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Christianity & White Nationalism

27-11-2018 < Counter Currents 56 2500 words

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It is a commonplace among White Nationalists to disparage Christianity. This is understandable inasmuch as most of the Christian denominations today have abandoned almost all of the tenets of Christianity. The typical Christian minister or priest is no longer a saver of souls but is instead an anti-white social justice warrior (SJW). “Is the Pope Catholic?” is no longer a self-evident joke but is now a serious question that must be answered in the negative. Millions of Christians hold fast to a historical faith that is actively opposed by institutional Christianity. The mainline Protestant denominations have been in spiritual decline since the end of the Second World War, the Catholic Church has been lost since Vatican II, and even the low-church Protestant denominations such as the Southern Baptist and the various Evangelical and Pentecostal denominations have succumbed to the inanities of the SJWs and the nonsense of dispensationalism, the latter being the ludicrous idea that, somehow, the Jews are still the Chosen People and that a powerful state of Israel is a necessary condition for the Second Coming of Christ.

The response by many White Nationalists to the spiritual collapse of Christianity in the West has been to write off the religion as a useless relic of the past that has no place in the coming ethnostate. This approach, I believe, is very shortsighted for several reasons. First, White Nationalists are rightly concerned with the organic nature of the nation-state. An ethnostate is by definition organically organized. As such, it is important to remember that Christianity has been an organic component of Western civilization for the past two millennia. It is unreasonable to think that worship of Zeus, Odin, or any sort of artificially created New Age substitute for Christianity will be any more successful than Antoine-François Momoro and Joseph Fouché’s attempt during the French Revolution to replace Christianity with the Cult of Reason. It is also important to remember that those countries that have most resisted the tyranny of globalism (Hungary, Poland, etc.) have done so by consciously asserting Christianity as an essential and organic part of their national identity. And second, yes, institutional Christianity is corrupt, immoral, hostile to white interests, and intellectually and spiritually bankrupt. So are the universities, large corporations, the press, and almost all government entities. Yet there will be universities, corporations, a press, and a government in the coming ethnostate. Any institution that has been corrupted can be uncorrupted, Christianity included.

The Gramsciian long march through the institutions began with the Church. In fact, the long march through the Church actually predates Gramsci’s formulation of the concept. In 1907, Pope Pius X authored the encyclical Pascendi dominici gregis (Feeding the Lord’s Flock) that denounced in the strongest terms the attempts by modernists within the Church to substitute Leftist ideology for Christian theology.[1] The Leftists eventually won in 1962, when Vatican II all but destroyed the historical faith. In Protestantism the rot set in much earlier, and one famous example can be seen in the work of the Transcendentalists, who, applying the tenets of literary criticism, replaced the theology of Calvin with the hippy-dippy feel-good theology of emotions that wrecked the Congregational Church and gave us the Unitarian-Universalists, a denomination that has no God and no theology, and exists mainly as a support group for overweight lesbians, transitioning beta males, and graybeard college humanities professors who think Woodstock Nation was akin to Periclean Athens.

With the corruption of the Church well underway, it was child’s play for the Left to attack the educational system. The GI Bill had horrible consequences for colleges and universities. After the conclusion of the Second World War, there were suddenly hundreds of thousands of unqualified veterans who were now able to afford college, thereby infusing billions of dollars into institutions that were in the process of being taken over by the Left. Academic standards began to fall in the late 1940s and have been in decline ever since. The Vietnam War also consolidated the Left’s grip on the universities because college students could claim exemption from the draft. And even when exemption policies changed, theology majors were always exempt from the draft. Thousands of radical Leftists with no religious vocation attended seminaries during the period of the Vietnam War to resist the draft, and ended up subverting the religious institutions in which they eventually became ordained.

Simply put, for the past fifty years, white persons of European descent have mostly been without religious and intellectual leadership — and yet man remains a religious creature. He yearns for intellectual and spiritual truth. An abiding idea that has permeated the Western conscience since the time of the ancient Greeks has been the search for the truth. Truth-seeking is one of the most distinguishing characteristics of the West. “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” is not just one of Jesus’ utterances in John 2; it is the underlying basis of our legal system, the scientific method, and even the concept of free speech. The Christian belief in the unwavering nature of God was an extremely important factor in the development of modern science that is rooted in discovering those laws of nature which are universally applicable.

Now we come to that White Nationalist bugaboo: the U-word, universal, defined as including or covering all or a whole collectively or distributively, without limit or exception, especially: (1) available equitably to all members of a society, such as universal health coverage; (2a) present or occurring everywhere; (2b) existent or operative everywhere or under all conditions, as in universal cultural patterns; (3a) embracing a major part or the greatest portion (as of humankind), such as the idea of a universal state or universal practices; (3b) comprehensively broad and versatile, such as a universal genius; (4a) affirming or denying something in all members of a class, or of all values of a variable; (4b) denoting every member of a class using a universal term; and (5) something adaptable or adjustable to meet varied requirements (as of use, shape, or size), as in a universal gear cutter or a universal remote control.

Yes, Christianity is a religion that seeks to converts all humans. In this sense, it is universal. But there is absolutely nothing in Christian theology that commands, recommends, or even considers the notion of one-world government or open borders. In fact, Christianity is mostly unconcerned with temporal governments, since its emphasis is on the afterlife. “Render unto Caesar” — which can be understood simply as obey the law — is hardly the clarion call of an SJW calling on Antifa to physically attack political opponents.

There is a great deal of confusion among non-Christians and Christians alike about the “universalism” of the Great Commission, that is, the commandment by Christ to spread Christianity throughout the world, to all nations. The word “nation” always appears in the plural. There is nothing in the Bible to support open borders, unlimited immigration, or to deny the right of a sovereign nation to control its borders. In fact, there is support for exactly the opposite. The Tower of Babel story, for example, strongly suggests that the division of humanity into distinct states based on linguistic, ethnic, and racial identities is divinely ordered.

It is also amusing that whenever Leftists try to use scriptural references to support their ideological positions, they use only half of the appropriate passage and/or quote things woefully out of context. Yes, it is true that the Holy Family fled Nazareth and hid out for a while in Egypt. The estimates of their stay in Egypt range on the low end from two weeks to the high end of several years. In a sense, they could be considered to be refugees. But the Holy Family went home. And while they were in Egypt, they behaved themselves. They did not insult or take advantage of the Egyptians, nor did they attempt to replace the indigenous population of Egypt with Nazarenes. Also, Leftists forget that during Christ’s lifetime, all of the Middle East was a part of the Roman Empire and was essentially one country, so the flight from Nazareth to Egypt was more akin to a hurricane victim from Florida staying in Virginia for a little while until the danger has subsided and he can go home. The Flight to Egypt, therefore, provides no support for open borders or unlimited acceptance of refugees.

Make no mistake about it: The restoration of sanity, and theological and intellectual rigor, to institutional Christianity will be a long and arduous task, not unlike those tasks we face with restoring every other Western institution that has been corrupted and weaponized against the white race. The benefits of a restored and white-friendly Christian Church will be enormous:

  • Renewed emphasis on the family and traditional gender roles/identities: The family unit headed by two parents of the opposite sex (with strong fathers taking the lead) is the cornerstone of a white Christian society. This will strengthen white society in general and help reduce any number of social ills currently afflicting whites as a result of multiculturalism. Unlike Islam, Christianity is not misogynistic, but recognizes that men and women have different roles in life that are rooted in biology. Freed from feminism, Christian women are able to be feminine and thereby affirm their natalist desires. More Christianity, more white births.

  • Traditional, masculine-dominated Christianity will tend to mitigate the proliferation of soyboys and metrosexuals. Gender confusion will be treated as the mental disorder that it actually is.

  • The restoration of theological, liturgical, and catechetical standards will do much to increase intellectual rigor in all aspects of white society. We need to be reminded that universities began their existence as cathedral schools, and that some of the greatest works of the human (that is, white) mind were written by men such as St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas. It may also come as a shock to many believing Christians today that in the past, great preachers were known for their intellectual prowess, and that sermons were actually published not only because of their theological and philosophical rigor, but also for the quality of their prose. And, of course, many of the greatest works of art, music, and architecture were those for use in the service of Christianity. The spiritual health of the entire white nation will be improved when white Christians abandon the sappy sounds of folk masses and worship bands celebrated in churches that look like Soviet-era brutalist apartment blocks, and instead perform Bach cantatas in churches that are both beautiful and sublime. White people who are exposed on a weekly basis to the greatest works of art and music will come to despise the negro-dominated pop culture that has done so much to destroy moral and aesthetic standards.

  • The restoration of institutional Christianity will actively work against the subversion of white society by Jewish interests. When Christians are disabused of the inanity of dispensationalism and once again realize that Jews are responsible for the murder of Christ, and that God’s covenant with the Jews no longer obtains, this will do much to restore sanity to American foreign policy. It will also make it easier to employ legal measures (such as anti-trust laws) to contain and reverse the pernicious influence of Jews in media and entertainment, the legal system, the financial sector, Big Pharma, and pornography.

  • The restoration of institutional Christianity will also bring about an overall return to rationality and a rejection of emotionalism. Ironically, a sense of the numinous is anything but emotional. There is a very big difference between mysticism and emotionalism. True religious experience is a rational realization that one does not have all of the answers and that one cannot go through life as an autonomous individual bereft of all community, be it the communion of the saints or as part of a human community. And in the long run, the “quest for community,” as Robert Nisbet so eloquently put it,[2] is at the heart of the White Nationalist struggle. A sense of mystery is not only part and parcel of the religious experience, it is also behind all intellectual discourse, even that of science. It seems to me, for example, that when I hear physicists discuss quantum mechanics or string theory, I hear discussions that are more related to metaphysics than physics. For the rational white man, there is a sense of wonder, a curiosity about the unknown, and a realization of the vastness and complexity of the universe that simultaneously urges him forward as it puts his individual experience of it into perspective. The Leftist-inspired dumbing-down of America has led to a situation in which ideas are not discussed rationally, and like two-year olds, most people experience the world in a solipsistic manner. People emote rather than think, and no problem was ever solved by emoting. The political arena, the churches, and institutions of learning are no longer centers in which ideas and solutions are discussed in order to seek out the truth; instead, they have become “safe spaces” where lies are deliberately told to save fragile adults who have the emotional maturity of two-year olds from unpleasant truths. For these emotionally-stunted “adults,” there is no community to be had. There is no possibility of experiencing the numinous. There is only the continuous demand for the satiation of desires, and violent responses when those demands are not immediately met.

In the end, I think that it will be harder to create a white homeland without Christianity than it will be with a restored institutional Church. White people need every institution that can bind us together. We need the community that a strong Church can support, and we need a shared vision of the world that a restored Church can inspire. Above all, we need institutions that are committed to the truth — all truths, theological, philosophical, political, and biological. And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free. Now there’s a motto for White Nationalism.


[1] For more on this, see Fr. Felix Sarda y Salvany, Liberalism Is a Sin (Charlotte: TAN Books, 1899 [reprint 1993]).

[2] Robert Nisbet, The Quest for Community: A Study in the Ethics of Order & Freedom (New York: Oxford University Press, [1953] 1969)

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