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Hillary Clinton: Could a Satan Worshipper Really Become President?

15-10-2019 < SGT Report 28 374 words

by Dean Garrison, DC Dirty Laundry:

There is a lot of speculation that Hillary is going to toss her hat in the ring for 2020 and a lot of that may depend on what happens with this ridiculous Trump Impeachment circus.

I’m not sure if America truly understands the implications of a Hillary Presidency.

  • Is Hillary Clinton truly a Methodist?

  • Or is she actually a Satanist?

We’ve been asking that question for years now.

Let’s revisit the words of Ben Carson in 2016.

Latest: Team Trump Demands Pelosi’s Resignation for ‘betraying her oath & attempting to overthrow the republic’

From MWN in 2016:

Hillary Clinton claims to be a Methodist, but there is disturbing new evidence coming to light that she is familiar with Satanic rituals, and Christians in America are giving dire warnings. Many will scoff at anything to do with the topic of pure evil or dismiss it as nonsense, yet we have uncovered proof that Hillary not only knows about Satanism, but her own words prove her philosophy reflects occultist beliefs.

Hillary Clinton is under fire today after WikiLeaks exposed a John Podesta email, where he was invited to a Satanic ritualistic dinner. However, what is more disturbing is an email that was just uncovered from close aide Cheryl Mills to Hillary which mentions a Satanic ritual:

With fingers crossed, the old rabbit’s foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch . . .” [via Wikileaks]

Wikileaks thread from Cheryl Mills to Hillary Clinton

For those not familiar, Moloch is the demon associated with child sacrifice and abortion. In the Old Testament, the Canaanites sacrificed their children to Moloch, and God admonished them that this was a grave sin in Leviticus 18:21.

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