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Newsbud Exclusive- “Home of the Free Thanks to the Brave”.

13-9-2018 < Boiling Frogs Post 96 446 words

Few symbols evoke such a strong emotional response for military veterans as does the American flag. It typically arouses patriotic feelings in these men and women because of their belief in the principles for which it stands. Military veterans make significant personal sacrifices serving their country to ensure that all Americans enjoy the protections and privileges the flag symbolizes. As you read this article, please remember the sacrifices these selfless individuals have made for you and every other American. There are over 21 million military veterans living in the United States who have served this great nation voluntarily with no reservations (Murren, 2017). As you continue to read, contemplate the sobering statistics presented. Freedom comes at a price and our veterans are paying that price. By the time you read the last word of this article, the United States will have lost another military veteran to suicide (Wentling, 2018). Each and every day, 22 veterans commit suicide annually (Wentling, 2018). That amounts to over 6,132 veteran suicides (Wentling, 2018). And this is in addition to the 1,387-active duty servicemembers who commit suicide each year (Wentling, 2018). Since the 9/11 attacks, the United States has lost 4,610 service members in combat operations (Smith, 2018). And over the same period, 107,800 veterans to suicide (KPNX Staff, 2015). That’s a rate that is 16 times greater than the number of American servicemembers killed in combat operations. Veteran suicides have reached epic proportions throughout the United States.

The obvious question would be “Why are so many military veterans being placed in a position where they see suicide as the only option”? A simple question but one that is very complicated to answer. Pursuing a military career when the nation isn’t at war is stressful at the very best of times. Ongoing combat operations throughout the world have dramatically increased the number and length of deployments for all active duty military members, reservists and guardsmen. Most have accomplished numerous deployments into combat areas in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Middle East. Since 9/11, over 2.77 million service members have served on 5.4 million deployments (McCarthy, 2018). Most of these military members were from the United States Army (McCarthy, 2018). The military personnel deployed typically were less than 30 years of age, over half were married with approximately half also having children (McCarthy, 2018). The US Army had 225,000 soldiers who deployed three times or more (McCarthy, 2018). Deployment lengths and locations for these individuals varied. Half of the army service members were deployed for 12 months (Baiocchi, 2018). [READ MORE]

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