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On Trump’s Solutions to Mass Shootings

6-8-2019 < Activist Post 29 1759 words

Op-Ed by Scott Lazarowitz

More mass shootings again. In El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio.

So once again Donald Trump and his fellow politicians are turning to more fascist proposals to solve the issue of these young people shooting up places and killing people. More gun regulations, background checks and “Red Flag” laws, none of which will help to prevent the violent episodes.

The dysfunction going on now is mainly a result of government intrusions and government interventionism in the first place, so just how will more government intrusions and interventions solve any problems? They won’t. Bureaucrats will only make things worse, as they are now.

Why would we want to trust government agencies and their government databases to do background checks on people, when the bureaucrats and enforcers themselves are not entirely trustworthy and not particularly competent? The El Paso alleged shooter bought his gun(s) legally, and last year’s Florida school shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz also passed a background check.

The FBI were given a heads up by the Russian government on the Boston Marathon bombers, the Tsarnaevs, but the FBI did nothing with the information. So much for “Red Flag” laws.

But “Red Flag” laws will help disgruntled co-workers or ex-workers, or spouses going through nasty divorces, or neighbors who don’t like a particular neighbor, to report targeted individuals to the government or to the police.

We already have “Zero Tolerance” laws in the schools, in which teachers and staff report a kid to the police (not to the principal’s office, but police) who has carved a pastry into the shape of a gun or points his finger and says, “bang, bang.” And sheeple neighbors now report a lone child, playing outside or walking along the street, to the police and police arrest the kid’s mother at home for being “negligent.”

We have those things now, because society in Amerika is dysfunctional, irrational, and many people are quite ignorant and their critical thinking skills and common sense have been suppressed or punished by the authoritarian enforcement of political correctness in the schools.

Just read through any of John Whitehead’s columns from the Rutherford Institute, and you’ll get a good sense of the police state in the government schools and in Amerika.

Trump mentioned the Internet and video games in his press conference this week. What are we going to do, ban video games and censor the Internet? Big Tech SJWs are already censoring those they feel are “triggering” or are guilty of “hate,” mainly those whose political or social views the Big Tech censors disagree with. And we know how crazy some of those tech people are now.

So now in addition to censoring, the tech authorities will use “Red Flag” laws to report “suspicious” activity to the police, giving police the users’ IP addresses and access to their social media accounts, and so on. Get ready for The Purge, everyone.

But what is causing these young people to go postal at the government schools, at shopping malls or movie theaters? I’ve already discussed the connection between psychiatric drugs and these shootings. I know, the killer is responsible for his own actions, but the drugs are having the effect of numbing their judgments and self-control.

But police don’t or won’t “go there” because either they like Big Pharma’s exploiting people’s problems in the name of greedy profits, or, as was mentioned in this article regarding Sandy Hook shooter Adam Lanza, maybe police are like the state of Connecticut’s bureaucrats who refused to release Lanza’s medical records, denying a parents rights organization’s request “because ‘it would cause a lot of people to stop taking their medications’.”

And Donald Trump mentioned the video games, like taking them away will change anything.

In this article, I wrote about Adam Lanza:

Regarding Adam Lanza and his incessant video game playing, there are several articles online which seem to be distorting or exaggerating his use of violent video games. For instance, this Guardian article states that Lanza was obsessed with mass murder and listed only violent video games based only on some items police actually found in the Lanza home, while this Techdirt article clarifies that he also had non-violent video games such as Dance Dance Revolution, and it was that video with which the article claims Lanza actually was obsessed. This Hartford Courant op-ed agrees based on witness interviews that Lanza’s real obsession was for the non-violent video games, especially Dance Dance Revolution.

So, Adam Lanza was most obsessed with his non-violent video Dance Dance Revolution, but he didn’t exactly go into the Sandy Hook School and dance for the kids, did he? Nope.

And I also wondered whether Adam Lanza may have been “brainwashed,” like from video games:

connections between the recent mass killings and implications of government-infiltration of media and use of drugs to “trigger” violent behavior in people, some of whom have claimed no knowledge of their even having committed violent acts.

Which should not be too hard to fathom, by the way, given that we now know that the NSA has not only collected video gamers’ chats, buddylists and geolocations but also NSA agents themselves participate and role-play in games and discussions as a means of extracting personal information and metadata and recruiting informants, specifically in Xbox Live and World of Warcraft. We also know that governments have instilled their propaganda in these video games.

And I think Trump said something about video games “desensitizing” the kids and young adults to violence and murder. But what about the military? Since the early 1990s especially the U.S. military has gone over to the Middle East, bombing and shooting and mass killing, especially in Iraq, murdering or causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocents. And the death and destruction was revitalized when the George W. Bush started new wars against Iraq and Afghanistan, and to this day their drone bombers, and Obama’s drone bombers, and now Trump’s drone bombers continue to murder mostly innocent people.

Talk about “desensitized”! The U.S. military intentionally desensitizes and suppresses the consciences of military members.

And Trump also said something about looking at “mental illness.” Why do Trump and others want to disarm people who are supposedly “mentally ill” and make them defenseless? We already have sitting ducks in the “gun-free zone” schools and other mandatory “gun-free” places — why put targets on the backs of “mentally ill” people?

And who is to decide who has “mental illness”? Local law enforcement, some of whom are Iraq War vets and who have PTSD? Psychiatrists? Yeah, right. I would trust the average psychiatrist to determine who is mentally ill as far as I could throw him.

Like in the old Soviet Union (and the United State), those who criticize the Regime in Washington will be diagnosed as having a “mental illness,” as will those who continue to use correct-gendered pronouns, those who identify as Christian or conservative or those who homeschool their kids. You get the idea, and it’s not too far-fetched. We know how brainwashed many people are now in today’s culture of nonsense, irrationality and pathological political correctness.

But the police state in Amerika has grown exponentially especially since 9/11, with little children being terrorized by sicko perv molesters and gropers at the airports, and being made to fear every little thing. The government schools are terrorizing the kids into fearing that the end is near with climate change extinction. The schools are indoctrinating the kids to accept “transgender” as a normal aspect of life when it is no such thing, and the kids know this deep down.

The kids are intentionally being made by the government schools to be confused about gender and sexuality, they are being labeled with made-up diseases and conditions such as “ADHD,” “ADD,” “PhD,” and told they are “autistic,” when in fact they are just normal, growing kids. So, we have a lot of them, mainly boys, who are being tormented by an increasingly dysfunctional and corrupt society. This in addition to their brains being poisoned by pharmaceutical drugs such as Xanax and Zoloft and Adderall, and the vaccine adjuvants such as aluminum are also interfering with their normal brain development.

My conclusion is that government has played a large role in these societal problems. Government schools, government-Big Pharma colluding, government’s invasions of other countries for no good reason and murders of innocent foreigners, government’s own violence and intrusions into the lives and liberty of its own people in the United State of Amerika.

So, the solution includes getting rid of government schools. End the wars and occupations abroad and the police state at home, dismantle the national security state, and end the government’s support of the pharmaceutical industry. Those things would help us out a lot.

Scott Lazarowitz is a libertarian writer and commentator. Please visit his blog.

Image credit: Anthony Freda Art

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