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The 5G Electromagnetic “Mad Zone” Poised to Self-Destruct: The 5G “Dementors” Meet the 4G “Zombie Apocalypse”

14-9-2019 < Global Research 12 2658 words

The entities rolling out 5G are tormenting humanity and sucking their humanity from them by taking their minds and their health, while on the other side, you have the zombie apocalypse of all the people with their 4G cell phones, blindly going about destroying the world. 

The 4G zombie apocalypse lot have to wake up.  They need to wake up now before it is too late and time is of the essence. 


It is time we asked a crucial question. How did we come to be in this 5G mad zone, poised to self-destruct? How on earth did we get here?

It appears that every expansion of the use of electricity since the 19th century correlates with drastic rises in all the modern diseases of civilization, but this information has been kept from the public in order not to impede commercial profit, military expansion and universal convenience.

Since 100+ years of quantum physics has had little to no impact on the way we live our lives or how we perceive reality, we in the West still labour under the illusion that our bodies are made up of lumps of discrete matter that can be conveniently excised by a surgeon’s knife when they go wrong, this having been established in the 19th century by a grave-robbing spree to collect corpses for surgical experiments. Since no one seems to have considered the possibiity that a living body might differ significantly from a dead one, this crude experimentation formed the foundation for the system that we now call Western medicine. All traditional and ancient healing wisdom based on a holistic view of a living body was outlawed by enforcing membership of a “professional body”. In an inversion typical of our Western thinking, natural healing methods dating back thousands of years could then be termed not “traditional”, but “alternative” and “backward”.

Taking advantage of this – let us charitably call it an induced misconception – our militaries discovered that microwave weapons could be deployed silently and secretly to “defend us” from alleged enemies or perhaps for some more sinister purpose. They gleefully amassed compendia of thousands of studies,, many done in the Soviet bloc, in order to solidify their knowledge of the many and varied types of biological damage that these weapons could inflict on human beings at very little cost or inconvenience to those deploying them.

There was even a symposium organized by the World Health Organization in 1973 to discuss The Biologic Effects and Health Hazards of Microwave Radiation, but the participants must have subsequently decided not to share this information with the public in view of their intelligent propensity to suspect that one day microwave weapons might be turned on them.

Instead of informing the public that their bodies were, in fact, not solid at all but entirely electrical, these military and industrial entities kept secret all their thousands of studies on the biological effects of microwaves.

They established regulatory bodies with grand names intended to impress the public, filled them with industry and military stooges,, and set electromagnetic radiation (EMR) exposure limits so high that it would be impossible to exceed them, similar to setting car speed limits at a million miles/kilometres per hour. Russia’s public exposure standards are 100 times more stringent than those in the US.

The self-proclaimed international commission on non-ionizing radiation protection (icnirp), which is an NGO with no international or official status that appoints its own members with no oversight or transparency and protects no one from anything, while disclaiming all liability on its website for any of its pronouncements, sets non-legally enforceable and astronomically high exposure guidelines that are time-averaged over 6 minutes to avoid taking peak pulsations into account and thereby falsify exposure calculations. What a pity no one told Jackie Kennedy about the 6-minute average when that magic bullet changed her life! How different history might have been! These implausible guidelines are embraced enthusiastically by the WHO and the International Telecommunication Union, both UN bodies, and most of the world’s governments, with no basis in law.

4G uses 2.45 GHz, which has been shown in more than 100 studies to cause a wide variety of severe damage to the body and nature at levels below the so-called safety guidelines of icnirp.

Despite the regulatory agencies knowing this with absolute certainty since they have the study findings, they have told the public that there are only thermal or heating effects and continue to do so in their draft guidelines revised upwards to permit 5G.

They have published pictures of plastic mannequin heads filled with gel that they put probes inside to demonstrate the heating effect. “Look at our wonderful science!”, they seem to say, “The mannequin head has suffered no ill-effects! Why should you worry?”

Of course, there were people who spent a lot of time exposed to EMR through computer screens or other devices, who started to complain of illnesses. This was not good because it could affect the sales of electrical products and impede the military developing ever more sophisticated weapons, so the corrupt WHO just called these people mad: on its website, it claimed that the EMR-related symptoms experienced by millions of people worldwide “may be due to pre-existing psychiatric conditions as well as stress reactions as a result of worrying about EMF health effects, rather than the EMF exposure itself”. Any apparent rise in cancer rates is rapidly attributed to improved diagnostic techniques rather than the more obvious true cause of exposure to an environmental toxin.

This was a good solution, for such people could not use machines to communicate to anyone else that they were experiencing health problems, and in fact even more conveniently, they became societal outcasts because many of them became homeless, living in cars in the woods where there was no EMR. And thus it was that almost no one learned that there was any problem.
As you would expect, there were a few scientists who didn’t care for the idea of getting paid lots of money to tell lies that kill people and they started to try to advertise the truth, but it’s not difficult to arrange for them to lose their jobs or their study funding to silence them. All you need do then is simply buy up the media and pay journalists to dismiss tens of thousands of awkward scientific studies on the basis that they do not provide “solid”, “real”, “proven”, ”credible”, “convincing”, ”conclusive”, “valid” or “established” evidence. And you employ pliable scientists to “war-game” the science by producing studies that show inconclusive results.

As time went on, the military wanted industry to develop better weapons for them, but this was expensive, and frankly it was becoming quite difficult to convince the public that there were that many enemies that they needed to be protected from. A lot of effort was put into creating and funding so-called terrorists, but it didn’t do much good because the public didn’t need to make much effort to realise that they were way less likely to be killed by a terrorist than by a lightning bolt, which is pretty unlikely in the first place.

So the military and industry had a brilliant idea. What about commercialising this weapons technology as a communications technology that they could sell to the public, and then the public would pay for all the research and development of new and improved weapons?

Even better, they knew that cell phones would be addictive so everyone would want a phone. And they would be able to control people’s minds and tell them what to think, what to do and what to buy., You could have complete physical surveillance inside and outside people’s homes. How perfect! You could have a completely orderly society, with no one complaining about how eight people had accumulated wealth equal to that possessed by half the population of the planet. And if one in two children become autistic, they will make really efficient, robotic workers, will always be happy and never make trouble! We see endless articles saying it makes good business sense.

After the kleptocracy of neoliberal economics,. during which everything that could be stolen was stolen, all that is left is to consume the consumer him- or herself. Companies like Facebook are designed to do just that and Zuckerberg regards consumers as “dumb fucks” for giving away their information for free.

Already in 1981, icnirp’s predecessor organization, irpa, acknowledged that general population exposure from man-made sources of microwave and radiofrequency (RF) radiation exceeded that from natural sources by many orders of magnitude. In 1999, Dr. George L. Carlo warned that the occurrence of brain cancer and certain types of tumours among cellular phone users was twice that of non-users so that consumers could make an “informed judgment about how much of this unknown risk they wish to assume in their use of wireless phones”. His evidence was suppressed.

Work done by Russian and Ukrainian researchers published in a US review in 2001 established that, during the previous 50 years, the round-the-clock power of radio emissions had increased by a factor of more than 50,000. The same paper discussed the development of psychic disturbances under EMR exposure showing effects ranging from changes in mood to nonsensical ideas and aural and visual hallucinations, and disturbances in behaviour all the way to attempts at suicide.

While people’s minds are disturbed by their exposure to EMR, the mainstream media plies them with blanket coverage of Greta Thunberg fear-porning about an unsubstantiated 12 years until doomsday from non-existent anthropogenic climate change in order to persuade them that they need a totalitarian, world government that can guarantee their safety in uncertain times.,

Populations have been discombobulated by 25 years of cell phone use, 12 of them under intense “smart” phone attack. Parents are so fascinated by their phones that their children drown in swimming pools right in front of them. More and more people walk out into the road when a car is coming or fall over or down something while peering into “smart’ phones. We hear of adverse effects on learning, attention, and behaviour. Children are being exposed to magnetic fields from cell phones that breach WHO’s recommended 0.3μT safety limit by a factor of 20,000.

Meanwhile, insurance companies, which presumably have to protect their existence by keeping a grip on reality, refuse to insure against EMF injuries or damage.

The deployment of 5G is presented by militaries, governments and commercial entities as a race in which the winner takes all. Why should such a dangerous and completely untested technology have to be rolled out so quickly? Could it be that the Internet is empowering people who are increasingly impoverished to open their eyes about the kleptocrats who plunder the planet? Could it be that the true health effects of 25 years of cell phone use cannot much longer be hidden?

Whatever the reason, Eisenhower’s military-industrial complex has revealed itself in the 5G project, showing its hand clearly in the crossover between the two, including in the regulatory agencies (see image below showing affiliations of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) meeting participants). The limited frequencies available have to be shared among commercial and military entities.

Thus 25 years of diminishing mental capacity among populations due to irradiation facilitated by the lie of the thermal hypothesis, combined with the apparent urgency to protect ill-gotten gains and prevent populations awakening to the truth and flexing their muscles to redress the power balance have conspired to produce a mad free-for-all – a licence to irradiate without constraint from every corner of the planet and from above our heads.

Technicians have been given free rein to dream up ways of attacking populations: from under manhole covers; from cabinets on the street; from lamp posts that blast blue light with no more diffusers, as well as 5G EMR in laser-like beams; from adhesive strips of tiny but powerful antennas hidden under carpets; on the street; in trains; in planes; in cars; in buses; blasting through the walls of our homes; from our television sets; from fridges, hairdryers, milk cartons, babies’ diapers, baby monitors, “smart” phones, “smart” meters, and soon from the billions of devices that are planned to be connected to the Internet of Things. This is not to mention the plethora of “wearables” and cell phone apps that purport to help you monitor your health status while seriously undermining it. The plan is to beam 5G down to Earth from satellites in the Earth orbits, from networked civil aircraft, from pseudosatellites in the stratosphere … In other words, from everywhere. The stated plan and the word trumpeted in the 5G literature is to “blanket” every inch of the Earth, with no escape for any of the approximately 100 million people worldwide already made sick by the toxic environment supplied courtesy of the first to fourth generations of WiFi, to which 5G will be additional.

There will also be no escape for the trees, which have to go as they block the 5G signals and risk interrupting the continuous signals essential for self-driving vehicles, nor for the birds, the insects or the food chain. Any remnants of a sane, balanced, calm and quiet life will be wiped out by 5G, 4G, 3G, or any other G of wireless technology. We are complicit in our own destruction and, worse, in the wanton destruction of all life on this Earth.

Greed, fear, stupidity and hubris have brought us to this point, complemented by inanity, laziness, complacency and unconsciousness.

The 5G Dementors are closing In for the kill. The question is whether the people choosing to play out the 4G Zombie Apocalypse on their “smart” phones can tear themselves away long enough to care. If they can, or if at least some of them can, they need to understand certain realities:

There is no safe limit for artificial EMR. It is alien to our biology.

Cell phones were never tested for health or safety and we should not be using them. They destroy us, our children, our fertility, our minds and our planetary home. Convenient they may be, but they have to go.

WiFi was never tested for health or safety and we should not be using it. It destroys us, our children, our fertility, our minds and our planetary home. Convenient it may be, but it has to go.

The problem with cell phones and WiFi has nothing to do with power levels. Wireless technology cannot be made safe by reducing the power. There are effects at near-zero power, and for some effects, there is an inverse power relationship, i.e. the lower the power, the worse the harm.

Electricity has been killing us slowly since its introduction. We need to constrain its use, not expand it. Fibre-optic cable enables 5G. If you don’t want 5G because it’s dangerous, don’t build the infrastructure that it depends on.

Our bodies function on biophotons. Blue light from car headlamps and street lights – both of which for some unexplained reason suddenly are no longer fitted with diffusers – is blinding and then killing us and the biosphere. Modulating light for LiFi would kill us faster and possibly even more effectively than 5G.

There is one solution only to the problems of WiFi, cell phones and 5G: STOP USING THEM. All the time you pretend to ask the telcos to stop building this infrastructure while you pay them to do so, you are sending the wrong message.

Wake up! Choose life! Choose love! Choose the Earth!

Smash your phone

Get a landline

Cable your computer

OR … you could keep your portable not-smart-at-all computer, just as long as it is never connected to WiFi and not killing life on this planet.

It’s not rocket science.

It’s just simple common sense.
