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Planning a road trip? Don't forget these 5 survival essentials

11-8-2019 < Natural News 24 684 words
Image: Planning a road trip? Don’t forget these 5 survival essentials

(Natural News) When going on a road trip, always bring these five survival essentials with you. Even if SHTF while you’re traveling, you’ll have what you need to address minor medical emergencies and car troubles. (h/t to

A roadside safety kit

Whether you’re on a short trip or going on a long drive, you need a roadside safety kit with emergency signals like flares or reflectors. If your car breaks down, a roadside safety kit will let other drivers easily spot your vehicle.

Aside from signaling other drivers to drive carefully, a roadside safety kit will let roadside assistance (e.g., a tow truck or emergency response team) find you quickly.

A first aid kit

If you encounter accidents while on the road, you don’t need to worry because you have what you need in your first aid kit.

A prepper’s first aid kit includes items you need to address minor medical issues. If someone has a serious accident while you’re traveling, you can use your first aid kit to help stabilize their condition until they can be treated by a doctor.

A basic first aid kit must include:

  • A breathing barrier with a one-way valve

  • An emergency blanket

  • Antiseptic wipes and antibiotic ointment

  • Aspirin

  • Emergency first aid guide

  • Hydrocortisone ointment (for treating skin conditions)

  • Non-latex gloves

  • Splint

  • Thermometer

  • Tourniquet

  • Tweezers

  • Various wound dressings (e.g., bandages, cloth tape, compresses, and gauze)

A portable car jumper

If your car battery dies while you’re on the road, you can resume the trip within minutes if you have a portable car jumper. You don’t want to waste time waiting for help to arrive, especially if you’re stuck in a particularly dangerous area.

Sponsored solution from the Health Ranger Store: The Big Berkey water filter removes almost 100% of all contaminants using only the power of gravity (no electricity needed, works completely off-grid). Widely consider the ultimate "survival" water filter, the Big Berkey is made of stainless steel and has been laboratory verified for high-efficiency removal of heavy metals by CWC Labs, with tests personally conducted by Mike Adams. Explore more here.

Portable car jumpers don’t take up much space in your car. Some of them also function as a portable jump starter and USB charger so you can charge your phone or tactical equipment.

An emergency window breaker/car glass breaker

Every car needs an emergency window breaker. You’ll need this tool to escape your car if you get trapped due to flooding or rollover accidents. The tool can also be used if you accidentally lock a baby or pet in a car and you don’t have access to an extra set of car keys.

There are two types of emergency window breakers.

  • Some car glass breakers use a spring-loaded mechanism that doesn’t require any force. Anyone can use spring-loaded emergency window breakers, but they might malfunction when you need them most.

  • Other emergency window breakers have a static mechanism that allows you to break a car window easily. While static punch window breakers require some force to use, they will never fail.

Emergency food and water supply

Ideally, car troubles that you experience during a road trip should only last for less than one hour.

But if a particular incident leaves you stranded for one day to several days, you need to have a supply of emergency food and clean drinking water in your car. Remember, the human body can only survive for at least three days without proper hydration. Going hungry for three days straight could also send your body into starvation mode. (Related: How to bug out in your car.)

Keep energy bars and several water bottles in your car. To keep your food and water supply light and portable, you can also opt for water filter straws and a reusable water bottle.

When going on a trip, prepare your first aid kit, car emergency kit, and food and water supply. With these survival essentials, you can avoid dangerous situations while on the road.

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