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6-5-2019 < SGT Report 81 845 words

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

This article was spotted by B.H. and as soon as I saw it I knew it was going directly into this week’s “finals folder” and hence to this week’s blogs. We’ve heard and blogged on this website about GMOs, Frankenfoods, vaccines, and so on. We’ve also blogged about 3D printing of human organs and other things.  So why not a blog about laboratory grown “meat” that’s soon to hit the grocery stores in the USSA:

Permit me to quote from the beginning of this article rather extensively:

Contrary to Biotech talking points, true genetically engineered food has only been on store shelves since the 1990s.

The first commercially available GMO crop was the “FlavrSavr” tomato, which was scrapped due to consumer and corporate rejection.

Since then, many other GMO crops, foods and similar experiments have made their way to store shelves, unlabeled and not tested for long-term safety.

These crops and foods were rushed to market even in spite of warnings from the FDA’s own scientists, as detailed in the popular book ‘Altered Genes, Twisted Truth’ by public interest attorney Steven M. Druker.

The latest lab grown food development is a far different type of experiment, however, with sights on rocking the foundation of one of the most profitable industries in the United States: the meat industry.

And now, one Bill Gates-backed project is ready for its close-up, and will be sold on store shelves for the first time this summer.

Oh joy, another Bill Gates-backed project! What could possibly go wrong? (…Well, seriously, folks, the more I thought about that one, the more I began to wonder if we would be constantly having to “update” our vaccines to protect ourselves against the lab-grown meat. This is, after all, a Bill Gates sponsored project, and I seem to recall somewhere he was really into vaccines too. But I digress… back to the article):

The San Leandro, California-based company Memphis Meats company’s lab created meat products…

Oh…wow… a California company!  So many good products have come out of Nuttyfornia disguised as other things – Reagan, Pelosi, Feinstein, anti-plastic straw laws – what could possibly go wrong?

Reading a little further on into the same sentence, I learned that this lab-grown “meat” was to be made out of GMO yeast, prompting yet again the question “what could possibly go wrong”?

The San Leandro, California-based company Memphis Meats company’s lab created meat products, which have historically been made with GMO yeast, will be available on store shelves in Mississippi this summer.

Well, one possibility is that states’ labeling laws may not be up to date:

Mississippi Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce Andy Gipson told ABC-16 news that the state will be one of just two (along with Missouri) to utilize ‘Truth in Labeling’ standards, enabling customers to know what they’re eating.

“Come July 1 we’re going to make sure every product in our grocery stores across the great state of Mississippi, if meat is being sold that in fact it is real meat and if it’s not meat they can’t call it meat,” Gipson said.

The new products from Memphis Meats are expected to be affordable, although they may not be labeled in the vast majority of states.

Why yes, folks, you can fry up a nice well-done steak of laboratory-made GMO yeast-made-to-look-and-taste-like-meat. And of course, we’re not told whether or not there has been any long-term intergenerational studies of the health effects of this “meat,” but my guess is no. Why go to all that expense: putting it out now is the laboratory test. In a few years, if the health problems begin to surface, we busybody billionaires can sell our stock and run before the lawsuits hit, or, if our agents provocateur do their jobs, we can sell the company to Bayer.

Ok… seriously folks. The previous scenario is just one of the high octane speculations buzzing through my head when I read this article. But there’s a much more serious one: we’re dealing with a group of technocrats who have had no hesitation in doping vaccines with who-knows what, the “harmless inert ingredients” that seem to be causing problems; we’re dealing with a group of technocrats who have had no compunction whatsoever in trying to stifle any “opposition” science that questions their products; we’re dealing with a group of people who are so power-mad and greedy that they have had no compunction whatsoever using the strong arm of the state to coerce people into buying their products.

So who knows what they could put into their lab-grown “meat”? (With the opposition to some vaccines growing, why not just put all that stuff into the “lab-grown meat” and inoculate people that way?)

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