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Israel Air Strikes on Gaza: The UK Has Licensed Over £340 Million of Arms to Israel Since 2014 Bombing Campaign

9-8-2018 < Global Research 56 333 words

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Israeli military air strikes on Gaza  killed at least three people last night, including a pregnant woman and her 18 month old daughter.

This follows months of increased tensions and atrocities: including shootings at protests on the Gaza border in May 2018. Reports from health officials in Gaza say that Israeli forces have killed at least 154 Palestinians since March 30 when protests began.

Despite ongoing atrocities, and  the threat of full blown war, UK arms sales to Israel have continued unabated.

Since the ‘Operation Protective Edge’ military campaign, the UK has licensed  over £340 million worth of arms to Israel. Licences include components for drones, combat aircraft and helicopters. 2017 saw a £183 million licences for ‘technology for military radars.’

In 2014, there was a debate in government about UK arms sales to Israel, with Baroness Warsi resigning in opposition to the continued arms sales. A review by government at the time found  12 licences for arms which are likely to have been used in the 2014 war.

Previously, in 2010, the then Foreign Secretary David Miliband said Israeli equipment used in the attack on Gaza “almost certainly” contained UK-supplied components.

Andrew Smith of Campaign Against Arms Trade said:

“Last night’s bombing follows months of increased tensions and killings. It is another terrible reminder of the permanent threat of war that Palestinians are living under every day.

If weapons continue to be sold then it is only a matter of time before they are used again. By continuing to arm Israeli forces the UK is sending a message of support for the decades of repression that have already been inflicted.

The UK government should be using its influence to push for a peaceful and just solution, not promoting arms sales.”
