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11,000 Scientists Sign Paper: Humans Are Bad Because They Eat Meat and Engage in Transportation

9-11-2019 < Humans Are Free 134 1131 words

For the last five years, we’ve been warning that scientists are using the climate change hoax to pursue a planetary depopulation agenda that aims to eliminate billions of humans from planet Earth.

The assertion has been predictably mocked by the CIA-run fake news media as a “conspiracy theory,” even as those same media outlets fabricate their own baseless conspiracies about Russia, Trump and the 2016 election.

Today, the media is once again eating crow as a new science paper, reportedly signed by 11,000 scientists, demands the world’s governments take action to eliminate billions of humans from our planet.

(“Democide” is the term describing mass genocide carried out by governments, by the way. In the last century or so, governments of the world have already mass murdered 262 million people. Apparently, that’s not nearly enough, according to genocidal climate scientists.)

The paper, published in BioScience, is entitled, “World Scientists’ Warning of a Climate Emergency.” (DOI link:

Authored by William J. Ripple, Christopher Wolf and other colleagues, the paper declares that “planet Earth is facing a climate emergency” which must be addressed by making sure human populations to plummet.

Humans are bad, the paper argues, because they eat meat and engage in transportation. Seriously. This is part of their argument.

All the science is faked, and even the charts are faked (but journalists don’t understand them anyway)

The science paper published in BioScience is, of course, entirely based on wildly false quack science conclusions such as claiming, “greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are still rapidly rising, with increasingly damaging effects on the Earth’s climate.”

In truth, carbon dioxide is actually re-greening the Earth, even according to a NASA paper based on comprehensive satellite imagery. Rising CO2 levels, in other words, are healing planet Earth, not damaging it.

Yet somehow, the simple chemistry of carbon dioxide and photosynthesis now escapes 11,000 scientists who have declared that CO2 — the single most important nutrient for plant life on our planet — is somehow a pollutant or poison.

The paper also rolls out a series of incomprehensible graphs, each of which is carefully selected to narrow the lines and dots to a specific time window that exaggerates observed reality and tries to convince people to be very afraid of lines and dots:

And yet, the paper readily admits all the charts are completely bogus, consisting of pure scientific fraud. For example, one explanation below the charts says, “Forest gain is not involved in the calculation of tree cover loss.”

Huh? Tree cover loss calculations don’t consider trees growing back?

With that sort of logic, you could make any scenario look catastrophic. And that’s exactly what these researchers did.

If you want to see some truly, really, really scary climate charts, check these out:

The problem is too many humans (and livestock), claim researchers

The root of all these scary graphs, warn the quack scientists, stems from, “sustained increases in both human and ruminant livestock populations.” They go on to explain that people are eating too much meat, taking too many airplane flights (Al Gore, anyone?) and releasing too much CO2 per person.

But remember, since CO2 is actually a nutrient that re-greens the planet and boosts food crop production, these scientists are arguing that sustainable food production is bad for the planet.

By the way, nobody has a larger CO2 footprint than the jet-setting globalists and demented Hollywood celebrities like Leonardo DiCaprio, who demands everyone else lower their CO2 consumption while he flies a private jet everywhere.

In pointing out what they see as GOOD things for planet Earth, the scientists cite the success of “decreases in global fertility rates,” which is of course the entire agenda behind vaccines, transgenderism, 5G EMF exposure and pesticide contamination of the food supply. It’s all about causing spontaneous abortions and infertility as a means to eliminate humans from planet Earth.

(Yes, the globalists truly hate any human who is living, and they are trying their best to carry out mass death and genocide.)

The paper goes on to claim that ocean sea levels are “trending upward” but fails to point out that the increases are so tiny, there isn’t a single city that has been inundated under 20 meters of ocean as has been repeatedly (and absurdly) predicted by climate lunatics like Al Gore.

Despite all the failed warnings that a “tipping point” would be reached many years ago, these scientists now argue about “irreversible climate tipping points” that will spell disaster, causing a “catastrophic ‘hothouse Earth’ beyond the control of humans.”

But wait, aren’t these authors claiming it’s humans who controlled the entire climate to ruin it in the first place? Somehow, humans are said to be in control of the climate, yet the climate is out of control of humans.

This self-contradictory junk science smacks of the very kind of irrational lunacy we repeatedly hear from climate change alarmists, none of whom can honestly be called “scientists” in the first place, since they have abandoned the very process of scientific thinking.

Their solution? Collapse all plant life on planet Earth by eliminating CO2 from the atmosphere

The solution to all these “climate emergency” fears centers around annihilating life as we know it on the planet. It’s all based on demonizing — and the eliminating — CO2 from the atmosphere, which would collapse food crop production and plant life across the entire planet (including rainforests).

The paper quite literally demands the removal of the CO2 nutrient from the air — “carbon extraction from the source and capture from the air” — as a way to starve plants to death and collapse the global food supply, killing off humans. This process of altering the atmosphere to prepare a planet for occupation by a completely different species is, of course, called terraforming. And that’s exactly what’s being done to Earth.

It makes you wonder how crops are going to grow at all, and since these 11,000 scientists also demand an end to livestock, claiming “reducing the global consumption of animal products” is absolutely necessary to save the planet, they never answer the question of how will all their genetically modified soybeans grow at all when CO2 is removed from the atmosphere, since soybeans require photosynthesis.

Similarly, the stratospheric pollution initiatives now being pushed by Bill Gates and others — under the “Project SCoPEx” moniker — will dim the sun, shutting down photosynthesis and robbing food crops of the cellular energy they need to produce food in the first place.

If anything, this science paper reads like a suicide wish list for the complete extermination of humankind… all run by mad scientists who seem to despise the very idea of humans surviving on this planet much longer.

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