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Same Democrats who terrorize their own children with climate hysteria nonsense now blame Trump for causing "stress" on children

29-9-2019 < Natural News 8 761 words
Image: Same Democrats who terrorize their own children with climate hysteria nonsense now blame Trump for causing “stress” on children

(Natural News) If you still think Democrats are sane people whose only objective is to make America a ‘better place,’ a congressional hearing held this week by an important House committee should make you change your mind.

It’s bad enough that Democrats and their Left-wing Marxist allies in the media and academia are scaring our children nearly to death with their ‘human-caused global warming/climate change’ hoax, but now they are actually claiming that having Donald Trump as president is triggering our children.

On Friday, the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.), and vice chair Lauren Underwood (D-Ill.), held the second in a two-part series of hearings “on adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and the Trump Administration’s policies and proposals — including indefinite detention of children, family separation, and the public charge rule.”

Also discussed: “Adverse childhood experiences related to natural disasters and migration…”

Climate change, in other words, and how President Trump’s policies are ‘adversely’ affecting kids.

You can’t make up this kind of stupidity.

Just so you know, the hearing was complete with witnesses (we know what you’re thinking — who is dumb enough to be a part of this?). They included Surgeon General of California, Dr. Nadine Burke Harris and Obama Administration Surgeon General Dr. Regina Benjamin, with opening remarks from John Hopkins Professor Dr. Maria Trent.

Far-Left hacks, one and all. 

It’s hard to say what these lunatics hoped to gain by holding this hearing, but no doubt the ‘testimony’ given by these anti-Trump fraudsters will be used as some sort of pseudo-scientific ‘findings’ by a committee that was created to be Congress’ lead panel in crafting policies and legislation meant to bolster homeland security, not forward a Marxist Democrat political agenda and scare the bejesus out of our kids.

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How does this pertain to ‘homeland security?’

Two things must be said every time Democrats bring up Trump administration border policies:

— Whatever this president is doing, prior presidents did them as well — including the “Deporter-in-chief” Barack Hussein Obama.

Migrant kids brought into the country illegally have been “detained” by administrations for decades, including, again, Obama’s administration…and in cages, as featured in a 2014 report from CNN. 

Only Democrats would pretend that these policies are only Trump’s and that by continuing to implement them he is ‘harming’ children to the point where Congress has to waste time, money, and resources ‘investigating’ it. (Related: CHINA is the world leader in plastic waste, carbon dioxide emissions, and heavy metals pollution, yet somehow emotionally wrecked Leftists blame America for everything.)

As for ‘climate change,’ yes — the climate is “changing.” But it’s always changed, since the Earth has been habitable; it is a living planet. Millions of years ago there were no people, SUVs, cattle farts, factories, or Republicans like Donald Trump. And yet the climate ‘changed.’

There were, however, tornadoes, volcanoes, meteor strikes, and other global events that proved catastrophic during certain eras. But those events didn’t cause the climate to change; they were often the result of a naturally changing climate.

Democrats claim they are the ones who care about ‘the children,’ but by pushing these hoaxes and staging these phony baloney hearings, they are creating fear in the minds of our youth to the point where a growing number of Millennials have now sworn off reproduction.

They don’t even want to have children because…our world is coming to an end!

So Democrats have succeeded in essentially killing off the species of humans, if the ‘no kids due to climate change’ sentiment expands to enough people. Brilliant.

But then again, if there are no more people around the earth won’t get…destroyed by people. Or something like that.

The House Homeland Security Committee should be far more concerned with protecting our country from terrorist attacks, shoring up border security, enforcement of all immigration laws, and reforming asylum and other policies that put our country first and make our people safe.

Not holding garbage hearings about how Trump allegedly ‘triggers’ kids.

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