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The United States is NOT Going to War with Russia over Ukraine

5-3-2014 < SGT Report 268 1207 words

by Mark S. Mann, SGT

Hello friends,

Watching the events in Kiev and the recent developments in Ukraine over the last few weeks has been very interesting to say the least. These events are capturing the attention of the world. As usual, both the main stream media and the alternative media are in frenzy mode with headlines proclaiming that the world is at the precipice of WWIII. It’s not gonna happen folks. It’s all saber rattling, political tough talk, and bureaucratic nostril flaring.

Is war possible? Anything is possible at this point. However, in my opinion the likelihood of armed conflict between the United States and Russia over events in Ukraine is slim at best. If it did happen, to say that it would expand into a “World War III” scenario or even nuclear exchanges is very remote.

Do you think the corrupt, greedy pieces of trash who are really in control are ready to destroy all the stuff they still have yet to fight over on that “grand chess board” that they are so fond of calling the planet?….WWIII….All because of Ukraine? I don’t think so. Yes, these people we are talking about are undeniably insane, but their greed continually proves to motivate them above all else.

[Ed. Note: I tend to agree with Mark's assessment. As Ron Paul has said, the Ukraine is none of our business. The situation in the Ukraine will probably NOT lead to WW3 -- but only because the U.S. is so weak, and the world knows it. Kerry says, "sanctions", and Russia says "we'll dump our $200 Billion in US Treasuries and ditch the dollar." Check mate.]

What is a far more likely scenario than WWIII is the distinct possibility of a limited civil war type conflict between Ukrainian and Russian troops. I say “limited” civil war; because how long do you think isolated Ukrainian troops would be able to hold out against the military might and the political resolve of Russia? The answer in reality is not long at all. Ok,…How about a gorilla / insurgent force made of Ukrainian civilians, military and police defectors? They would NOT enjoy much success either, simply for the fact that they would be heavily outnumbered and hopelessly out gunned. Remember, the civilian population of Ukraine is basically unarmed. Unlike the civilian population of the USA, the Ukrainian people are limited to air guns, less lethal weapons and in some cases long arms specifically for hunting or sport shooting. These people would be in a hopeless situation if they did start a civil war because the Russia is simply not going to allow this area to fall under western control and influence. That is the bottom line. This area is too strategic for many reasons for the Russians to just walk away. The United States, NATO and the usual puppets who tag along for the tough talk know this.

In my opinion, the United States, NATO and the European Union have no business telling Russia what to do in its own back yard. As an American, I am outraged and embarrassed that we have a front man / shrunken head like John Kerry hypocritically telling the world what needs to be done, all while our government has spied on, attacked, invaded, occupied, destabilized, sanctioned, impoverished, and destroyed numerous other countries just in my own lifetime.

The reality here is The United States, NATO and the EU are in no position to start a war over Ukraine. Anyone that disagrees with this, please explain what we are going to fight with? How about the legions of tired, over deployed, over utilized troops we have been using in Iraq and Afghanistan? Or the maybe those F-22 Raptors we spent a Billion Dollars Each on that asphyxiate the pilots who fly them? The US Military is tired and worn and is in a re-organizational period. AND….Obama has yet to finish his purge of the military.

Here is a perfect example of why this country is not ready for war. I was speaking to a friend of one of my close friends several weeks ago. This person is the commander of a US Navy F-18 fighter wing. In short, he told me that command level leadership is being forced to lie about readiness reports concerning levels of aircraft availability and combat readiness. Basically, in short, reports about how many aircraft can be ready for action immediately. He told me that for some time now, many officers (including him) have been refusing to falsify these readiness reports, and that they are being harshly dealt with by being demoted, and / or reassigned to other lesser duties. He is set to retire in less than a year after almost 3 decades of service. This person was speaking off the record and told me that if the USA did find itself in a major conflict, he had serious doubts that the US Navy would be able to muster a capable air offense or defense. This US Navy officer also stated that in his opinion, much of the US Military was in similar state of disarray and dysfunction with very inaccurate portrayals of readiness capability assessments being forwarded up the chain of command all the way to the Pentagon. This confirms what many people already know. The US military is a mess. It’s worn out after over a decade of long deployments to some of the harshest theatres of operations a military can find itself in. Is it still a very capable force? Of course it is. Is it ready for WWIII right now? I don’t think so, and neither is Russia or any of the other players in my opinion.

There are some people who think that WWIII will happen before the economic meltdown and that the war will be used as a scapegoat for the global economy falling apart. I believe the opposite. I believe the economic meltdown will happen first, and then we will have WWIII. Why end the party before you run out of food and drink? The people who profit from the current system want to continue partying and living large till they open the last can or bottle behind the bar. Remember, these globalist menaces to humanity are greedy, and that’s one of the few things you can count on about them 100%.

I think there will be a WWIII. I just don’t think it will start over the situation in Ukraine or events tied to it. I think this is just one event in a series of events which are part of the gradual run up of hostilities between sides that are not completely established yet. Not everyone is done choosing sides yet and the USA no longer has as many friends as it thinks it does. One thing I know for sure is that WWIII will have some odd and interesting bedfellows historically speaking. The “sides” or alliances in WWIII will probably look different than they have been over the last two world wars. Hopefully it will not come to that, but someone once said “The only thing we ever learn from history is…Nothing at all”.

Best wishes & Stay Safe!

