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Are privacy coins about to change the world? RT’s Boom Bust digs into crypto security

16-10-2019 < RT 22 150 words

Regulators around the world claim private currencies like Zcoin, Zcash, dash, and monero could potentially be used in terrorism financing or by sanctioned governments. They claim that only criminals want privacy.

RT’s Boom Bust talked to Zcoin COO Reuben Yap about privacy coins and cryptocurrency security.

Privacy doesn’t come cheap, he says, explaining that there are a lot of factors such as competition costs.

Facebook’s Libra and central banks’ coins are all about surveillance and control, according to the expert.

“I do think that privacy coins are going to occupy a very important niche for people who say: ‘I want absolutely free money that I can transact around the world’.”

Private cryptocurrencies are among the most important things mankind can have, says Yap.

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