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It Isn’t The Guns, Fools…

5-3-2019 < SGT Report 67 648 words

by Karl Denninger, Market Ticker:

From Britain:

LONDON (Reuters) – Two teenagers were killed in knife attacks in Britain over the weekend, bringing the number of people killed in stabbings this year to at least 24 and pushing the bloodshed to the forefront of national concern.

It’s not the weapons that are available.

It’s the so-called “diversity” in a given society.

Diversity is only good when it is integrated into a given society.  As soon as that “diversity” instead fragments off and defines itself with hyphenated national interest (e.g. “Black American”) or worse, partitions itself off to the best of its ability (witness Sweden’s, France’s and England’s “no-go” areas) serious criminal activity including sexual assaults and murders skyrockets.


Because those who partition off refuse to consider the others as human equals.

This is the same process that nations intentionally engage in when they go to war.  We called various “enemies” during wartime “Nips”, “Gooks” and similar all for the purpose of attempting to define them as less than human because if a military member hesitated at shooting such a person and they were an enemy combatant they were going to be the ones who got shot.  The Nazis did the same thing with Jewish people — and so has basically every other nation that has ever gone to war.

But if that sort of crap invades your nation through “diversity” in immigration or you allow it to develop among the people in your country already through so-called “social justice” politics then you get raped, shot, stabbed, poisoned (with drugs) or robbed because to the person doing it you’re less than human.

It’s no more complicated than that.

The bottom line is that as soon as I can identify the “diversity” as a separate block of people it’s somewhere between bad and suicidal to the society in question.

There will always be crimes of passion and the criminally insane.  But both are a tiny percentage of the population.  As soon as you “open the door” to those who you do not insist assimilate fully into your society — that is, not requiring those who come to the US to become fully American including learning the English language, adopting our Constitutional principles as written and being in-line with the existing values of the people already here you are guaranteed a skyrocketing rate of serious criminal offenses.

There is a very large percentage of the people of the world — in fact, the vast majority of all persons on the planet — who do not share western values.  These people were not born and raised with such values and will never hold them as core principles.They do not value life as we do.  Many of them do not value personal liberty at all, being perfectly ok with dictating to others all manner of personal choice such as one’s freedom of expression or religion.  The Mexican drug cartels, for example (along with all of the the various international gangs), do not care how many people die as a result of their trafficking meth and fentanyl since they do not value life as a core principle. For the same reason they will and do simply kill anyone who gets in their way, even if “getting in their way” is no more of an “incursion” than “who sells drugs on this street corner or that.”  This complete disregard for life as a core principle is also why they’re involved with human trafficking exactly as the blacks in Africa were during the slave trade.  It’s a historical fact that it was black people in Africa that sold other blacks into slavery, not “invading whites” capturing blacks.  Why?  Because the average life expectancy of a white person given their near-complete lack of immunity and exposure to endemic diseases in that part of the world at that time, had they tried to stay there and capture slaves for themselves, was less than six months!  There was no modern medicine or antibiotics at that time; if you contracted any of those diseases, having zero immunity to any of them (just as was the case with Native Americans when white people arrived here) you were dead — period.

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