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Russian Man Who Survived Communism Has A Dire Warning For America At A Time When Democrats Are Attempting To Overthrow The 2016 Election & The Will Of The American People

21-10-2019 < SGT Report 22 1029 words

by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

– The 4 Out Of 10 Americans Who Want Socialism Need A History Lesson, Badly!

In this October 19th story at the NY Post they report that 4 in 10 Americans now consider some kind of socialism “a good thing for the country as a whole“, an 18 percent increase since 1942, according to Gallup.

With socialism the ‘new rage‘ among several Democrat presidential candidates with avowed socialist Bernie Sanders leading the way and pushing today’s Democrats even further to the left, Senator Rand Paul warns in his new book “The Case Against Socialism why ‘socialism‘ would make life worse for us all.

As this new story over at the Conservative Firing Line points out, the socialist nation of Venezuela has just reached one of the final stages of socialism; no toilet paper to be found with the nation officially advising visitors to bring their own toilet paper with them if they’ll be visiting Venezuela.

Author Christian K. Caruzo is running a series of articles at Breitbart on his life in Venezuela and in this new story titled “My Socialist Hell: The Death Of Free Speech In Venezuela“, Caruzo gives us a taste of what life is like there now, with the Venezuelan people not even allowed to criticize government without taking a chance they’ll be going to prison. Imagine an America where we couldn’t even criticize President Trump, Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama.

And as Caruzo points out, ‘free speech‘ wasn’t ‘killed‘ overnight in Venezuela, numerous incremental steps were followed. Just as we’ve been witnessing with the slow but steady & systematic destruction of the US Constitution. What’s happening in Venezuela now should be a huge warning to Americans. From Breitbart.

Venezuela’s freedom of speech was mutilated long ago. It wasn’t done overnight but, rather, carried out through a series of incremental steps that led us to this point.

When I was young, comedic shows like Radio Rochela existed, in which the politicians were often the center of ridicule and satire. Today, no one would even dare to attempt something like that because the TV channel would be shut down within hours.

The left’s inability to make memes aside, they should be grateful that they have the ability to freely mock, satirize, and ridicule public figures without fear of being thrown in jail. If I were to adapt some of the “jokes” they’ve fielded against U.S. President Donald Trump to apply to Hugo Chávez, Nicolás Maduro, or any other high ranking member of the government, then could very well be facing twenty years in prison due to the new “anti-hate speech” law passed by the regime in late 2017.

There are people in Venezuela right now that have been arrested for the sole crime of posting something on social media. A group of firemen is facing up to twenty years in prison for comparing Maduro to a donkey in a viral video. The First Amendment is one of the things I admire most out of America — it’s a freedom of speech some of us can only dream of.

And while many Democrats push for ‘hate speech‘ to be abolished here in America, as Caruzo pointed out in his story excerpted above, most Democrats in 2019 would be in prison today if ‘Venezuela-style hate speech laws‘ were ever enacted in America, simply for their never-ending hatred of President Donald Trump.

(Free-speech hating Democrats and ‘big tech tyrants’ want ANP silenced forever. So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this ‘Info-war’ for America at a time of systematic censorship and corruption.)


According to this December of 2016 story over at Richard C. Young’s ‘The Constitutional Conservative’s Retirement & Family Survival Site‘, we’ve been watching a slow but steady and systematic dismantlement of the best Constitution in the world for many years now, with this July of 2013 book by Richard McKenzie Neal titled The New World Order: Manifest Destiny reporting that enemies of America both within and without would like nothing better than to destroy that which enshrines our God-given Rights in writing.

Neal’s book warned that ‘leftist intellectuals, radical activists and elected government officials have forced us into a Constitutional crisis of the first order‘ and while many on the left believe we need great changes in America, as we hear from a Russian man who grew up under a socialist/communist system in the 3rd video at the bottom of this story, America under socialism will lead to corruption unimaginable and our nation quickly spiraling into 3rd world living conditions as crooks like Nancy Pelosi rob America blind. Think that the level of corruption we’re witnessing now in America is bad? If ‘communism/socialism‘ arrive here, we haven’t seen anything yet!

And with demon-rats now attempting to overthrow the results of the 2016 election and the ‘Will of the American People‘ via an impeachment coup since their disastrous Russian collusion hoax using Robert Mueller completely failed, we’ll take a look at several new stories below that hint grave danger is ahead no matter what happens in the future ‘impeachment-wise‘ but first, from the National Center For Constitutional Studies in a story titled “The Silent Dismantling Of Our Republic.

One of the most feared aspects to the Founders in creating a government was the realization that men, who come into power either by force or by election, nearly always seek more and more power until they approach kingly status. Over a period of several decades, and with historical experience as well as their own good thinking, the Founders eventually employed several techniques to minimize the possibility of that happening in their new government. Separation of powers, checks and balances, frequent elections–all these devices were implemented to curb the human tendency to concentrate power in the few.

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