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The Existential Threat of #JUSTICEKAVANAUGH and the Inflection Point for the #GOP and America. #NewQ #QAnon #SCOTUS

29-9-2018 < SGT Report 91 2746 words

from Neon Revolt:

I have to say, I had the privilege of watching the full 9-or-so hours of the Kavanaugh Committee Hearings today, and live-gabbing (live-croaking?) the whole thing with my thoughts, responses, and the absolute best memes you could find anywhere on the planet. At the end of the 9 hours, I had over 120+ posts on Gab, so if you’re interested, definitely be sure to check that out. It was a lot of fun.

But you would think that the statistical likelihood of three separate women all simultaneously emerging from the woodwork to accuse Kavanaugh of profane and depraved criminal acts would normally beggar belief, but this is #ClownWorldwe’re talking about. If you’re not marching for Sharia law arm-in-arm with Linda Sarsour in #ClownWorld, if you’re not incessantly lamenting your #WhitePrivilege like it’s some kind of unbreakable ancestral curse instead of the cultural inheritance it actually is; if you’re not storming restaurants with you dreadlocked, patchouli-stanked, genderconfused BLM rejects to shout down Ted Cruz and his wife as they enjoy a meal together, all to fulfill your deluded “revolutionary” ambitions and “win” one for the “#Resistance,” then I’ve got news for you: you’re on the “wrong side of history,” bud. Or so the screeching mouthpieces of the radical left would like you to think.

Guys, I broke down here just a short while ago how Leftists were signalling a “go” for assassinating Trump across social media.

Did you really think character assassination was below them?

The problem isn’t ever how low they can go. Understand this: they will always use whatever weapons they have at their disposal. The problem is: how much will the American people tolerate before it becomes a blatant bridge-too-far? Before all Americans of every stripe start recoiling in incredulity?

Evidently, this is much further than most expected, given the Democrats have really pulled out all the stops, and have had their preferred narrative propped up by 24/7 assistance from the #AmericanResistanceMedia.

But even leftie rags like the New York Times are starting to have trouble toeing the party line.

As the saying goes, you can only stack sh*t so high. Even the staunchest dems are starting to catch a whiff.

And like Q has said many, many times, none of what we’re seeing is normal. What did Kavanaugh say during his testimony today? That he had answered more questions than ALL the previous Supreme Court nominees COMBINED.

None of this is normal. It’s why Michelle Obama is campaigning under the guise of registering voters in conjunction with her book tour:

And look at all the names of those working with her. You’ll notice some familiar faces:

And the kicker? It just so happens that the group behind her is the Soros-Backed “Act Blue.”

That’s right; go to her page, and you’ll find it in the fine print – but only on the Donate page – where they’re legally required to post it:

ActBlue “Charities.” Oh, they’re more than happy to separate you from your money, despite having a billionaire backing it.

The truth is this: there is no depth the #LunaticLeftists won’t sink to, and the fact that this still surprises so many, in fact, surprises me. What’s missing from most people’s understanding is that the #KavanaughConfirmation is declaration of war against the deep state. Kavanaugh represents an EXISTENTIAL THREAT to their established order. Remember what he said to Lindsey Graham during the initial hearings about Military Law applying to US Citizens who helped foreign states to try and subvert or overthrow the US Government:

Uhh… You think that applies to Feinstein and her Chinese buddies? Is it any wonder she conjured her witness and this story out of the ether?

Feinstein’s head is LITERALLY on the chopping block here. ALL of their heads are. It shouldn’t shock anyone that they’re pulling out all the stops here.

But it’s even more nefarious than that; it’s not just an effort to assassinate the character of Brett Kavanaugh, who, according to any reliable testimony (and the no less than SIX background checks he’s already endured from the FBI). It’s an effort to discredit every single white, male Republican sitting in that room. It’s an attack on all fronts.

(Which is why I thought it was a GENIUS move to bring in Rachel Mitchell from Maricopa County, to conduct the interview live, for the lot of them. Notice; Dems can’t tell all these “old white men” to sit down and shut up now, because none of them did any talking during Ford’s testimony. It was a perfect outflanking of their identity politics).

Recall, just a few days ago, what Sen. Hirono said:

Which made this moment that much sweeter:

But God bless Kavanaugh today. Seriously. The man fought for his honor and his family valiantly. There were a few times there when I got choked up; who couldn’t? The man gave a powerful testimony, and if there’s one part of the whole thing you should watch, it’s that:

And how can we forget Sheila Jackson-Lee’s underhanded swap with Ford’s lawyer?

Video Player



The other major highlight, of course, was Lindsey Graham’s amazing, take-no-prisoners lambasting of the Democrats:

Boy, it’s almost like removing McCain from the equation really unshackled him. I might have to start calling him #Boomstick Graham or something, because he basically just took out every evil swamp creature in the room in a righteous blaze of fury:

The whole thing was amazing to watch from beginning to end; not just the above, but getting to see all the machinery in motion for the entire nine hours. Dems had a clear playbook; with Ford, they thanked her for her “bravery,” repeatedly reminded everyone about the likes of #MeToo, and reiterated that they needed an FBI investigation (so their deep state buddies could forestall and sabotage the nomination). To counter, Republicans yielded Mitchell, who proceeded to pick apart and find a number of inconsistencies in Ford’s testimony.

With Kavanaugh, every single Dem in the room tried negging Kavanaugh into accepting an FBI investigation (Come on, Kav. These Gestapo guys… they’re really nice and they’ll be really fast! I promise! You won’t end up in jail on false pretenses!)

And Republicans, for once, really showed some spine (Jeff Flake withstanding – but that’s understandable, given his previous proximity to #NoName). It was nice to see them taking scalps for once.

That’s probably the biggest thing I’ve learned over the past few years, watching Trump. While it’s great to have a leader who charges into the front-lines, a solitary leader doesn’t win battles. You need a coalition making a beachhead and aggressively taking territory. Dems haven’t had to fight that kind of battle in a LOOOOONG time, and it shows. They’re used to blackmailing their way, to get what they want. That has made them fat, entrenched, and lazy.

In other words, they’re sitting targets.

Much could also be said about Ford herself (and her decisive lack of tears, despite the expert vocal tremble she mastered). Needless to say, I can’t wait for Bombard’s Body Language video on Ford’s testimony. She doesn’t like it one bit:


Bombard’s video is available HERE:

But for now, all you need to know is that… yeah, she’s a total CIA Spook, with multiple ties to the Deep State.

Oh, and did you catch when Pelosi contradicted herself in her own testimony? I’m glad someone cut these videos down, because I had a moment where I said to myself, “Hey, didn’t she say the opposite earlier?” Saved me a lot of work! BEHOLD!

Lying on a Senate Supreme Court committee – grounds for expulsion?

One can only hope!

(At least give her a good heart-attack with that, Q).

But before I get into #NewQ, I have to double-back and cover the three drops I previously held off on. Don’t just skip them, though! There’s a lot of new stuff in there, that I think you’ll really enjoy reading:

So… The latest news is that the RR removal has been delayed yet again. That never surprised me. I expected that, frankly:

But you remember my white hat theory?

I know a lot of you hate it, but I’m finding more and more reason to double-down on it – because the more I look at it, the more I think #QAnon is intentionally spreading disinfo about RR in order to throw the Dems off the trail.

You’ll recall the recent “resistance” op-ed penned by an “anonymous” White House insider? And how RR published an essay against subsidizing drug abuse just a week prior?

(Here’s both links in case you don’t remember:)

Well, as a writer, I know that you can pick up on certain writer’s styles based on what’s called “stylometric” data. Basically, you can use computers to find similarities between written pieces and come to a pretty reasonable approximation of whether or not they were written by the same person.

Reading these pieces,  you’ll recall that I had a hunch these were both written by RR.

Well, now I have the data to back it up.

I ran both essays through a stylometric analysis program called Signature, and came out with some striking results:

Look at that. They line up almost perfectly in every measurable domain.


Come OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON. You know what we say about “coincidences” by now!

And that wasn’t the only program I used. An online stylometric tool gave it a pretty high grade, as well:

You can try this out for yourself, as well. This was enough to convince me, but feel free to independently verify on your own.

But remember Sheila Jackson-Lee’s panic a few months back that Trump was targeting RR to be fired? And how she got that intel because of the bugged iPhone Trump was using to feed the Dems false info?

Her reaction only makes sense if SHE and the entire Cabal believe RR is /theirguy/.

Otherwise, why would she panic when she was fed the false intel?

Having RR suggest using a wire; THAT was planned – because they have the #DemonicDems’ #InfernalPlaybook.

Even @StealthJeff arrived at the #WhiteHat conclusion on his own:

Did you catch that? McCabe leaked to the Times in order to discredit Rosenstein, publicly.

I struggled to make sense of this at the time, because I had been vacillating on the whole white hat/black hat thing (after clinging to my white hat theory for forever). McCabe’s move just doesn’t make sense if RR is a black hat. I postulated that he may be throwing him under the bus, but even this rang hollow at the time.

No, McCabe’s actions only make sense if RR is a white hat.

And note: Stealth Jeff doesn’t follow Q (to my knowledge). He hasn’t made the McCabe leaks connection, yet. He just knows there are leaks going on, but not from whom.

Roll this back again to the “Resistance” article (which, using stylographic analysis, we showed was written by RR, in all likelihood).

This means, once again, Trump was controlling the media – this time by using Rosenstein’s “Resistance” article as journalistic catnip. He knew exactly how to bait them.

Heck, this likely extends even further, to people like Omarosa:

#TheMoreYouKnow! Same playbook!

Guys, Q was intentionally posting in order to throw the Dems curve-ball after curve-ball after curve-ball. They didn’t know what to believe, and now… it’s too late!

I fully expect Rosenstein to step down soon (he won’t be fired) – voluntarily. There may be some back-and-forth, depending on how they want to time things – but once Kavanaugh is confirmed… I don’t see much else obstructing the path to total #FISA declassification any more.

And if RR is a good guy, you know what that means about Mueller:

We did, and it paid dividends today, #BigTime!

I loved seeing him smack the Dems around today, when they kept on trying to gaslight Kavanaugh into accepting an FBI investigation.

Step Down!

Rachel Brand was removed for timing!

Noel Francisco is set to take over!

That man is Solicitor General Noel Francisco, the No. 3 at the Department of Justice who previously served as a prominent conservative lawyer. He also previously clerked for the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and is reportedly a strong supporter of Trump’s agenda.

He worked for the DOJ under former President George W. Bush before moving back to private practice. Francisco is also no fan of special counsels, and has argued that a president has the constitutional authority to shape the bureaucracy around him.

This will not sit well with Democrats.

#BOOM! Love it!


And, #Anons are just amazing.

One #Anon located the Chinese province the car came from

That’s actually not too far from Shanghai; maybe a couple of hours…

So I have to wonder…

Remember this?

Looks like we’ve got a match, buckos!

Yeah, putting that one down as a MAJOR #QConfirmation.



They thought they were getting away with it!
