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‘Sperm Sandwich’ Advocate Trevor Noah Is a Poster Child for the Mentally Ill Left

30-6-2018 < The Common Sense Show 94 1985 words

We often hear that liberalism is the product of a mentally ill mind. It is true and Trevor Noah’s sperm sandwich comment is a prime example

On a recent episode of Comedy Central, host Trevor Noah stated the following:

A Virginia restaurant tossed Sarah Huckabee Sanders out and refused her service. I know you guys are cheering, but I’m sorry, I think that was the wrong thing to do. I think what the restaurant should have done is treated her the same way she treats the press. Yeah, they should have just brought her an empty plate and then when she goes, ‘Where is my food?’ you go, ‘Oh, it’s right there.’

Noah’s original statement appears to be quite reasonable. However, a liberal cannot remain reasonable for long and Noah followed up with this:

 …that Sarah Sanders being heckled and refused service was probably the “nicest thing” that could’ve happened — the alternative being that the chefs could’ve (“jizzed”) ejaculated in her food.

In other words, Trevor Noah thinks it funny that the Red Hen could have served Sarah Sanders a sperm sandwich. This is how far the mentally ill liberal left has sunk.

This article, in part, will explain some of the common mental illnesses of the left. Noah’s statement is typical of what I would expect t find in a psychologically damaged person and this article addresses my perception of what I believe are his psychological shortcomings that are common to the left.

Who is Trevor Noah? He was born in 1984 (how appropriate) in Soweto, South Africa. His birth was illegal and violated South Africa’s interracial relationship laws as his father was white and his mother was black. He was the living, breathing, obvious example of being an illegal birth. One can only imagine the extent of bullying, derision and psychological pain that Noah must have experienced because of his background. One might even be tempted to identify and empathize with his presumed childhood plight, until his recent insensitive antics took center stage. However, his sperm sandwich comment goes beyond all civility.

I made the point recently, that most hard core liberals have psychologically deprived backgrounds which causes them to invoke defense mechanisms which causes them to seek power over others and develop a “wounded” world view which causes them to express the depths of their psychologically damaged personality.

From my early days of working in a comedy club and getting to know many comedians, like Trevor Noah, I can tell you that many of them have large psychological scars from their damaged backgrounds. Psychologists would diagnose many comedians as utilizing the defense mechanism of “reaction formation” which is a defense mechanism in which the person, to escape psychological pain, will act out in a manner in which they act the opposite of the way that they really feel. This is the camouflage of the liberal left where they pretend to champion liberal causes on behalf of an underdog, when in fact, they are exercising power over others that have achieved legitimate success and they are trying to get the achievers of society to pay for these often phony liberal causes.  This gives the liberal a sense of entitlement to act out against the successful among us and take what is not theirs. This helps to restore feelings of power to the liberal that they lacked in their deprived childhoods which are typically characterized by neglect.

A case in point:  Arizona is undergoing a case in point for this mentality. Arizona’s teachers are trying to enact a horrific tax on incomes over $250, 000 to fund education. The teacher leadership is not going after the corporations that make more money than God. The liberals seek to bring harm to those who are legitimately successful. This is the liberal socialist mentality, which is to rob from the successful and redistribute the wealth to those that have not earned it. This is why California and Illinois are losing vast amounts of their population because this theme is being acted out in these two states. If passed, this will erode the tax base of Arizona and new corporations will not come to Arizona and negative job growth will result and liberal millennials will have to spend even more years living in their parent’s basements.

The most common form of reaction formation for comedians stems from the fact that many comedians are painfully shy and I believe that this is the case for Trevor Noah. Their apparent “outgoing” personality is the opposite of their true nature. The most famous, although not isolated example of this phenomenon is the former and famous host of the Tonight Show, Johnny Carson who was reportedly very shy, painfully shy.

The other psychological defense mechanism we see employed by most liberals is displacement. In the deprived psychological environment that characterizes so many liberals, they are typically angry at the world. And they often seek to inflict pain on the successful because they are angry. This defense mechanism is called displacement. When Trevor Noah “joked” about a sperm sandwich that should have been coming Sarah Sanders way, he is expressing some very deep-rooted anger from his scarred background, no doubt stemming from is negative apartheid experiences. Noah is the poster child for the underlying and seething anger of the left. They just don’t want to dominate the political narrative, they seek to inflict pain on a personal level to those who have experienced success. This is what fundamentally causes liberals to lack respect for the rule of law and just old-fashioned human decency. They seek to hurt successful people and to tear down the pillars of society.

The use of these defense mechanisms cause Liberals to be very inconsistent with their world view because their world view makes no sense. Liberals  will speak out against separating children from their parents at the border, but they will ban you from their social media platforms for discussing the heinous crime of child-sex-trafficking. Why doesn’t CNN cover this? Herein lies another defense mechanism employed by the mentally ill left. This  defense mechanism is called rationalization. The left uses their self-contrived and often invented self-indignation as the excuse to justify inflicting pain on others. Rationalization is defined as making excuses to justify one’s actions. Because Sarah Sanders works for a President who wants our existing immigration laws enforced. subsequently, in the eyes of a liberal, this somehow gives license to the liberal left to victimize Sanders and her family. This is also the well-spring of almost all genocide, both past and present in a “they deserved it mentality”.

I recently heard an interview on CNN in which the perceived and exaggerated treatment of immigrants was used as the rationalization to harass the members of the Trump administration and anyone other “Nazi” who would dare support any aspect of his “make America great again” plan.

Does not Mad Max Waters represent all of these reprehensible traits discussed here in the article? Nancy Pelosi? Elizabeth Warren? It is not an accident that in the work, Enemies Within, in which Trevor Louden identified 80 Democrats who are members of front groups for the Muslim Brotherhood and the American communist party, represent this world view characterized by mental illness. And what characterizes these groups? The desire to exercise power over others through pain and wealth redistribution.

There is a final defense mechanism that liberals often employ. Because of their psychologically deprived background, we frequently see use of the defense mechanism called overcompensation. This is where an individual will perceive some personal deficiency (eg lack of academic success) and then seek to excel in another area (eg athletic prowess). In the case of a mentally ill liberal, their lack of personal success and acceptance from their peers, in their collective childhoods, leads them to excel in other areas, namely, liberal causes which frequently inflicts pain on successful people.

Liberals are largely representative of people who have been psychologically wounded by life and they spend their adult life getting back at the very power structure that they blame for their psychological pain as a result of their own personal shortcomings.

Why do liberals not respect the sanctity of life (eg late-term abortions)? Their psychological pain keeps them from feeling empathy by the youngest members of our society as they are torn apart limb by limb for their body parts. Do I need to point out the reaction formation of liberal females who are overcompensating for their perceived personal rejection. Beautiful women come in all shapes and sizes and I don’t typically promote stereotypes, but ask a non-liberal male about the appearance of many liberal females. Many times, it borders on bizarre. The same can be said for the emasculated males who grew up expecting trophies for participation, instead of achievement. And when achievement does not come, liberal causes designed to illegitimately redistribute wealth becomes a frequent mantra from the left.

On the surface, liberal causes makes no sense. Their behavior makes no sense until one realizes that we are dealing with damaged individuals whose internal anger causes them to seek to bring harm others under the guise of performing some twisted form of justice (ie social justice).

At the end of the day, these psychologically impaired people make good warriors for global elite. They are actively working to tear down the family, destroying Christianity and taking down America on behalf of the elite who want one-world government that the elite controls. In short, at the end of the day, liberals again find themselves being abused as they are relegated to the role of useful idiots for the express purposes of the Satanic mentality that underlies those who would subjugate all of  us on a global scale.

Trevor Noah is one of the poster children for the mentally ill left that are being enslaved by the dark forces seeking to rule this planet. I am sorry for the pain he must have endured in Apartheid South Africa. However, my empathy ends at his callous calls for victimizing others. These useful idiots would do well to examine the fate of people like the Brown-shirts of Nazi Germany. Their fate is the fate of useful idiots. If and when the global elite ever seizes total control over the planet, they will have no use for liberals. Being a liberal will have a very short shelf-life under the New World Order’s authority where a rebellious and psychologically damaged mind will not be tolerated by a totalitarian regime. Enjoy your 15 minutes of fame Trevor Noah because the come crash and burn will be very painful if the globalists you are serving ever get their way.


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