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Counter-Currents Under Attack!

11-5-2018 < Counter Currents 58 1220 words

802 words

Over the past few days, Counter-Currents suffered its worst DDoS attack ever. Basically, antifa with access to (((virtually unlimited resources))) flooded the website with page view and search requests until it was impossible for normal people to read the site. Fortunately, Mike Polignano, with a lot of help from our friends, managed to put new counter-measures in place, and things are going back to normal.

Unfortunately, there has been some collateral damage. We have had to ban the ip addresses that have tried to get into the site the most. That includes the attackers, of course. But it also includes our most loyal readers. For a short time, that even included me and John Morgan. So if you are getting a message saying that you have been ip banned, please write to Mike Polignano at [email protected] and ask to placed on our Huhwyte List. He’ll be able to look at your web traffic and determine if you are legit. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

Another bit of bad news is the apparent failure of Maker Support, which has not been charging donors or paying out pledges for a while now. If you have an account supporting me at Maker Support (, please consider shutting it down and signing up for a credit card donation on our Donate page.

These sorts of attacks remind us of how vulnerable we all are.

After NPI and were basically chased off the internet, I figured the forces of evil would turn their attention elsewhere. First, The Daily Stormer and The Right Stuff were targeted by the same DDoS attackers. Then they came for Counter-Currents.

Basically, these people are not going to stop until we are driven off the internet and have to go back to the days of mailing checks to PO Boxes.

Unless we do something about it.

Fortunately, we can do something about it. We are doing something about it. We are learning new ways to secure our sites and domains. We are exploring different ways to take online payments. Because people are really wedded to online payments. People are so wedded to PayPal that when they deplatformed us last summer after Charlottesville, a lot of our monthly donors simply disappeared. I have a horrible vision of them telling their mulatto grandchildren someday that “We could have saved the white race, but unfortunately, the resistance didn’t take PayPal. So we bought stuff on Ebay instead.”

Winter is coming for white advocacy. White people plan for winters. We need to invest in our movement today if we expect it to survive.

Normally, I would ask you all to sign up for a monthly donation on your credit card. But after the failures of Hatreon and Maker Support (which were strangled by credit card processors for political reasons), it would be foolish to think that the same thing will not happen to us.

So if you want to make a monthly pledge, please do so.

But I would prefer that you decide on a comfortable monthly pledge, multiply it by 12, and make a single donation today.

Yes, things have gotten that dicey.

I am typing this with a sense of urgency, because I have literally seen friends on Facebook melt into nothingness in the middle of text chats, as their accounts have been suspended or outright cancelled for thought-crime. I don’t want you to have the same experience at Counter-Currents.

Counter-Currents, like most journals of dissident ideas, is dependent upon donations. The main focus of our effort is our webzine, which reaches a vastly larger audience than our books, which basically break even. What keeps the webzine afloat and reaching more than 150,000 unique visitors a month are your donations.

More than a million unique visitors read Counter-Currents in 2017, but fewer than 400 of them made donations to keep it going. The rest were free riders. Were you one of them, dear reader?

Don’t let the censors and deplatformers win. Support Counter-Currents today.

There are two ways you can support Counter-Currents:

  • First, you can make is a single donation of any size.

  • Second, you can make a recurring donation of any size.

Recurring donations are particularly helpful, since they allow us better to predict and plan for the future. Please use the secure online form below.

  • NOTE: If you want to give only a monthly donation, enter that amount in the monthly donation box and 0.00 in the one-time donation box.

You may also send check, money order, or credit card payment by mail. Just print out our donation form in Word or PDF. Our address is:

PO Box 22638
San Francisco, CA 94122

Counter-Currents also takes Bitcoin.

Our Bitcoin address is: 1ChE5DZVVZJpv8mnJ3fRrtSDrTikBh7uFL

Please give generously!

Note: Donations to Counter-Currents and North American New Right are not tax deductible. Real change never is!

Remember: those who fight for the Golden Age live in it today. Thank you for your support.

Greg Johnson
Counter-Currents Publishing, Ltd.
& North American New Right

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