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What They Died For Is Gone

28-5-2019 < SGT Report 38 1083 words

by Karl Denninger, Market Ticker:

We’ve had a lot of boys (and some girls) come home in boxes — and more than a few who there wasn’t enough left to send home at all.

It began with the War for Independence, when we told the British that “democracy” (there were more of them than us) wasn’t acceptable.  We insisted on a Republic, they said no, we shot them.

In the process more than a few nascent Americans died.

It didn’t end there, of course.

We had The War of 1812, a Civil War, The War to End all Wars, WWII (when the first one wasn’t the last) and a bunch of other conflicts, some of which people call war and some of which they don’t, since.

In all of them some of our people have either come home in boxes — or not at all.  Totaled up the count of killed and wounded run into the millions.

Through all of this and the years since we seem to have forgotten a basic element of this nation: It’s not a Democracy.

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep taking a vote on what’s for dinner.

A Republic is what you have when, immediately following said vote, the sheep pulls a pistol and kills the two wolves that have announced, credibly, they intend to have mutton for supper.

Republics only last as long as the citizens in them act as would that sheep.  As soon as that’s gone, so is the Republic.  Democracies are always and everywhere tyrannical monstrosities.  Those in power either obtain or manufacture a “mandate” based on a “majority” and then do whatever the Hell they want up to and including killing you.

Whether it’s a “Green New Deal” or just the older version the result is the same — tyranny, and it’s all unconstitutional.  FDR sent government agents around the nation and burned fields, literally destroying personal property; he claimed to have that right “for the benefit of the majority” and the USSC concurred in Wickard, ruling that FDR had the power to prohibit someone from growing grain on their own land for their own personal use and if they violated that dictate FDR had the right to destroy their property because they would not have to buy as much, or any at all, of that commodity in the open market.  The Supremes were not only wrong the people had every right to declare that decision void and revolt right then — but there was no revolt, open or otherwise.  Ditto when the Supremes ruled in Miller that a short-barreled shotgun “wasn’t covered by the 2nd Amendment.”  Of course it was; “shall not be infringed” does not admit debate, it carries no ambiguity to be interpreted and “arms” clearly includes a shotgun of any description, type or barrel length.  I remind you it is well-established that during colonial times individuals owned cannon (they were not uncommon in Colonial America; even the Mayflower, which was a civilian ship, had them on board!) and thus the 2nd Amendment clearly covers everything up to crew-served field pieces.  The equivalent to a cannon in today’s technology would be a M777 155mm Howitzer!  Next to that thing a common machine gun, say much less any shotgun, is a toy.  Oh, and don’t start with the bullcrap about how dangerous a particular weapon is, including to bystanders; cannon had to be proofed after being made — and more frequently than anyone cared for they literally blew up when first fired!

The people of this nation long ago surrendered The Republic by allowing themselves to become mutton.

Today we have so-called “law enforcement” at both state and federal levels who intentionally refuse to arrest, indict, prosecute and imprison thousands upon thousands of people who financially rape the citizens of this nation via force, fraud, extortion and racketeering through myriad medical scams.  15 USC Chapter 1 says that’s all a felony and the penalty is 10 years in prison for everyone involved.  The count of such charges laid in the last year number a literal zero. The count of criminal charges laid in the last 20 years number zero.  Said laws have been on the books for one hundred years, were challenged in the late 1970s and early 1980s all the way to the Supreme Court by the medical and insurance industries and ruled valid.  You’d expect there would have immediately been felony arrests when the first decision was handed down by the Justices.

You’d be wrong; not one such charge was laid and nobody went to prison — then or since.  Nor has the behavior stopped; it has in fact accelerated and today more than one dollar in six spent is extorted or stolen via this mechanism every single year.  Do you think opioid manufacturers, who stand accused of knowingly peddling addictive drugs they claimed were not addictive, and which have caused death, are afraid of being charged with involuntary manslaughter?  Why would they be afraid of a few deaths when the entire industry has literally robbed you of $25 per person, per day for the last couple of DECADES and not one individual has gone to prison for it?

Why do you allow this?  Why do you lick the boots of a President who refuses to demand enforcement of said law, just like the other half of the nation licked the boots of the last President who also refused?  Both took an oath to uphold the law in front of you, both immediately violated that oath and have continually done so since and you’ve done nothing, whether peaceful or otherwise.

Never mind that there are peaceful and lawful ways to enforce a demand to stop this crap; an armed, violent revolt is not the only option to being screwed on a daily basis.  In fact the more inter-connected society becomes and the more “just in time” businesses and governments embrace the more power the people have to enforce change via peaceful and lawful refusal to produce or transport goods and services.  Today enforcement could be compelled without breaking a single law in less than a week.

Is the medical scam the only outrage?  No — it’s just one of the larger ones.

There are dozens of others including allowing so-called “Department of Justice” employees to speak openly of an “insurance policy” should an election not come out the way they’d like, which is clearly, on its face, a statement that they have a means to overturn the results of an election — yet the people involved still walk free today and you still sit for that crap.

The Constitution is a dead letter because you allow it to be.

Do I honor Memorial Day?  Somewhat.  Certainly, some individuals died heroically.  Certainly, those who did so with a sense of defense of a Republic, and intent to defend same, deserve honor.

How about everyone else, including all who are here today — and openly allow themselves to be mutton tomorrow?

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