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3-5-2019 < SGT Report 27 1327 words

by Bob Rinear, The International Forecaster:

So it’s Tuesday afternoon and I’m minding the market, keeping an eye on a couple stocks I’m interested in. Then I start seeing things in my news feeds that are really disturbing. Down in Venezuela, they’re on the brink of a civil war, or worse, a clash between loyalists to Maduro, and the new US puppet Juan Guaido.

I was receiving video’s of skirmishes between protestors and the military. There was video of shots being fired, smoke bombs going off, and a lot of screaming and shouting. But the most horrifying video shows a government tank, literally running over a crowd of people.

A group of maybe 30 people were off to the side of the road, and a Venezuelan tank coming up the road, turned straight toward them at a fairly high rate of speed. It hopped the curb and plowed right through them. I couldn’t tell how many were crushed, but it wasn’t pretty. If you’re not squeamish, See clip above.×1080.mp4

This is definitely warfare. This is definitely a coup. This is war. Now, I’m really not up for walking down memory lane and describing how this nation has come to this. It’s a long story, and not a good one. We’ll leave all that for another day. But there is something I’d like to contemplate while we’re watching this nightmare unfold. Could it happen here?

I’m guessing your immediate thought was “heck no, we’re no socialist nightmare like they are,” but are you right in that assumption? Have you been listening to the new waves of Democrat Presidential hopefuls? They make no bones about saying they like socialism. Bernie is indeed a socialist.

But here’s my real issue. Between now and the 2020 election, BOTH sides are going to ratchet up the rhetoric. The left, not content with Muellers report, or Barr’s interpretation, are going to continue trying to stop Trump in any way they can. On the other side, Trump has pretty much declared that all the “bad guys” behind the fake dossier, the FISA scandal, the Comey/page/strzok, collusion, etc, should be investigated and prosecuted.

Recently Kevin Shipp was on with Greg Hunter. Shipp was a former CIA officer, and he says that the violence from the left is going to increase big time. Shipp, a former manager of high-risk Counter Terrorism Center protective operations with the CIA, predicted that there would be arrests of deep state figures who were involved in the scandal. “This was a coup. It was a conspiracy. It was criminal activity. These people need to be indicted, charged and need to be put in prison, and if they’re not, then our Constitution is nothing more than a sham,” said Shipp.

He added that there was an ongoing “civil war” within the government and that, “There is a Marxist movement within the DNC that is in control right now.” “The danger for ‘We the People’ is the Dark Left and Dark Left violence,” said Shipp. “As these indictments begin to come out, and as the players are called out, the violence on what I call the Dark Left, the violence is going to increase to the point where it’s going to be very, very bad. There are going to be beatings and probably shootings, and shooting at police. . . . There is going to be a lot of violence coming from the Left in the next year or two.”

Shipp urged Americans to exercise their Second Amendment rights in preparation for a violent attempt by the left to take over “our Constitution and culture.”

The scenes of violence out of Venezuela today remind me of just how ugly things can get over politics. Well, I agree with Mr. Shipp. In fact, long before he got some air time saying that the violence is going to rise, I was telling you the very same thing. Groups like Antifa, College professors proclaiming that the real problem in America is “Whiteness,” the left going unhinged over collusion that didn’t/doesn’t exist, is going to be amplified.

Now, if Trump follows through, and we start to see the Comey papers, and the unredacted FISA applications, and more and more people from the Obama/Hillary cabal start to get exposed, the Deep State Marxist demons, will not simply lay down. No, they’re going to fight back, and fight back with all their might.

Every day there’s a story of someone attacking a person wearing a MAGA hat. Every day there’s protests and counter protests over Trump. Many is the protests that have erupted into rock and bottle throwing, punches thrown, etc. As this escalates, it’s going to go from protests and fist, to people getting shot. But that’s just at the ground level.

What sort of “stuff” will the Deep State mutants unleash if some of their own ilk start getting arrested? I don’t know, but I can easily see National Guards having to be called in to put down mass riots.

I’m not trying to spread fear porn here friends. Look at Venezuela, they’re enduring a coup. The US is enduring a coup attempt of its own. You have to be dumb as a rock to truly not believe that “some people” did a full blown attempt to 1) stop Trump from becoming President, and then 2) went to all ends, to try and take him down as the Sitting President. They did, it’s right there, in your face.

Now it’s a matter of payback. If Trump either won’t, or can’t go after the plotters, then yeah, we’re doomed. We’re just another backwoods hick nation with criminals at the top, doing anything they want ( well, that pretty much sums up the reality of things for the last 12 years anyway) But if he does, and I tend to think he will, all hell has the possibility of breaking out. Why do I think he will? He LOVES revenge.

In 2005 Trump was giving a “motivational” speech to a group of about 1K people. In that speech Trump recommended revenge as business policy. “Get even,” he said. “If somebody screws you, you screw ’em back ten times over. At least you can feel good about it. Boy, do I feel good.”

Two years after that speech, Trump released a book called “think Big”. Guess what chapter 6 was titled? “Revenge”.

Sixteen pages of Think Big are devoted to revenge. All of them run directly contrary to “forgiveness”. Trump leaves no room for doubt that revenge is a guiding principle of his life — “My motto is: Always get even. When someone screws you, get them back in spades”

Now he’s President. He’s been roasted 24/7 by the media. He’s been called out by every lunatic College professor in liberal land. He’s had to endure a 22 month investigation that found nothing, but instantly the left has said that the Mueller report is just the beginning. He’s taken it all.

But my guess is that Mr. Revenge has been keeping notes. He knows who set him up, how they did it, what they were after. And I believe he’s going to be looking for savage revenge. I think he has a vision for every one of the people that have tried to get him, and that vision is ugly. Perp walks. Charges of Treason.

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