Paley, Johnson, men of very distinct schools of thought, distinctly, say that under certain circumstances it is allowable to say a lie.[34]

The new attitude was a revolutionary break with Jesus’ command of “let your yes be yes and your no be no.” First among the Catholics, and later among the Protestants, a rabbinic type of escape clause was created during the Renaissance to justify deceptive speech.[35] The purpose of deceptive speech with the rabbis was to deceive the goyim but with the priests and ministers it was to deceive their own people, at least the ones they regarded as beneath them socially which would be you and I, the 99%. Not only is lying acceptable but according to Rev Cox Liguori taught 30 different ways to lie.[36] By way of contrast the Benedictine monk, John Barnes wrote in 1625 that, “You should not lie even to save your life.”[37] For his efforts Liguori was elevated to the sainthood, appointed a Doctor of the Church, promoted to the office of a heavenly patron of confessors and declared a teacher of moral theology. Six times in his Homo Apostolicus and 16 times in Theologia Moralis Liguori laid down the principle that as soon as a man is reduced to extreme poverty all goods become common and that the thief has a right to what belongs to others.[38] The Christian aspect is that our Redeemer taught his followers to watch for two characteristics of the devil: that he was a murderer from the beginning who abode not in the truth because the truth is not in him and when he speaketh a lie he speaketh of his own for he is a liar and the father of it. (John 8:44)

For the church to inculcate in the mind of the aristocrat that he could seduce a maiden with the promise of marriage then abandon her and still be a good Christian, and that commoners had no right to question their social betters, put the organic unity of society in jeopardy. This self-serving elitist attitude came in with the Renaissance when the ancient Pharaonic leadership pyramid came in more fully and taught that error is more likely found among the people at the bottom while the truth and rectitude is found among those at the top.[39] The atrophy of Christian reasoning has led to the infallible papacy which according to Hoffman has since the Renaissance been the engine of transformation of the ecclesia from the Catholic Bride of Christ to the papal Judas of Christ.

The end result of the church adopting the Talmud was to dethrone Jesus Christ and through the mechanism of the holocaust to replace him as an object of worship with the Jewish people. It was on March 12, 1998 that John Paul’s declaration, The Tragedy of the Shoah and the duty of Remembrance Concerning the Suffering of the “Jews” under the Nazis, was published. The pope’s declaration confirmed the belief of the Talmud that only the Jews are fully and completely human.[40] The document calls for a “moral and religious memory”[41] or as Hoffman so succinctly put it where research conflicts with a religious memory of WW2 the research is discarded. Ratzinger before he became pope wrote The Jewish People and their Sacred Scriptures in the Christian Bible in which he said, “Christians can, nevertheless, learn much from Jewish exegesis practiced for more than two thousand years.”[42] Perhaps the popes are right and that we should read about the delusions, lies and blasphemies against Jesus and Mary and the contempt for non-Jews in such books as the Talmud, the Midrash and the Kabbalah. As Hoffman sees it holocaustianity became the alibi for the completion of that which was launched at the Renaissance as authentic Christian teaching on rabbinic Judaism and the Talmud was overthrown.

A knock on effect of promoting the Talmud in the church is the now common referral to the Jews as our elder brothers in the faith. John Paul II is given the credit (here) for first using the term “elder brothers.”[43] However, the Talmudic Jews utterly reject Jesus so John Paul II could not have been referring to the Christian faith when he described the Jews as “our” elder brothers. All that having the Jews as our elder brother and sisters has achieved is to place Calvary subservient to Auschwitz. John Paul II’s “elder brothers” declaration, confirmed by the future pope Benedict, is predicated on the overthrow of the Biblical teaching of the Christian’s exclusive covenantal relationship with God.

Obsessed as the Christian leadership is with stamping out anti-Semitism not one word is ever spoken about anti-Gentilism. Besides, God often preferred the younger brother to the elder as in Abel and Cain but most spectacularly of all when Christian freedom was identified with Isaac (Galatians 4:28-30) and the elder half-brother Ishmael was cast out into the desert and the son of the free woman and the son of the bond woman went their separate ways – until today’s church and government decided to join together what God had separated.

The ancient war against Christ continues to this day by way of deception and intrigue by the rabbis and indifference by the followers of Christ as covered by Hoffman’s The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome. Not content with overthrowing God himself the rabbis wish to enthrone their people in his place. The whole process rather reminds me of one of those old movies where not content with capturing the treasures of the nation the man wanted to be God himself and we all know how that ended. And now we get to watch in real life. It’s not logical, as Spock would say. But then, truth is stranger than fiction. Enjoy!


[1] Faithful Insight. Vol. 3 Issue 7. September 2017, Toronto. P3.

[2] E. Michael Jones, The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit (Fidelity Press, South Bend Indiana, 2008), p. 341.

[3] Ibid., p. 426.

[4] Ibid., p. 495.

[5] Cobbett, William. A History of Protestant Reformation in England and Ireland (Tan Books and ublishers, Rockford, Illinois), p. 30.

[6] Michael Hoffman, The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome (Independent History and Research, Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho), 2017. p. 255.

[7] Ibid., p. 255.

[8] Ibid., p. 81.

[9] Ibid., p. 82.

[10] Ibid., p. 369.

[11] Ibid., p. 363.

[12] Ibid., p. 280.

[13] Ibid., p. 119.

[14] Ibid., p. 203.

[15] Ibid., p. 206.

[16] Ibid., p. 259.

[17] Ibid., p. 259.

[18] Ibid., p. 275.

[19] Ibid., p. 275.

[20] Ibid. p. 384.

[21] Ibid., p. 282.

[22] Ibid., p. 288.

[23] Ibid., p. 292.

[24] Ibid., p. 293.

[25] Ibid., p. 626.

[26] Ibid., p. 356.

[27] Ibid. p. 356.

[28] Ibid., p. 357.

[29] Ibid. p. 357.

[30] Ibid., p. 357.

[31] Ibid., p. 369.

[32] Ibid., p. 369.

[33] Ibid., p. 360.

[34] Ibid., p. 446.

[35] Ibid., p. 410

[36] Ibid., p. 435.

[37] Ibid,. p. 423.

[38] Ibid,. p. 468.

[39] Ibid., p. 465.

[40] Ibid., p. 549.

[41] Ibid., p. 550.

[42] Ibid., p. 553.

[43] Ibid,. p. 476.

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