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You Wanted Equality Gals? You JUST GOT IT

1-3-2019 < SGT Report 18 378 words

by Karl Denninger, Market Ticker:

A federal court has apparently just ruled that a male-only draft is unconstitutional.

Of course there hasn’t been a draft since Vietnam.  But as of right now men still have to register on their 18th birthday.  I did.  Some other people (Barry Soetero, for example), might have forged a registration later on, and others didn’t register at all.  If discovered this failure or fraud, while illegal, was rarely prosecuted but frequently had bad political consequences and occasionally bad financial ones as well (e.g. you’re ineligible for student assistance of any sort in college, for example.)

While the judge stopped short of ordering immediate registration of all women, that’s coming gals.

As a man who registered at 18 there was a roughly eight-year period (your “prime” selection years until you turn 26 or thereabouts) where any threat of an actual shooting war made you start thinking long and hard.  You get the tap on the shoulder, you go.  You get the basic training and then you get shipped somewhere and told to go shoot bad guys, with the definition of “bad guys” being up to the CiC filtered through military commanders.

Of course this is not a one-way firing range; said “bad guys” are trying to kill you too.

Welcome to equality, sisters.

You wanted it, you claimed you had a constitutional right to it, well, now you’re gonna get it — good and hard.  At 3250fps more or less, should another shooting war break out.

Funny how none of the sisterhood sued to demand women be registered for the draft.  Nope — it was a men’s group that did it, claiming that with rights come responsibilities, sisters, so suck it up and fill out the card.

I wonder how pink pussy hats will work out on the battlefield.  They might buy you an extra two seconds or so, simply because the dudes on the other side will be laughing so hard they’ll have trouble pulling the charging handle on their weapons.  Maybe.

Frankly, I say it’s about damn time — and, with some luck, it’s just the first of many changes in the name of actual equality that need to come around.

Godspeed, pink pussy hat wearers.

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