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Catching up with #NewQ. The 59 Drop Mega-Post! #QAnon #GreatAwakening

2-9-2018 < SGT Report 213 5554 words

from Neon Revolt:

Boy, did I ever pick the wrong week to go on vacation… I’ve got a grand total of FIFTY-NINE drops to get through – the most I’ve ever attempted – in this post, on top of going over all that’s developed (and believe me; it’s tremendous). Before we begin, however, I want to apologize for the delay. I was travelling all day, and I caught a wicked ear infection which only got worse the last two days I was on vacation; so bad in fact, it woke me up at 4 AM today (Saturday).

I was in literal tears, and ended up taking 10 Advil over the course of the day (with 4 happening in the first dose – don’t worry, I’m a sizable dude – one who just ate four soft-pretzels, in fact) , as well as immersing my head under hot water (which helped a LOT), among other over-the-counter solutions.  Thankfully, I feel like the pain and swelling is beginning to wane as my body fights back, so at least I can focus now, without feeling like someone is jabbing a Phillips-head screwdriver in my ear canal.

All-in-all, vacation was very good. I tried to stay on top of things as they landed, and I have to thank you guys for your patience and allowing me some time to rest, recuperate, and enjoy time with my family.

I did manage to come away with some shots of some cool memorabilia, which I think you guys may appreciate:

First up, a #JFK poster I spotted at a local memorabilia shop:

Second, Jackie-O’s gold cuffs – worth over $100,000 – just a few miles from the poster:

Just some cool stuff, I think, considering everything we’re trying to do here.

Anyway, let’s not waste any more time! Let’s pick up where we left off, starting with post 1996:

T-t-t-t-today’s secret word, Pee-Wee, is “UNPOPULAR!”


Think the CIA has a computer like Conky, only programmed to hurl invective at Trump and his supporters?

(Spoiler: They had 7).

Are we 2spooky, Q?

By now we should all know that Snowden was a CIA plant used to expose NSA surveillance tools; tools which, once compromised, nearly blinded the NSA and allowed #TheCabal to set to work on the Iran deal. Presumably, “Snowden2” is a similar double-agent/contractor who was secretly looking to expose modern NSA tools and set them back in this war, but this individual got caught and wasn’t able to fulfill their mission. Presumably, they are now in prison somewhere.

Anyway, #Anons quickly connected [Snowden2] to this drop and “The Shadow Brokers,” from earlier in the year:

Here’s the article Q cited in that old drop, just for reference purposes:

The agency has active investigations into at least three former N.S.A. employees or contractors. Two had worked for T.A.O.: a still publicly unidentified software developer secretly arrested after taking hacking tools home in 2015, only to have Russian hackers lift them from his home computer; and Harold T. Martin III, a contractor arrested last year when F.B.I. agents found his home, garden shed and car stuffed with sensitive agency documents and storage devices he had taken over many years when a work-at-home habit got out of control, his lawyers say. The third is Reality Winner, a young N.S.A. linguist arrested in June, who is charged with leaking to the news site The Intercept a single classified report on a Russian breach of an American election systems vendor.

One thing, in all of this, should be clear: this is an ongoing struggle.

One #anon thought this might be related to the crash outside NSA HQ which you might remember from earlier this year:

And it’s entirely possible. If inserted late last year, they may have only been uncovered early this year.

The car tried to ram the gate, and three people ended up being shot as a result of the altercation.

You may be wondering why this seemingly keeps on happening. Well, for one, our foe is very clever, so you can’t underestimate him. Secondly, the thing most people (wrong) assume about security is that it’s this binary thing. Something is either “secure” or “insecure.”

Not so.

You have to have layers of redundancy, and fail-safes, and procedures and fallbacks in case it really hits the fan. It’s just not as simple as locking your front door at night.

Maybe it will be easier to explain with an (admittedly limited) analogy. Whenever you go to make a password on most sites these days, you’ll see a “Strength” meter telling you how strong your password is. Red usually means weak, and Green usually means strong. The more complex the password, the stronger it usually is.

Well, I used to have this linux hacking cd I could insert into people’s computers, and I could use it to crack the admin passwords on the system and log in and do whatever I wanted (don’t worry; I never did anything malicious. It was just kind of a cool comp sci experiment). See, this disc had something on it called “rainbow tables.” Basically, it’s a list of every single character you could enter into a field, and the CD would just run through each character in the list, until it had tried literally every combination of characters available.

So if you password was something like:


It would load the table for the first letter.

It would run – A, B, C, D, etc… until it landed on the right character: M

Then it would move to the next letter, and start over: A, B, C, D…. until it got to y.

And so on, until it filled in all the blanks.

(At least… I think that’s how it worked. That’s certainly what it looked like it was doing at the time).

Anyway, using rainbow tables is actually a really basic, tried-and-true method of brute-forcing a password, but to see that all it required was me downloading an iso, burning it to a disc, and booting that disk from whatever computer I wanted…

Well, it was wild to watch, and reinforced the importance of using randomly generated passwords for everything I do.

For instance, my Neon Revolt-related passwords would take a normal computer something like 39,119 quadragintillion years to crack.

That’s 10123.


Perhaps. But it’s no harder for me than using a weaker one, and I might as well enjoy the extra security knowing only something like a quantum computer could brute force it.

So what’s the point I’m trying to make? Security requires complexity. It’s a process with which one must actively engage. Nothing is ever entirely secure, there are only degrees of security.

MyComputerPassword123 can be broken pretty easily; maybe even in a matter of hours.

The various Neon Revolt passwords would generally require a generational leap in technology, and the universe would probably experience heat death before the password could be cracked.

Now that’s an example showing incredible extremes – from EZ-PZ, to “DEAR GOD, WHY?!” but there’s a spectrum of security levels in between.

Now, apply that to an agency filled with top minds, where they standardize best practices, deal with incredible tech across a variety of platforms (some of which are orbiting the earth and which may or may not be loaded with kinetic tungsten bars – aka, “Rods of God,” mind you), and yeah… things get hairy pretty quick.

Now throw in Clowns trying to thwart you at every turn.

I think you’re starting to get the picture.

WE are the biggest threat right now. That is why WE are being targeted.

The Clowns are basically relying on some basic human psychology for these stories to work. Last week, you’ll remember this story:

It’s basically an attempt to shame and isolate. People, while not quite “herd animals,” don’t like standing out from the crowd. It feels unsafe and uncertain.

The current posts – about the “unpopularity” of Q and Trump – are designed to make you (and anyone else who may be on the fence) think twice before… well, reading more, getting involved on a forum, talking to that friend you know follows Q, etc.

Of course, yours truly stopped giving a flying you-know-what a looooooong time ago, though – and that’s really the only way to overcome this kind of thing. Flip ’em the big-fat-bird, and tell ’em to take a long walk off a short pier.

Let me get even more personal here, for a moment.

I “came out” in support for Trump in… it was either late 2015, or early 2016. It shocked my longtime friends. They thought I was joking at first, but after having examined the issues… No, it was no joke.

And when they realized that, they were even more horrified.

I watched my “friend count” on social media dwindle. I lost more than 60 friends that year.

But gaddangit, I became addicted to sh*tposting and the exhilaration that came from finally being able to speak my mind. It was like I had held my tongue for the past 8, maybe even 16 years – as things just seemed to fall apart in every conceivable domain. Society was rotting from the inside, and no one had the guts to point out that the proverbial emperor was naked.

And that’s about when I started Neon Revolt on Facebook.

Even as my “friend count” continued to erode, I gained a literal legion of new friends. A community was born, because I was saying things other people actually related to. Where before I had no likeminded companions, I suddenly found myself surrounded by a veritable army of really excellent people.

And even as I faced repeated censorship across platforms (eventually inspiring me to make my own here, where the self-appointed Silicon Valley oligarchs couldn’t shut me up), that community grew.

And now, honestly – there’s no way you’re ever going to convince me that QAnon isn’t popular, and that real, tried-and-true traditional Americanism isn’t on the rise. I have over 13,000 subscribers to the site alone. I broke 7,000 on Gab this week, and across various other platforms, what I write here instantly reaches over 20,000 people the second I hit “publish.”

I’m outperforming many dying newspapers these days just because I refused to stop, and I refused to shut up.

Maybe I’m just stubborn like that, but at a certain point, I got tired of being pushed around – by life, by other people’s opinions, by this “Politically correct” code-of-silence that forced you to lie and comply, until you were completely beaten down into submission.

At a certain point, I realized being quiet and deferential wasn’t working. Liberal, leftist society wasn’t going to extend me the same respect I had always wanted to show people, and in fact, it had become an existential threat to me, my family, and my future.

The time had come to risk standing alone (and really, by then, I had nothing left to lose because this sick society had pretty much already ripped it all away from me) and start punching back.

I began to relish every shriek of horror, every sneer of Leftist disdain. They became progress markers for me, and I began to realize how much FUN I was having.

And that may be the biggest secret of all in all this.

See, the Clowns and #TheCabal want you weak. They want you isolated. They want you to think it’s a hopeless situation, so why even bother showing up for the fight. Do you really think they’d give you free advice on how to be happy, healthy, and successful?

Oh, but it’s so much more glorious to come ready for battle.

True, it may feel more dangerous (and may indeed actually be more dangerous)…

But you’re no longer living on their terms when you choose to stand up and fight. You’ve gone from slave, to free warrior.

And you’re making them think twice about ever messing with you and yours again, because you’re going to ensure it costs them something.

LOL No, of course they didn’t. It’s a fake poll!

This is basically how I feel about #NoName at this point:

While I’d like to know all the juicy deets as much as anyone else, I can live with knowing that he did not escape.

I will never not laugh at this video:

This was the moment the media – as part of the ARM – had the rug yanked out from under them. We’ve previously talked about the strategic moves white hats made to ensure election integrity. The #MockingbirdMedia – with their fake polls, and the constant refrains of “I’m with her” – were dependent on vote rigging to prove that their polls were “right” after-the-fact.

They’ve never been so astronomically wrong in their entire existence.

They were using polls to lie to us.

And then hide that fact with rigged elections.

Let that really sink in.


What I believe Q is saying here is that, sadly, many people would not understand, for instance, if they were told rogue actors launched a false flag attack in an effort to create a war. People tend to like simple answers, and have simple feelings towards their nation. We’re dealing with evil masterminds here.


#QTeam has to play this very smart, so as to not create unnecessary blowback on the international stage, while at the same time making sure enough is exposed to either send these criminals to their grave, or lock them up for the rest of their lives.

It’s a very fine line to walk.

Nellie is a clooooooowwwwnnn.

Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert doubled down after the FBI dismissed claims that a Chinese state-owned company hacked former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email server.

In his overnight statement, Gohmert argued it was the ICIG — not the FBI — that discovered the breach. He said the FBI conveniently omitted that detail.

“It’s not surprising that the FBI ‘has not found any evidence’ regarding Clinton’s servers being breached,” Gohmert, R-Texas, said. “It was the Obama-appointed Intelligence Community Inspector General that discovered the breach. It was not the FBI that found it, so their statement was technically correct, but very deceptive in its omission.”

Here’s the full article anon linked:

As for “Marathon Media,” I’m going to say what I said on gab, and be the contrarian here. No, I don’t think it’s a reference to that French media company (or whatever it was).

I think it was autocorrect.

I’ve had the exact same autocorrect happen to me on more than one occasion when I’ve been typing on my phone. Mockingbird often autocorrects to Marathon – especially if you’re using any kind of “flow” typing input.

Obviously, I’ll correct this if I find out I’m wrong at a later date, but I really don’t think I am. Q has been know to use a number of mobile devices, and he has also been known to have a typo or two when trying to communicate with his phone.  I think this is just a case of autocorrect gone haywire.

Okay, I see it now.

It’s not so much to get support for Trump to declassify everything as it is an effort to get all the mindless lefties in the universe to support Sessions and Huber, because they are supposedly obstructing Trump. And the more obstructions for Trump, the better – at least in their mind.

Q, I think it’s a little much to expect people who don’t even know what gender they are when they wake up in the morning (despite what the mirror may be telling them) to think that many steps ahead, but maybe that’s just my disdain for lefties coloring my perception here. We’ll do it your way.

So… if I’m reading this correctly, Huber has swamp-cleaning duty, and they’re trying to get the public/media behind him.

He’s the one whose team is issuing all those sealed indictments. His work will lead to a clean DOJ, FBI, and NY AG.

At least, I hope it will.

You guys going to mess with Cuomo in NY at all, Q? It would be nice to see that dirtbag go down. Molinaro v. Nixon would be interesting to watch.

Anyway, BIG always refers to Big Tech – at least as far as I can tell.

Here’s footage of the whole rally:

And then came the #BOOMS:

You may recall the original “Snow White” posts, all the way back in January:

The short of it is… Snow White is a series of supercomputers run by the CIA, with each one named for each of the seven dwarves. They combine machine learning, advanced AI, and natural language systems to basically shill boards and forums all day – creating voices that not only (usually) pass the Turing test, but which seed ideas, push the overton window, and create a consensus where none would otherwise exist.

Each of the “dwarves” has a different personality. For instance, Grumpy is exactly as he sounds. He’ll insult and berate you for “wrongthink,” and then maybe Dopey will swoop in after a minute or two and offer you a “nice” way to admit you were wrong. This is called “consensus cracking,” and it’s an advanced forum sliding mechanism.

The basic idea is to get more than one (but ideally more than five) “voices” agreeing with each other until real, living people start chiming in and agreeing. This helps crush dissent as well, and thus, it will move a forum’s conversation in the way the programmers want it to go. It’s how you radicalize and demoralize people.

Now this… this is a whopper of an image, clocking in at over 10 mb, so I hosted it over at The full sized link is below, and I highly recommend you read through this all:

Full Size:

The basic gist is that one Anon started picking up on certain trends, and identifying certain “voices” on /CBTS/ – the board that was used after /pol/ but before /qresearch/.

Thinking these voices were human, he started to troll the voices over several days, across several threads, even going so far as to give them names like “Grumpy” and “Doc.”

The trolling was so effective, the one bot had a sort of neural short, and actually admitted to being a bot. Is this the first instance of a program becoming self-aware?

Do Androids dream of Electric Memes?

(Now, understand: the bots were assigned to behave like Nazis, and scare away any potential curious eyes, as well as demote the forum’s search ranking, so they used a whole range of offensive terms and imagery), but the whole thing ended like this:

11/30/2017 – the day Anons broke a CIA supercomputer with trolling and memes.

Then came the next salvo of #BOOMS!

Hal Turner had a lot to say about all of this, and his article is a really great read (apart from the naive view that the CIA are good guys who need their tech to work, and that we’re all in danger right now because none of it is working):

Main Frames “Snow White” 3, 4, 6 and 7 are offline.


Additional Sat. Offline: Big bird 9 — “KH-9 (BYEMAN codename HEXAGON), commonly known as Big Bird[1] or Keyhole-9, was a series of photographic reconnaissance satellites launched by the United States between 1971 and 1986.”

Sources from the Intelligence Community now confirming to me several mainframes are, in fact, offline and several spy satellites are dark.  Techs working furiously to find out what happened and fix it.

Internal assessment thinking is “Someone targeted our spy satellite systems specifically.  Someone is now moving certain things they don’t want us to see being moved.  This unexpected eventuality is major trouble on every level.”


The CIA has been trying to restart the super-computer mainframes.  They got three to re-start – and they immediately crashed again!  Four others are simply not restarting at all.


This is now just over 24 full hours that much of our Intelligence Community communications capabilities globaly, REMAIN DEAD.

Amazing times we live in, and this is made all the more amazing by the fact that Hal doesn’t seem to have a clue about Q. He’s independently reporting on this stuff, in real-time. And even now, 24+ hours later, the CIA simply cannot get their supercomputers to restart.

(P.S. – Don’t read this as an endorsement of Hal Turner, please. Let’s just say he has an interesting history. I’m more concerned with him being someone who independently documented this stuff in real time, as far as I can tell).

Now after this point was when 8ch went down momentarily. The Clowns were desperate to retaliate, so they took out the boards for a while.

Which… is… kind of pathetic, when your entire multi-billion-dollar computer systems and satellite systems have been basically destroyed.

The downtime was short-lived, however.

This was that photographic satellite Hal Turner mentioned.


Now this one was confusing for Anons:

Best first explain GCHQ Bude:

Now, GCHQ Bude, as far as I can tell, is connected to the NSA by a number of undersea cables.

Or… at least it was.

Until last night.

This looks like a distress signal from GCHQ Bude to intelligence agencies on CONUS, letting them know the connection was down. At least to my untrained eyes.

V. cool, Q.

FOX News investigative journalist Catherine Herridge reported on Thursday embattled Justice Department official Bruce Ohr had contact in 2016 with then-colleague Andrew Weissmann, who is now a top Robert Mueller deputy, as well as other senior FBI officials about the controversial anti-Trump dossier and the individuals behind it.

Gregg Jarrett: This is a dramatic and stunning development that should effectively end Robert Mueller’s special counsel investigation. And in fact he should immediately fire Andrew Weissman and terminate his special counsel probe.

So a major conflict-of-interest could end this SC investigation immediately… Hmmm…

As far as I can tell, Horizon is a backup system primarily used by the UK, Makes sense this would be activated, given all their other “eyes” are blind right now:

FlyingFish Airborne Satellite Monitoring System, SIGINT | Horizon Technologies

Horizon Technologies to exhibit at DSEI 2017. FlyingFish, Airborne Satellite Monitoring System. Affordable SIGINT solution for manned and unmanned ISR platforms


Hmm… It’d be nice to see some coverage of this on some other networks besides Fox.

I know Fox is pretty much /ournetwork/ right now, but Lefties never venture here, lest their reality distortion bubble be burst.

I suppose at a certain point, however, the rest of the media will be forced to cover these kinds of happenings, or end up sinking even further into irrelevance.

Nobody escapes! Not even Hillary!

It’s a parody site:

Best explanation I saw for Q posting a parody site:

Anon then posted a link to this site:

And Q responded:

So… the MSM is latching on to supporting Sessions with fake polls against Trump.

What I don’t understand is… Clowns can read Q’s drops, too…

So why aren’t they pumping the brakes when they read that it’s Q’s plan to get the media and the people to support Sessions, only to pull the rug out from under them?

Oh, I’m plenty woke, Q. I just have a hard time believing the Clowns are so sleepy.

Is it just a kind of momentum? They come up with a gameplan to compensate say, a week or two ahead, but fail to consider all the potential outcomes, and thus, end up making significant mistakes?

Are they being fed bad intel from the inside?

They read the drops, too. That’s what gets me about all of this. If I was a bad guy, and I had “journalists” working for me, spreading propaganda – and my mortal enemy came online and posted something publicly, explaining the next step of his plan, wouldn’t I immediately spring into action, recall the stories, and course-correct?

They can’t possibly be that stupid. There’s got to be more going on here than meets the eye. More than even Q is telling us.

And I understand we’re on a sort of need-to-know basis here. Wouldn’t want to hinder Q’s ability to advance. But I doubt we’ll get a satisfying explanation of what’s happening here until after this is all over, if ever!

Ryan Dickey and Brian Richardson appear to have left the team this summer, according to a report by CNN, which first broke the news of the departures. Mueller’s team now has 15 attorneys.

The exits did not have to do with any allegations of wrongdoing or political bias, special counsel spokesman Peter Carr said.

Dickey will continue to work for the Justice Department, and Richardson has taken a position as a research fellow at Columbia Law School.

If there was no hack, then there’s no need for a cyber crimes specialist.

The beauty of the internet is it turns everyone into a node – a broadcaster, and a receiver. Prior to that, traditional tech had people consuming media passively, just as a receiver. The ability to engage with ideas, content, and publish your own is what made the internet radically different from the controlled, corporate media.

The content that traveled the fastest and the furthest across these networks in 2016 were the memes.

Memes destroyed #TheCabal in 2016.

Memes were a visual way of connecting people. They were used to utter “unspeakable” truths (in often hilarious ways). And they spread across networks like wildfire. They still do.

You might remember Hillary’s “Basket of Deplorables” speech, where she tried to stigmatize the memes and the meme makers. You might remember the ADL adding Pepe as a hate symbol to their hate symbol database.

Memes embody “wrongthink” and are instantly consumable. Even if someone disagrees with the content of a meme, they may still get a chuckle out of them – and just the fact that the opposition funnier than their opponent is enough to make them rage.

So, yeah, all the major social media networks have now doubled-down on the censorship. I myself was banned from Twitter for posting a relatively innocuous Sam Hyde meme – and was left with no recourse.

That inspired the move to Gab – and I suspect, given Trump’s recent tone (and a veiled announcement from Gab’s founder, Andrew Torba), that Trump will be making the move to Gab, soon, himself.

Q forgot his images. He added them in the next post:

I mean… sorta like clockwork, Q. This was the woman who was on Hannity on the 29th, saying the exact same thing. I specifically referenced her appearance there in the last article.

But I just… I still don’t quite get it.

This just makes Huber look incompetent. I don’t get how that’s supposed to drum up support for him. Nobody likes a dummy, and Lefties aren’t watching Fox News.

Sure, we see some support for Sessions, but won’t that evaporate now, too, that Q has stated his intentions clearly?

Seems like a lot of effort for low returns.

I like my moves to pay dividends, Q!

Did you ever think you’d see Q reference Cousin Eddie?

Whoops, wrong video.

Here’s the right link:
