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The Twitter Battlegrounds! #NewQ #QAnon #GreatAwakening

30-9-2018 < SGT Report 115 2122 words

from Neon Revolt:

Ah Twitter, that bastion of free thought and expression:   Isn’t that just lovely? Rep. JJ was right.

But it’s not all bad out there in the twitterverse (at least, for now).

A few of our favorite talking heads have been absolutely killin’ it for the past day or so, in regards to the …

Ah Twitter, that bastion of free thought and expression:

Isn’t that just lovely?

Rep. JJ was right:

But it’s not all bad out there in the twitterverse (at least, for now). A few of our favorite talking heads have been absolutely killin’ it for the past day or so, in regards to the #KavanaughConfirmation, and I wanted to highlight their contributions before @Jack gives them the boot (which, if you read the Q drops already, you know is bound to happen, soon.

And I know this is a lot here, but trust me; each of these is worth the read:

And we can’t forget the God-Emperor either, in all of this:

But while all that was happening, #QAnon was dropping, so let’s get right in to #NewQ, starting where we last left off:

I had a feeling yesterday that the whole FBI investigation into Kav was a setup, and I said as much on Gab. I have more evidence than ever that RR is actually a white hat, and when I heard that Flake had a meeting with RR… I mean, come on! (I explained a lot of this in my previous article, so if you haven’t read that yet, please do).

Moreover, we know to “Trust Grassley,” as Q says. Grassley would have never recommended an FBI investigation, and the vote to pass Kav to the Senate floor was not contingent upon an investigation. That’s very important to understand here. The senators in that room had no authority to open up an FBI investigation. It was just a pass/fail kind of vote. Either the Senate Judiciary Committee would approve passing Kav to the floor, or they wouldn’t. Flake got to save face, the parties voted along party lines, and Kav got through on an 11-10 vote. And while I was angry at Flake at first, I tend to think that Trump may have even managed to turn him! (Or is, at the very least, using RR to manipulate him in the direction Trump wants Flake to go).

It’s actually almost staggering how MORONIC the Dems have been throughout all of this. Remember: Wray controls the FBI now. He’s had MONTHS to clean house. Wray will make sure the investigation goes exactly where it needs to.

And I said it before, but it’s looking more and more like this is going to supremely backfire against the Dems:

That doesn’t read like they’re investigating Kav. That reads like they’re investigating Ford!

Again, refer to the ImperatorRex tweets as well:

I said it yesterday, but Trump simply won’t allow a cloud of doubt to hang over his nominee, and over the Supreme Court. There needs to be no doubt that this was a major conspiracy against Kav. His false accusers and their co-conspirators need to go to jail.

You might actually see a few Dems actually lose their senate seats because of all this. This goes waaaay beyond censuring.

And it all might go down in like… the next week and a half.

Here’s the clip Q wants you to watch, of that insipid little Hirono midget:

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I have to say, this rotten dumpling has annoyed me more than any of the other dems during the past two weeks. Every time she talks, I find myself wishing her head would spontaneously combust and explode, like in Raiders of the Lost Ark. And that’s really saying something when you’ve got #Sharticus in the room, hamming it up for the TV cameras with his false sympathy. Alas, I’ve not been so fortunate to witness such a volatile-cranial-spectacle, but one can always dream.

Again, I think Q is engaging in a bit of disinfo here in order to rally the troops: here’s the enemy’s tactic. Here’s what we’re gonna do in response. Trump controls the FBI. Wray has oversight over his agents. I’d be willing to bet that supplemental investigation is going to turn out either Pelosi or #DiChiFi as one of Ford’s co-conspirators, and that Trump/Grassley/and co. knew that going into all this, which is why they’re allowing it to happen in the first place.

Heck, even Trump is calling the investigation a “Blessing in disguise” now.

Before heading to West Virginia on Saturday for a political rally, President Trump expressed confidence in Kavanaugh.

“I would expect it’s going to turn out very well for the judge,” he said. “There’s never been anybody that’s been looked at like Judge Kavanaugh.”

Trump said he had no backup plan concerning his nomination, and didn’t need one.

How much more proof do you need?!

But the important part is that we can’t get lazy here and rest on our haunches. Just because we have an upper hand doesn’t mean we’ll win by default – which is, I think, Q’s point in all this:

Prepare the meme cannon, folks, and make sure you have plenty of ammo for the week ahead.


As as I’m writing this, it turns out Grassley is making criminal referrals already for Kav’s accusers!

I’ve never been more glad to have adopted Gab so long ago. I keep encouraging people to make the switch, but I can’t deny that Twitter is a major battleground in all this. It’s bigger by FAR, and has a much bigger impact.

You know what’s at stake; you don’t need me to remind you. You know these technological oligarchs are complicit in so much evil, so they’re desperate to save themselves. If the Dems lose the midterms, these oligarchs lose their protection.

And the censorship is already happening.

Why, just a day or so ago, @ThomasWictor had his account purged from Twitter entirely. @realJamesWoods is still suspended for daring to post a meme. It doesn’t matter what you post; these sites have such vague guidelines, they’ll come up with any old excuse to censor whoever they don’t like.

You can’t expect the likes of @Jack and #Cuckerberg to fight fair. They’re willing to endure any lawsuit, any investigation, so long as it means keeping their scrawny behinds out of hot water. This may be all fun and memes for us, but for them, it’s life and death.

And like Q warns, expect Trump’s own twitter account to go down as well. I imagine they’re saving that play for a key moment; one where it will put his account out of commission for a few hours, and then, like Q says, they’ll reinstate it and blame the outage on a “renegade employee,” just like they did before.

(As a side-note, Q, I know Gab is still young, and #POTUS has to maintain certain optics, but seriously consider having him make the leap to Gab. Maybe even just maintaining a placeholder for now).

Q’s last post for the day was this mysterious airline interior, and a few stringers:

#Anons quickly honed in on the make and model of the airplane: a a Boeing 787 Dreamliner. A lot of Anons thought it was, specifically, a United Airlines flight, but I’m seeing less evidence for that, especially when you consider the TFC portion of the stringers.

See, some Anons believed TFC was the IATA code for Taormina Harbour airport. One big problem: United doesn’t fly to TFC…

We’re still in the process of trying to hunt this specific flight down. We don’t know when this pic is from, so that makes it more difficult.

This #Anon noted the image’s filname:

Many thought the BAH portion represented Bahrain International Airport, meaning, we now have two potential points for this flight: Bahrain for takeoff, and Taormina for destination.

#Anon, however, provides another more compelling interpretation (by my estimation). Even though it’s more complicated… I found it fit nicely with other, previous Q drops:

At which point, anon noted:

Frankly, this is the interpretation I’m leaning towards.

Another anon had some other ideas here – and while I disagree with his Sept 26th part, I think he’s spot on about a missile being involved:

And also note: TFC could very well mean “Temporary flight corridor” and not Taormina Harbour airport. The airport is so small, so remote, it doesn’t show up on most online map searches. I didn’t think it could handle something as big as a Boeing 787.

But a Temporary Flight Corridor accomodating an international Boeing 787 flight to Heathrow…

Now that makes A LOT more sense! And it fits with Q’s previous drops about #Skyfall.

And given Q’s penchant for movie references, I can’t ignore the fact that Skyfall is about MI6 being infiltrated by a former agent turned master computer hacker, who is now threatening to release the identity of every embedded field agent in the world, before ultimately blowing up MI6 HQ:

Knowing what we know about embedded MI6 agents, how British Intelligence created and “legitimized” the Trump Dossier – do you think it’s possible Q is sending a message here?

Yeah, I think a whole lot of MI6 dealings are about to be exposed to the world, very soon.

Also of note in regards to this the QDrop:

Trump’s tweet about Sen. #Leatherface Blumenthal followed Q’s post here by 17 minutes, making it yet another nice #QConfirmation.

And finally, before we go, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the #TrumpRally in West Virginia. The whole thing can be watched on Trump’s twitter feed:

POTUS is particularly hilarious talking about Cory Booker now wanting to run for President. But remember what Q said: certain people will announce their runs in order to gain a layer of protection.

And if you’re eagle-eyed, you’ll be able to spot a couple Q-related T-shirts in the photos he posts:

Get those memes ready, folks. We’re gonna need them, this week.

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