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The Detonation of A Cult

16-7-2018 < SGT Report 59 672 words

by Karl Denninger, Market Ticker:

Elon Musk and Tesla have been the essence of cult behavior.

Elon claims to be a socialist.  But he’s in the rarified 0.001% of the population and has done exactly nothing for the 99.999% below him.  Indeed, his primary “contribution” these days is to sell $100,000 cars to very rich people, who are the only ones that can afford them.  His much-claimed “$30,000” vehicle, allegedly intended to be “available” to anyone, has not shipped one single unit configured that way — instead they’re all nearly double that price as he has intentionally refused to ship anything “ordinary” people can afford.

How much of his wealth has he given to the poor?  Statistically-speaking — zero.  Ditto for the fancy house and all the other things he enjoys.  Does he let the refugees come in and have some A/C on his dime, a place to crash and a beer from the fridge?  Oh hell no.

Then there’s the fact that the company has never made a single penny in profit, but has stolen billions from taxpayers.  “Stolen” is the right word too — I certainly didn’t consent to having the tax money taken from me, but it was — and from you.  Elon of course justifies this as “combating a global evil” (“global warming”) which is predicated on utter garbage “science”, never mind that his claim of “helping” is a bald lie — all he has done is moved where the pollution takes place, never mind the lithium mining necessary to build those cars — nearly all of which consumes a huge amount of fossil fuel and is done overseas on purpose so the toxic wastes produced can be emitted into the air and water with impunity.

His latest stunt was especially galling — he showed up with a “mini sub” — sort of — for the kids stuck in the cave. When rebuffed and told to get out and stop grandstanding he tried to call the people actually doing it unqualified.  Well Elon, said “unqualified” people got all the kids and their coach out alive, and furthermore they were there, knew the environment and clearly did have it figured out where you didn’t — and they rightly told you to stick your toy sub and self-aggrandizing garbage where it hurts.  Good for them and **** you sideways with your 5-alarm bull****.

That wasn’t enough.  Musk doubled-down and called one of the subject-matter experts (who actually did it) a pedophile in a since-deleted tweet.  It appears that someone might be a bit mentally unstable, eh?

Cults often have very wealthy leaders for one simple reason — they con everyone else out of money and claim to be doing “God’s work” in some fashion in the process.  Elon is no different than the megachurch pastor, other than being more financially successful at it.  And the wreckage he has left behind in the process, including a woman who fell for his bull**** and was nothing more than a trophy to him, along with the children she bore, is so cliche’ that it barely bears mentioning.  Oh, then there was #2, and, well, who knows what has and will follow other than a bunch of cock-holsters who, I’m sure, are not at all attracted to his ability to summon up a carbon-emitting private jet to take them wherever he wants — when he wants, not when SHE wants.

But heh, he’s good for the planet even though he has a personal carbon footprint that likely looks something like that of a small city, right?


The problem is that all these shibboleths are from the far left side of the aisle — especially the “save the planet” garbage.  And now Musk has been caught giving money to….. surprise surprise — Republicans.


He “defends” this as saying it’s for access, which is even worse!  Now the King of allegedly “good” behavior to “save the planet” is admitting to political bribery, in public.

That ought to go over well with the Social Justice types, even though it might be accurate.

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