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10-8-2019 < SGT Report 29 481 words

from The Waking Times:

The two-party system is an illusion. It is a facade. It is a false paradigm. It is a tool of divide and conquer; a distraction; a mimicry of constructive discourse.

What common interests do continual political battles, inspired by political leanings, promote beyond the grabbing of votes by politicians who climb and step over each other in a frenzy for the attention of television cameras?

None. Nada. Zip. Zero. Zilch.

Sure, the politician broadcasts their position on an “issue” that is aligned with their “side” of the political aisle. This issue is, of course, a narrative backed by moneyed interests. Would a politician be inspired otherwise? Absolutely not.

The outlet for the expression of these “issues” is, by the majority, conducted through a medium that guarantees you cannot debate or challenge the narrative in any way such as the mainstream news stations or newspapers.

Mainstream media gives you the illusion of debate by featuring “panelists” or “experts” going at each other over a subject.

Do not believe for a second that an opposing side is not controlled opposition. It is. Mainstream news stations want to maintain their viewership within their demographic. They do this by winning the debate for their “side” every time there is a debate and they do this by controlling the opposition.


After the votes are counted and the politician takes his or her throne in the chamber of congress, he or she isn’t going to sleep at night with warm and fuzzy feelings on how well they have served the “American People”. Rather than counting sheep, they are counting the money procured by the exhaustive driving of lobbied interests. These interests are ultimately expressed as the issues that brought them the vote.

I have personally reached out to those who it is said represent me as a constituent in congress. I have sought answers to questions over issues that face us all as Americans.

My questions to them were simple and politically neutral: Why are both the Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), two independent and foreign controlled constitutionally illegal institutions posing as government entities, allowed to dictate monetary policy and extort wealth from the inhabitants of this country?

It has been months since I have written them. I have yet to receive a response.

Yet, I see these same politicians preaching their invested interests to the public through the corporate controlled mainstream media everyday. The interests, painted either red or blue, sit as if on an eternal carousel. They sit comfortably besides their related, yet perpetually unresolved, political talking points masquerading as issues.

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