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How Diversity is Taking Its Toll on Childrens’ Friendships

21-9-2019 < Counter Currents 15 2015 words

Being looked upon with absolute contempt by a racial alien highly prone to violence, a beautiful white child is hated simply for existing in the nation her ancestors built.

1,786 words

A few nights ago, I met two childhood friends for dinner after class. The week was over and we could breathe a sigh of relief for a few hours. We’ve all known each other for quite a while now, having met in grade school. It’s been almost twenty years. Years went by where we saw each other daily, carpooled to work, and coordinated lifting sessions; but there were others when we stayed in touch merely through an occasional text or e-mail. Seasons passed, time rolled on, but through it all, we would still get together at this restaurant to reminisce about our various past intersections as well as about our lives now. The air was brisk as we sat on the patio. You could feel summer escaping, water danced over rocks in the distance, and the wind howled through the trees; soon they will be bare, and fall will collapse into winter. We had far more reason to remain together as friends than to drift apart.

The richness in my life that stems from those lifelong friendships is a result not of our differences, but our similarities. The people in my life I am closest to, I have the most things in common with: We have similar senses of humor, similar interests, similar political views, similar cultural views, similar styles, similar aesthetic sensibilities, and we enjoy the same music and films. We even find similar things objectionable, we all find modernity to be degenerate, and we share the same sense of loss of our culture.

I am so physically similar to one of the friends I grew up with that people have often asked if we are brothers. Perhaps we are, in some metaphysical sense. When perfect strangers ask if we are related by blood, they are expressing the reality that we are so similar in so many ways, that a highly plausible explanation is that we must have grown up together. And in many ways, we did – spending summers together as kids, going to the mall and movies together as teenagers, and now spending time together as adults. Our friendship grew precisely because of our similarities, not in spite of them.

And even among those friends I’ve made more recently, we have a lot of things in common. In a society that is increasingly racially diverse, the odds of finding people similar to you begins to dwindle. And I observe this in others as well. My mom regularly meets with her childhood and high school friends for dinner. My dad would undoubtedly be doing that as well, but his best friend was killed in Vietnam. I am named after him, in fact.

If you’re fortunate enough to have friends from previous stages of your life, the overwhelming odds are that they look like you. “White Americans have an astonishing 91 times as many white friends as black friends,” according to one report. The great majority of white Americans have no black friends at all.[1] This isn’t mere coincidence. We befriend those similar to ourselves. So don’t take your friends for granted. If current trends are not reversed, we may be the last generation of white people who will be able to take such relationships for granted. White children growing up today will know nothing but hostile racial aliens who have nothing but absolute contempt for them.

Although I find myself smack-dab in the middle of clown world under an occupation government run by a very hostile elite, I feel fortunate that I was able to grow up in an era when I could still make such lifelong friends. Men of my own stock. I’m glad I can still remember the 1990s, and remember a time when my homeland was still more or less culturally white.

When I see photos of present-day classrooms in the US and Europe, I feel an intense sadness for today’s white children and a profound sense of loss. Their experience will be radically alien from mine, and I mean that in every sense of the world. They are physically surrounded by racial aliens. Their “peers,” who largely come from races with far lower levels of cultural development, will just only be beginning to recognize themselves in a mirror.[2] Many of the “adults” will see them, even as children, as part of an oppressor class that has wronged them in some way. They will bear the full brunt of the consequences for the alleged sins of their fathers.

Research shows that there are already white children growing up entirely deracinated from their own people and culture. One report tells us that “[i]n 2017, 10.8 million children attended highly integrated public schools, up from 5.9 million in 1995, an 83 percent increase that stems largely from rising diversity outside metropolitan areas.”[3]

These poor children will never have the experiences I had. They are growing up to be a hated minority in their rightful homelands, in the nations their ancestors built. Twenty years from now, they will perhaps not be having dinner with friends and laughing about their childhood antics with people who are similar to them. No; instead, they will be surrounded on all sides by invading races whose hatred for them is being reinforced by their own school curriculum, which includes conspiracy theories such as “white privilege” and a historical narrative that presents whites as nothing more than evil oppressors.

Unfortunately for the children in the above photos and millions more like them, their parents missed the white flight out of town for one reason or another – perhaps due to finances, perhaps ignorance. Either way, the results will be the same. And for those fortunate enough to be able to flee to the next “good school district,” know you’re on borrowed time. The slow increase of diversity marches ever onward, insidiously creeping into every aspect of our lives in ways that will only become excessively intolerable. If you think the suicide rate is high now, wait until half of the white population hits 20 without having a single person to call their friend.

Sending white children to schools filled with racial aliens who are prone to much greater levels of violence is nothing less than child abuse, or at the very least negligence. I assume many parents who do so are working-class whites who simply cannot afford a private school, or to pick up and move every few years. Some are also doubtless liberals who are willingly condemning their children to a life of misery due to some egalitarian bona fides, offering up their children as sacrificial lambs upon the altar of racial diversity.

The white children growing up in these conditions will not have the wonderful experience of sitting one fine evening with their lifelong friends, reminiscing about their lives. They won’t have anybody to remind them of names they forgot or to help them recall half-forgotten memories. They won’t have anything at all, other than their rented Conex-box apartment inside a co-housing warehouse, where if they’re lucky they’ll be able to shop online for trinkets that deliver an increasingly diminishing amount of dopamine.

The event horizon for this dystopia has already been passed. The current cohort of children under 15 in the United States is already majority non-white and climbing fast.[4] The situation is dire, and with each passing day, the window for an amicable resolution diminishes, leaving only radical options on the table.

The current Gen Z population is less white than the Millennial generation by about ten percent. The Millennial generation is officially the loneliest. Twenty to twenty-five percent of Millennials have no friends at all. Not one. Thirty percent of them say they are “often” or “always” lonely, and have no “best friend,” meaning close relationships are down even among those with friends. Knowing that most people meet their friends at school, work, college, or in their neighborhood, this is no surprise. As these places become more racially diverse through extremist migration policies and forced integration, the chances of finding people like yourself begin to dwindle.[5]

Give your old friends a call and realize that something simple which we have always taken for granted is in fact an opulent feature of a racially homogeneous homeland, not an eternal given. Such close friendships are not a feature of multi-racial countries. White children are having their futures ripped away from them with each passing day, and in ways that were not imaginable or foreseen. Sure, we know that diversity leads to lower social capital and less community participation, but to friendlessness? How bleak.

The horrors that await have only begun to reveal themselves. If the pendulum is to ever swing back, may all those responsible for this predicament feel its full weight, and may those of us working tirelessly to change things see an end to this long agony.

In White Nationalist countries, even the poorest of our children will grow up in nice, safe, white neighborhoods and schools. They will be surrounded by others like themselves, who understand and care for them. We do not wish to see a world of universal panmixia, forced upon us by those who desire to see a world that is as ugly and grey as they are. We want all of our people to have a proper home and a proper education. We may be hated, but know we are hated because in a world that defines “progress” by decay, we have dared to dream of something magnificent.


[1] Christopher Ingraham, “Three quarters of whites don’t have any non-white friends,” The Washington Post, August 25, 2014.

[2] Tanya Lynn Broesch, Tara Callaghan, Joseph Henrich, Christine Murphy, & Philippe Rochat, “Cultural Variations in Children’s Mirror Self-Recognition,” Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, September 9, 2010. By 24 months of age, over 70% of white children recognize themselves in a mirror. At 24 months, only 4% of African children recognize themselves, and Latin children around 30% or less. Many African children did not recognize themselves even at 72 months. Self-recognition tests have been done on animals, chimps, orangutans, dolphins, and elephants. They can all pass the test at higher rates than African children – and yet we are told that the only difference is “skin color.” Another absurdity of egalitarianism.

[3] Laura Meckler & Kate Rabinowitz, “The changing face of school integration,” The Washington Post, September 12, 2019.

[4] William H. Frey, “Less than half of US children under 15 are white, census shows,” Brookings, June 24, 2019.

[5] See Jamie Ballard, “Millennials are the loneliest generation,” YouGov, July 30, 2019; Roisin Lanigan, “Millennials are officially the loneliest generation,” Vice, August 5, 2019; Hannah Frishberg, “1 in 5 millennials are lonely and have ‘no friends’: survey,” New York Post, August 2, 2019; and Brian Resnick, “22 percent of millennials say they have ‘no friends’,” Vox, August 1, 2019.
