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What I Would Tell My 22-Year-Old Self

9-6-2018 < Humans Are Free 71 878 words
Hi there!

Today I have a fun, short article for you. A couple of weeks ago I received an email from a 22 year old guy asking what guidance I can give him on his journey of spiritual self-discovery.

Of course, I didn’t write back because that’s how I roll…

Seriously though, I was just getting back from vacation and had a huge email back log, so I didn’t reply. Then a week or so later he wrote in again with a little more information, and his energy was very open and sincere, so I decided to write back to him at some point.

A week later, it finally happened! I had just finished a session and I replied to him from a wonderful, universally-connected flow state. By the end of the email, I felt I should share with you as well.

How about you, though? If you could give advice to your 22 year old self, what would it be? Please leave a comment below.

Hi there (name withheld),

I’m glad you wrote in again, as I have too many emails to handle, and very few get a reply.

I do encourage you to do Self-Clearing System Level 2, then Level 3. After level 3, follow your intuition for whether you want to do the Manifest Clearly Master Class or Level 4.

Technically, you could jump right to Manifest Clearly at any time, because I organized it to be accessible to anyone at any point in their journey.

You’re at a great age, in a great time in human history to contribute to the awakening of many people over the course of your life. So here are some things that I would have dearly liked to know at age 22.

1: Avoid all channeled information, and definitely don’t open yourself up to channeling

You will of course be presented with some good truths in channeled materials, but they will be limited, distorted and organized in a way to keep you locked in a slightly larger box than you were in before.

More details can be found in my two “No Longer a Lightworker” articles from 2013.

I still get questions from people asking if I think this or that channeled source is valid. My answer is always the same: NOPE!

2: Delusional positivity is never useful.  Do not suppress any “negative emotions”

Don’t hide from your own shadow content or try to cover it up with positive thinking.  When the darkness is welling up from the depths of your subconscious, dive in and get to work.

3: The best teachers have been through at least one “dark night of the soul

They may not always talk about their dark night experiences, but you can hear and feel it in the depth of their communication and their ability to have compassion and understanding for people who are currently struggling with their own shadow content.

My first “dark night” was when I was 12, with three more at ages 17, 21 and 32. They were incredibly difficult, but I am grateful for the growth that came from them.

4: Make sure that whoever you are learning from lives according to their teachings

I believe that all spiritual information has to be tested in the laboratory of “real life” so that it’s not just philosophy without any practical application. 

Many people are teaching philosophy that they have not tested, nor have they themselves been tested as to the strength of their resolve.

5: Be patient with your journey.  Share and teach when you feel the deep desire to do so, and not one minute sooner

Spend the time necessary to learn useful tools and use them to work on yourself. Realize that your journey may take years to mature to a level where you are ready to lend guidance to others.

Give yourself plenty of space to enjoy your life, too! You don’t have to work on yourself every single day and deny yourself new experiences.

Be curious, explore, travel, meet new people, fall in love, experience heartbreak, make mistakes, apologize, take responsibility for all of your actions, share your experiences with those who have the ears to hear.

One day you will “just know” that you are ready to take on the responsibility of teaching what you know to others. At the same time, don’t delay unnecessarily. You don’t have to be perfect to be a great help to others. In fact…

6: You will never be perfect, so stop trying to be

Focus on being your most authentic self, even if people in your life tell you that you “should” be something else. Those people are probably not authentic themselves, so don’t let them control you.

7: Live your life in integrity and authenticity, and take care of yourself before you attempt to help someone else solve their problems

Do not compromise yourself in order to make someone else feel better about themselves. Insecure people will try to keep you down at their level, and you will probably need to walk away from them so that you can rise to the level of your own highest potential.

There is a lot more I could say, of course, but I divulge just about everything that I know in my various classes, which are all available online.

Much Love,
Cameron Day
