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Delusional Leftists now claim earthquakes are caused by climate change… why not solar flares, too?

16-7-2019 < Natural News 16 756 words
Image: Delusional Leftists now claim earthquakes are caused by climate change… why not solar flares, too?

(Natural News) The pair of notably large earthquakes that struck Southern California on Independence Day and the day after has sent the mainstream media into yet another delusional tizzy about “climate change,” as fake news outlets like NBC News are now claiming that tectonic plate movement is a consequence of “global warming.”

Apparently convinced that everything bad that happens in the world is for sure caused by emissions of greenhouse gas “pollutants” like carbon dioxide (CO2), climate lunatics are freaking out about this sudden uptick in ground shaking, which they believe won’t stop until the United States rejoins the Paris Climate Accord.

“No one can ignore the relentless increase in extreme weather events and so-called natural disasters, which in reality are no more natural than a plastic Christmas tree,” stated Greenpeace U.S. executive director Stephen Tindale recently to a British newspaper that hilariously buys into this ridiculous narrative.

“Here again are yet more events in the real world that are consistent with climate change predictions,” added Tony Juniper, head of the Friends of the Earth environmental group, to this same British newspaper.

Now, mind you, these statements were made in the aftermath of the 9.1 magnitude mega-quake that struck Sumatra back in 2004. But these same climate crazies are once again patting themselves on the back and saying, “I told you so!” in response to California’s recent quake activity – as if the earth shifting that’s been taking place since the beginning of time is somehow a new phenomenon stemming from combustion engine vehicles and cow farts.

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Fake news is also blaming “climate change” for the invasion crisis at America’s southern border

The insanity doesn’t stop there, however, as NBC News is now pushing the unsubstantiated myth that climate change is somehow also responsible for driving hordes of illegal aliens to rush America’s southern border.

When President Trump withdrew America from the Paris Climate Accord, this caused farmers in Central and South America to no longer be able to grow crops because of a lack of rainfall. As a result, they all headed up in caravans to the United States to seek “asylum” – meaning it’s all Trump’s fault, as well as the fault of his “climate-denying” followers.

Marc Giller, writing for The Resurgent, notes that the country from which most of these illegal invaders are fleeing, Guatemala, is actually getting plenty of rain, and has a thriving agricultural industry – this inconvenient fact completely debunking all fake news claims to the contrary.

In truth, the real reason why “migrants” are fleeing countries like Guatemala has to do with government corruption, as well as what Giller describes as “the perverse incentives created by a feckless political class in this country,” referring to Democrats, “that doesn’t want to do anything about illegal immigration.”

In other words, the Democrats are promising illegal aliens plenty of “free stuff” in exchange for votes, which is why they continue to flood the border, leaving Border Patrol with no choice but to detain them for processing.

The good news with all this insanity is that most Americans aren’t buying the low-IQ contention that “global warming” is the cause of everything negative in the world, including illegal immigration and earthquakes. They’re instead recognizing that these champagne liberals who pretend to be bleeding hearts have basically flown the coop at this point, and are best ignored.

“By attempting to link climate change to immigration, they’re hoping to increase public interest in environmental issues – especially in a way that would make them more receptive to the kind of big government intervention favored by Democrats,” says Giller.

“Expect to see a lot more of this, now that the Left has finally acknowledged that there is in fact a crisis at the border.”

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