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Former NFL Player: “Liberals Will Stand Against Trump, Even If It Means Standing Against The Things That They Deeply Believe In”

21-10-2019 < SGT Report 16 408 words

by Alicia Luke, Freedom OutPost:

Ex-NFL star Jack Brewer: Why Trump policies are secretly loved by most liberals even if they won’t admit it.

Jack Brewer discussed on “Fox & Friends” why he believes liberals should support President Donald J. Trump and his policies.

Of course, liberals would rather destroy the country and themselves before they ever agree with anything that President Trump is for even if they were for it at one time.

Fox News:

Latest: Trump Defends Tulsi, Takes On Hillary Over Russian Conspiracy Theories

Imagine a country where the president was promoted by the media as a far-right extremist, yet his signature policies align with the core issues preached by far-left liberals.

If we could remove the double standard, President Donald Trump would likely be more popular with liberals than favorites like Bill Clinton or John F. Kennedy.

In under 3 years, Trump has accomplished many of the things that Democrats, for years, have promised they would do.

Since Election Day 2016, the media has freaked out about things that Trump has never done while refusing to acknowledge the numerous accomplishments of his administration

Peace Not War

Think back to the 2016 election and the widespread liberal narrative that President Trump would likely create wars around the world. The president wasted no time leading a swift and effective strike to dismantle ISIS soon after taking office, losing very few American lives and leading to an ongoing push to bring our troops home.

You may remember, the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to President Barack Obama for his “extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between people.”

Seven years later, reality set in as the Obama administration ordered over 26,000 bombs to be dropped during the last year of his presidency alone, bringing devastation around the world. More

If you’re honest with yourself, you know President Trump is not only good for the USA but the entire world. Leftists hate him so much they are willing to lose their freedoms in America. They just haven’t realized it yet.

It’s a really interesting take on things because it highlights where all parties should be aligned to get things done together instead of just fighting each other.

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