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Do Not Be Afraid #NewQ #QAnon #GreatAwakening

30-6-2018 < SGT Report 222 4011 words

from Neon Revolt:

I’m arriving at these #QAnon drops a little later than I would like, but… so much has gone on, both on the boards in terms of the sheer amount of research these drops required, and in my own life. Especially in my own life.

I’ll let you in on one incident from the past two days.

See, I made a discovery late last night when I was about to take a drive out to a local convenience store. I got to my car, unlocked the door, and was about to step inside when I saw something that made me recoil.

Mouse turds.

Little disgusting mouse turds scattered like brown sprinkles over an ice cream sundae, just everywhere.

Now before you think I’m some kind of filthy degenerate, know that my car, while still an older lumbering land-yacht, is kept pretty clean. There is most certainly NO food whatsoever in the vehicle. The worst I had in there were a few old receipts, and a pair of old work jeans. But instead of plopping my behind down in the bucket seat and driving off to get a pint of Halotop for this very hot summer day, I donned a pair of rubber gloves and got to the task of disinfecting the interior of my car, hoping this was an odd, one-time issue.

No food sources meant the mice wouldn’t come back, right?


Well, wouldn’t you know it! When I opened my door this morning, my little furry friends had decided to once again make themselves at home during the night.  How they got in, I don’t know, but I will say it must have been fewer mice, because there was much less mess this time.

Still, these interlopers had to be dealt with!

And so, I spent the better part of four sweaty hours detailing every crack and crevice, Lysol-ing and Chlorox-ing every surface found on the two-tons of steel on wheels sitting in my driveway, before power-washing the whole thing (because hey, I was already there. Might as well get an exterior wash in as well). There were, as I said, no potential food sources uncovered, so the only reason I can imagine why they would take up residence in my vehicle is for shelter. Mice have to live somewhere too, I suppose.

Still, I can’t have mice using my vehicle as their personal toilet, so I left them a little poisonous present.  A few nibbles on that cube will prove too much for their poor bellies. They’ll need water, and once they find it, kaboom! Mouse-b-gone!

I have nothing against the little meeces, of course. I just don’t want to die of something of the bubonic variety.

So yes, know that when Q started dropping, just know I was cleaning up droppings of another sort.

No more delay! Let’s look at the Qdrops, starting where we left off previously:

This is so… repugnant.

Joel Davis was caught in possession of explicit child sex images and had attempted to get access to children as young as 2 years old for sex. Davis was chairman of the International Campaign to Stop Rape and Gender Violence in Conflict charity. He also worked on Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. reports: Davis allegedly told undercover FBI agents that he was sexually interested in children of all ages. He is accused of sending the agents sexually explicit photographs of infants and toddlers, including some of the children engaged in sex acts with adults.

The 22-year-old allegedly arranged to meet the nine-year-old daughter of one of the undercover agents and with the purported two-year-old daughter of the officer’s girlfriend.

He allegedly went into detail in the text messages about what sexual activities he intended to engage in with the children.

Prosecutors say Davis repeatedly asked the undercover agent to take naked and sexually explicit pictures and videos of the children and to send them to him.

Following his arrest, Davis allegedly admitted to officers that he had abused a 13-year-old boy in the past and that he kept child porn images on his phone.

‘Having started an organization that pushed for the end of sexual violence, Davis displayed the highest degree of hypocrisy by his alleged attempts to sexually exploit multiple minors,’ FBI Assistant Director-in-Charge William F. Sweeney Jr. said.

‘As if this wasn’t repulsive enough, Davis allegedly possessed and distributed utterly explicit images of innocent infants and toddlers being sexually abused by adults.’

Not only that; this guy was in the running for a Nobel Peace Prize in 2015:

Davis, who currently studies at Columbia University, was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2015. After being arrested, Davis allegedly confessed to officers that he had sexually abused a 13-year-old boy in the past, and that he kept child pornography on his phone.

And this has to have the Clinton team in panic mode, because it actually ties directly back to the Standard Hotel:

And if you don’t know about The Standard hotel, you can catch up on that subject here:

Likewise, a new piece of the puzzle fell into place because of this. Remember that old photo of Gloria Vanderbilt and Anderson Cooper?

Tanit! That was the connection we were missing before:

#Pizzagate hasn’t gone anywhere, folks.

It was never “debunked” as much as some of your Leftie friends might like swear otherwise.

It was ongoing this whole time. They just didn’t want to see it.

(As a sidenote, there is a figure in Hollywood who… Well, I’ve been hesitant to write about because I’m still looking for the smoking gun amidst a sea of circumstantial evidence… But I know this individual has a direct tie to The Standard Hotel, and has met both Hillary Clinton and Obama. This person uses their influence to keep “undesirables” (you might even say “deplorables)” out of the Industry and promote really degenerate content and degenerate writers. This individual is normally very vocal across Twitter for all sorts of Marxist/SJW-styled causes… but this person has been strangely silent these past five days or so. And that’s very odd, because you normally can’t rip this person away from their phone).

(And I would love to write a takedown on this person, so if any of my readers are industry and know who I’m talking about, AND know specific information… get in contact with me. I’m a few puzzle pieces short of a killshot article that would ensure this person never worked again).

Time featured Q in its article about the 25 most influential people on the internet. As far as MSM articles go… this was actually a pretty fair piece:

At least it’s not shrieking about “PIZZAGATE RELOADED!”

[RR] was testifying on the OIG report today, in front of Congress:

Jim Jordan tore resident-skeezeball Rosenstein a new sphincter and a half today:

And Gowdy played something of a “good cop” to Jim Jorday’s “bad cop:”

And yes, the vote passed later:

In a 226-183 vote, lawmakers approved the messaging measure, which calls on the DOJ to turn over all of the documents House Republicans have requested related to the FBI’s handling of investigations during the 2016 presidential election.

Facebook is under fire for publishing a stomach-churning survey that asked users whether pedophiles should be allowed to solicit “sexual pictures” from underage girls.

The cringeworthy poll surfaced at the top of Facebook’s home page for an unspecified number of users this past weekend, according to a report.

“In thinking about an ideal world where you could set Facebook’s policies, how would you handle the following: a private message in which an adult man asks a 14-year-old girl for sexual pictures,” one question in the survey reads.

This was back in March, and knowing what we all know – about Obama and more – this was my first thought. They’re trying to normalize and legitimize pedophilia.

I ranted a bit about this a few articles back, you’ll remember, but that was just one prong in the “progressive” attack in debasing the nation.

They’ve been working through social media, and the media itself.

Take, for instance, Netflix’s series from late last year, Big Mouth, which features, well… lots of inappropriate stuff, including a prepubescent girl talking to her own animated vagina in a mirror. I spoke about this at the time of its release, over on my old facebook page, but the point is – they started slipping in the propaganda and deliberately pushing the boundaries a while ago:

Well, Mark Meadows sponsored the bill, but Paul Ryan bought it to the floor.

This means Ryan is cooperating with POTUS’ agenda.

Here’s the video Q linked to:

And here’s the trailer from White Squall, which you hopefully watched last night. I hope everyone listened closely.

When did POTUS make his statement? October 5th:

When did Q arrive?

October 28th, 2017.

That’s a 23 day delta.

Aaaaaaaaaand… I don’t understand what Q is pointing us to.

It’s day 23 today on the #QClock

And you’ll recall Q’s leaked password, NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23.

#Anon sheds some insight into the question:

The 8 months line is taken from the White Squall trailer, so if Q started on the 28th of October, 8 months have passed, as of today.

So, it look like, at the very least, the “Calm before the Storm” is officially over.

And if I’m going to get ahead of Q’s posts here, he posts a “PAIN” followed by 37 exclamation points. (You’ll see it in a bit, in this article).

Now this is some major Clockfaggotry here, but Clockfags mapped the 23 and 37, along with the “mirror.”

Peace sign, right? Eerily similar to the one I dropped in an article a week or so ago.

But expanding further (and I’m putting this as simply as I can put it) if you are to “follow the white rabbit,” you’ll know that the rabbit in Alice in Wonderland is always two days late.

So if you add 2 to 23 and 37, you end up with 25 (aka 5:5) and 39).

Plotted on the clock, it looks like this:

So I’d be looking at 07/12, 07/14, 08/27, and 08/29 for any potential points of significance in the near future.

But again, and not to put too fine a point in it, I think it’s very clear that the “the Calm before the Storm” is over, and #TheStorm is now upon us.

Netflix has come under fire for a movie streaming on their site that some viewers say contains a scene that is child pornography.

The opening scene of the Argentinian film “Desire” depicts two young girls under the age of 10 playing around with pillows. The scene takes a sexual turn involving one of the girls.

The news site PJ Media said it reported the film to the FBI and Department of Justice for child pornography. The FBI told Fox News, “Per DOJ policy, the FBI neither confirms nor denies the existence of an investigation.”

The film remains on Netflix’s site and a rep for the streaming service did not return Fox News’ request for comment. It was not immediately clear what Netflix’s vetting policy is for films.

Angry viewers took to Twitter to share their disgust and are calling on Netflix to remove the film and start an investigation.

And sometimes… I’m just surprised at what people don’t know, (so I’m surprised Q even asked) because there was a lot of coverage at the time. But former national security adviser and U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice joined the Netflix board in March. After that, Netflix signed their reality show deal with the Obamas.

That said, Netflix financials are a dumpster fire (according to #CDAN), and every move they’re making right now is one of desperation. I’d be surprised if they were still around in a year, especially once all the other FANG stocks start to go:

And they’re not even the only guilty party. Look at the tripe TED talks published recently:

On May 5, medical student Mirjam Heine spoke at an independently organized TEDx Talk event at the University of Würzburg in Germany. In a description of the event, the TED Talk website explained that Heine’s would focus on her belief that pedophilia is a natural, unchangeable sexual orientation.

If we embrace the notion that pedophilia is a fixed and unchangeable sexual orientation, how does that explain why a pedophile couldn’t be around children on the beach? Straight and gay people are often around people they find attractive. Heine seems to suggest that pedophilia, to her, is not just a sexual orientation. It’s a mindset that involves the inability to resist one’s own sexual urges, even at the expense of a child’s basic right to not be violated.

(Just a heads-up. These are the 37 exclamation points I referenced above).

I posted a similar story over on Gab yesterday, but yeah, #Cuckerberg is in for a world of hurt, soon, if the institutional investors start revolting against him and start dumping shares. You know, like he’s been doing for literally MONTHS now.

You can see him whittling away at his stockpile of shares every day for months. And not just him, but his officers (like Sheryl Sandberg) as well!

Q already told us way back that Cuckie is going to be leaving the company; that that’s all part of his plan he made with Rizvi Traverse, but I think this is throwing a monkey-wrench in his plans. If his big, institutional investors start bailing (for instance, to preserve the capital growth of NYC pensions), his stock price is going to TAAAANK hard and fast, that could really disrupt the plan they had to scramble to assemble before his Congressional testimony.

I wouldn’t be surprised if White Hats exploit this fact, and leak some kind of damning info to the press about Facebook, during this time.

I think the everyone understands the implications of this post. They’re trying to jail Julian Assange before he can testify!

But Q actually gave us a major timeline here. the NATO summit happens on July 11th and 12th. After Trump meets with Putin, depending on the day, we’re talking the full heinous depth of the Uranium 1 scandal being revealed to the public in two weeks.

Look at the names on this list, because every single one of them are career criminals:

Another mass shooting… and the reaction is the… blame Trump?!

The logic doesn’t matter at this point. The only goal is impeachment, or total insurrection. Whatever will give the deluded masses an excuse to start rioting.

But yeah, keep this in mind, because this is going to become something of a case-study in a moment:


(Although, coincidentally, I did link this exact article in my last article).

OH SNAP! More #MKULTRA confirmations!

The therapists/handlers condition these kids from the time they are young with SSRIs (and other methods, I imagine), and turn them into programmable killers!

The big reveal here is that Q is saying these are all deep state assets who get relocated and renamed after each shooting.

To answer Q’s question, Freemasonry is an arm of that Neo-Babylonian Mystery/Death Cult. A LOOOOOT of elites belong to it.

A lot of this goes back to that Skull and Bones stuff I talked about a while back. Those are sort of like “on-ramps” for elites-in-the-making.

Blackstone Intelligence has putting out a fantastic series of late, on Freemasonry. There are currently six parts to this series (all worth watching), but I think part 2 will give you a good baseline understanding of its origins:

Or, you could just watch this Simpson’s clip to get the same general idea:

As a side-note, remember what Newt said about Trump:

Anons picked on up on this a while back, but if you’re wondering who the Freemason this time was, well…

I’m… less confident in this than Q is.

I tend to view Freemasonry and other fraternal organizations as very dangerous. In fact, if you want to pick up a book on it, you can check out @MichaelWitcoff’srecently published book on the subject, having come out of Masonry, and into the Orthodox Church:

But I take Q’s point. Many don’t know that George Washington himself was a mason. His whole inauguration was a Masonic ritual:

But this gets into all sorts of technical talk about the different branches of Masonry; the “good” masons, and the “bad” ones. But that’s… another article in and of itself.

A few quick tidbits though:

The “G” in the Masonic emblem stands for the “Generative Force.” It’s a sort of deistic “prime mover.”

Anon published a copy of a Masonic certificate from around the turn of the century. This particular mason was promoted to the 32nd level (out of 33), upon the reception of this certificate.


Here’s a gallery of all the pics he included:

As you can see when you study the details, there’s a lot of symbolism; the kind of stuff they don’t want the public seeing.

At any rate, #Anons located the Annapolis’ shooter’s twitter account:

Needless to say, his account was very… notable:

He would put this “brand” on various people’s heads, in effect, marking them:

That’s journalist Eric Hartley in the branded photo above:

An armed suspect, identified as Jarrod Ramos, open-fired inside the Capital Gazette newsroom in Annapolis, Maryland, killing five journalists. It was later uncovered that he bore a longtime grudge against the newspaper ever since they ran a news report against him in 2012.

Ramos, 38, had pleaded guilty in Anne Arundel County on a charge of criminal harassment back on July 26, 2011, and got a 90-day suspended sentence. This was following an instance where he was accused of continually harassing a woman on the internet.

A few days later, former Capital Gazette reporter Eric Thomas Hartley ran an article on Ramos, making him an example to warn people of the dangers that internet holds.

And this account was also ran by Ramos, against a Judge Moylan, a former Maryland special appeals court judge

Note, the same branding:

He accused another judge of sexually abusing children:
