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Big Bone, Weener & Titz: Pornhub offers lifetime premium access to 50 towns with dirty names

28-3-2018 < RT 65 195 words

Dozens of towns across the world may now find that their smutty names have become an asset: Pornhub is offering them lifetime subscriptions. The porn video giant has also produced an erotic map of the world.

The popular porn website says it is rewarding the inhabitants of towns whose sexually suggestive names make strangers giggle and constantly make fun of them, with unlimited lifetime access through its ‘Premium Places’ initiative to make up for “years of mockery.”

“Women of Anus, men of Orgy, let’s show these pranksters that living in Anus and Orgy is nothing to be ashamed of. It’s a privilege, everybody enjoys sex and porn, so let’s make everybody jealous,” a Pornhub promotional video announces.

From Hairy Hill and Dildo in Canada, or French Lick in the US, to Penistone, UK or Gay, Russia, there are around 50 “blessed” destinations, and Pornhub has pinned these to a map on its website.

While some may consider moving to Threeway or Horneytown, the website is also calling on the public to suggest names its promo may have missed.
