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Democrat-Globalists Are Setting America Up For A Bloodbath! Patriots Should Prepare To Defend America With Radical Leftists Threatening To Burn It Down

5-2-2020 < SGT Report 13 1347 words

by William B. Stoecker, All News Pipeline:

Anyone with open eyes and an open mind can see that we have, as Franklin and some of the other Founders feared, lost our Republic. We no longer have the faintest trace of the rule of law; the elites routinely enforce laws selectively, releasing vicious criminals and illegal aliens to prey on us citizens, while just as routinely railroading innocent citizens into prison. And wealthy leftists, no matter what crimes they commit, are almost never prosecuted, let alone jailed

Property taxes, environmental extremism, asset forfeiture, and expanded eminent domain have destroyed our property rights. Free enterprise has been replaced by monopolistic crony capitalism. Free elections are impossible when the leftist elites control the “schools” and “universities,” most of the print and electronic media, and large parts of the internet. Add to that rampant vote fraud by Demoncraps, never contested by the spineless RINOs and neocons in the Republican Party.

And ‘our masters’ are literally not only enslaving and impoverishing us, but literally destroying the country. Our national debt continues to be enlarged by deficit spending, and this alone will ultimately collapse the economy. Immigrants flooding across our open borders are turning our former Republic into an overpopulated Third World Schiff hole of tribal groups who hate one another. The danger of thermonuclear holocaust is increasing, thanks to our irrational hostility toward Russia.

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Trump talks a good line; many of us voted for him because he has actually told the truth about many issues, and his trade and regulation policies have at least temporarily helped our economy. He seems to have slightly reduced illegal immigration. But he is in favor of more “legal” immigration and continuing the H1B visas. His promise to drain the swamp has been broken; on day one of his administration he should have fired the Directors of the FBI, BATF, Marshalls’ Service, CIA, DIA, and NSA and appointed true patriots in their place, with instructions to clean house by any means possible from the top down, layer by layer.

And he should have appointed a patriot Attorney General and Secretary of State and ordered them to do likewise, not to mention all the other federal agencies. He did none of this; he has appointed traitorous leftists and insane neocons to every important position. He has not even begun a real investigation of the Witch Hilarion, the Obaminable Hussein, Fast and Furious, or any of the other crimes and criminals. He promised to end our forever wars but has expanded them, and he has continued our insane hostility to Russia, with economic sanctions, and has sent our troops into Syria, where there have already been dangerous confrontations.

Consider his AG, Fats Barr, a swamp critter from way back, who authorized the attack at Ruby Ridge and defended, pro bono, Vicky Weaver’s murderer, the cowardly FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi. And his Director of the FBI, Christopher Wray, the man with the arrogant smirk, is another corrupt insider. He is the one who sent an army and a news crew to arrest Trump’s loyal supporter, Roger Stone, and Barr’s Injustice Department is pulling out all the stops to prosecute Stone, and General Michael Flynn, who committed no crime. Trump has never protested the arrest or the prosecutions, nor has he fired Wray and Barr. If this is how Trump treats his closest supporters, do we really believe he cares about the rest of us?

Trump has never pardoned any of the many, many other innocent Americans who have been virtually destroyed by the government. Whistleblower Julian Assange is slowly dying in Britain’s Belmarsh Prison. Britain’s Masonic police and corrupt courts are as good at persecuting the innocent as our own, often jailing people for “hate speech” in that formerly free country, while allowing Muslim immigrants to “groom” teenage British girls as prostitutes. Trump might save Assange, founder of Wikileaks, if he pardoned him for allegedly violating our Espionage Act, but Trump and his henchmen are going all out to prosecute him.

There is no evidence that any of Assange’s revelations have harmed our national security, or that he has colluded with the wicked, wicked Russian bogeymen. Assange almost certainly received copies of DNC emails from Seth Rich…that’s why they murdered Rich. Assange also got information from the pathetic, wretched Bradley “Chelsea” Manning, who was released from prison only to be jailed again for refusing to testify before a federal grand jury about the Wikileaks information. Manning, as a former soldier, certainly deserved some punishment for violating the UCMJ…but he (he is not, and never will be, a woman) has suffered enough.

Another example is Edward Snowden, a former CIA analyst and employee of Booz Allen Hamilton, a company with a NSA (National Security Agency) contract. He leaked information about the NSA’s Five Eyes program, which allows the US and four of its allies to spy “legally” on one another’s citizens…for example, British Intelligence spies on US citizens and sends the information to the US government. There is no evidence that Snowden harmed US security, but he faces federal espionage charges and now lives in Russia. In Amerika leakers of sensitive information are treated as heroes by the left, but real whistleblowers are sent to prison.


Everyone knows that Jeffrey Epstein was murdered; like 9/11 the crime is so obvious, so blatant that it is not even debatable. And Trump (the buck stops in the Evil Office) is head of the Executive Branch, which controls the Bureau of Prisons, where they killed Epstein. If Trump did not order the hit or at least tacitly agree to it, why has he not ordered a real investigation and spoken out publicly? For that matter, why has he not openly spoken out about 9/11, Dallas, and all the other government false flag operations and assassinations (including the murder of Seth Rich)? No, Trump is not going to save us.

We are headed inevitably toward major domestic violence. We are going to have to fight these people, on the streets, and it will be bloody. We are going to have to fight Antifa and BM (Black Lives Matter), and the Deep State thugs, and the billionaire elites behind it all. A war between the states (1861-1865) was bad enough, but now the main battle lines are drawn between the cities and the more rural, suburban, and small town areas, although some of us patriots are still stuck in the cities. And Americans are too polarized for us to live with or compromise with the leftists and their Muslim and criminal comrades.

The Demoncraps openly support unlimited abortion, promiscuity and sexual perversion, sexual mutilation, unlimited spending, open borders, the hatred of men and the hatred of all Whites (never mind that their leading candidates are old, White men and that they are financed by White billionaires). Everything the leftists touch they first defile and then destroy…everything, without exception. Now they want virtually all criminals released from prison, the police stripped of all authority, the “decriminalization” of crime, and the disarmament of us victims. How obvious does this madness have to be? They are setting America up for a bloodbath.

You might think that no one could possibly fall for such insanity. You might think that even in leftist Schiff holes like San Francisco suffering home owners and small businessmen (the ones unable to move to Texas and elect leftists to ruin that state) would rebel. Almost certainly, some will. And some relatively moderate “liberals” are leaving the Demoncrap Party or at least refusing to go along with, for example, the impeachment charade. But never underestimate the depths of human stupidity and human evil.

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