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The Yellow Jackets Revolt and the Future of America

24-3-2019 < SGT Report 24 655 words

by Sarah Hoyt, PJ Media:

The media has been so quiet on the Yellow Jackets in France that you could be excused for thinking my title refers to some kind of invasion by weird wasps.

Well, for the record, it doesn’t. It refers to the ongoing revolt in France by various groups, but mostly, honest, middle-aged, middle-class people who are setting fires to things and making life hell in the ritzy districts of Paris (and elsewhere).

You probably thought that was all over and done with, and you’d be excused for thinking it, because our media has worked so hard not to report it.

The thing is, it’s very much still alive and it’s giving French President Emmanuel Marcon problems: “Macron cuts short ski trip to attend emergency meeting of French ministers as Yellow Vest violence explodes in Paris and ‘stretched’ police arrest 25 rioters after cars are torched and shops are trashed.

To give you an idea of how serious Marcon interrupting his ski trip is, imagine that John Jean Kerry was president, and imagine how hard it would be to make him give up his vacation for anything government-related.  French and French-acting would-be elites take their leisure very seriously, enfim.

There are two very curious things about all of this and we’re going to go into both of them:

  1. Why our media is not reporting on this

  2. Who the core group of the Yellow Jackets is and therefore what this means

We’ll take the second point first:

I know a lot of us are ambivalent about the Yellow Jackets. First, because we are, most of us, fairly law-abiding, responsible people. Even when the TEA party was at its most… er… testy, we left our demonstration sites cleaner than we found them.

Second, because what the media reports about them are things that make us feel squirmy: destruction of property, most of them are Islamist or the French equivalent of Antifa, etc.

Here I’m just going to say that how the media report on the Yellow Jackets is related to why they don’t report on them if they can help it. More on that later. The point is, what they say is not necessarily the truth. Since when has our extreme left-wing media been in the business of reporting anything resembling reality? It’s all in the service of the narrative. It’s also curiously similar to how they reported on the TEA party. So don’t dismiss the Yellow Jackets out of hand.

Friends in France tell me that the Yellow Jackets are mostly middle-class and middle-aged people who never even joined in the perennial French sport of striking; people who have jobs, bills, families. My corroborative evidence for this is that the protests happen mostly on the weekend. These people are busy the rest of the time, and can’t afford to lose their jobs.

And in my opinion, this is why the media is not reporting on them, if they can help it (note that I linked a British newspaper, and even those try not to report on these demonstrations if they can).

Because when middle-class and middle-aged people go rogue and take to the streets, it means that most people in the country are very, very, very pissed off. The bourgeois, which the left has tried to make into an insult, but which are in fact the backbone of the West, are the people who do things and keep our communities ticking. They have to get very, very mad before they risk family and job and a clean record. When they get to that point, they are ten seconds from having nothing left to lose. Which is the point.

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