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China Had Cases of Coronavirus as Early as Nov. 17, But Still Covered It Up for Weeks According to New Research

17-3-2020 < SGT Report 20 689 words

by Shane Trejo, Big League Politics:

This pandemic is Chinese in origin.

The first time an individual was stricken with the coronavirus in China was Nov. 17, according to research reviewed by the South China Morning Post.

Authorities have revealed that the first individual they could track as being inflicted with coronavirus was a 55 year-old from Hubei province back on Nov. 17. Weeks after this man was reportedly infected, Chinese authorities were intimidating whistleblowers and attempting to cover up the growing pandemic in order to protect their communist regime.

The doctor who initially reported the coronavirus ended up dying at the age of 34, after he was silenced and discredited by the Chinese government.

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Big League Politics reported on that tragic story:

Li Wenliang, a doctor who was demonized by the Chinese communists after he exposed the truth about the Coronavirus outbreak, has died from the virus at the age of 34.

Wenliang worked as an ophthalmologist at Wuhan Central Hospital when he released an urgent bulletin to medics in the hospital on Dec. 30. Police showed up and attempted to intimidate him into silence after the fact, as China attempted to keep the outbreak under wraps.

The pandemic has now killed over 560 people and infected 28,000 in China. Wenliang is now among the victims of the deadly virus that some have said looks to be created as some sort of a bioweapon.

When Wenliang became aware of the coronavirus, he noted seven cases of a virus in his hospital that reminded him of SARS, which led to a global pandemic back in 2003. The coronavirus has already far outpaced SARS in terms of deadliness, just weeks after it was discovered.

He told his fellow doctors to take special precautions, including wearing protective clothing, in order to avoid infection. The communists would attempt to force him to sign a letter indicating he was “making false comments” that had “severely disturbed the social order.” Wenliang was under investigation for “spreading rumors,” but the police would later apologize for hassling him.

Wenliang noted in a Weibo post that he started exhibiting symptoms for coronavirus on Jan. 10. It took until Jan. 30 for Wenliang to be formally diagnosed with coronavirus, and he was dead less than a week later. Chinese health authorities have claimed that coronavirus is primarily a threat to the elderly and people who are already sick, but Wenliang’s untimely death casts doubt on their story.

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) has put China in the spotlight for how they attempted to suppress information related to coronavirus, in a shameful response that made the global pandemic exponentially worse.

“When Chinese Internet users flooded social media with indignation following Dr. Li’s death, their cries were scrubbed from the Internet by the Communist Party’s army of censors. When a Chinese human-rights activist called for Chairman Xi to step down, he was detained and then “disappeared.” When Wall Street Journal columnist Walter Russell Mead wrote a bracing article about the Chinese Communist Party’s failure to contain the coronavirus, the Communist Party kicked three of the paper’s reporters out of the country,” Cotton wrote.

“When the number of reported infections spiked upward due to an improvement in data reporting, the Party purged local officials who were likely responsible. And after Chinese scientists gave the world a head-start in developing a vaccine by publishing the disease’s genome online, what happened? Were they given awards? Were they celebrated? No, their lab was shut down the very next day. Those scientists deserved awards, they deserved a medal; instead, they were given a professional death sentence,” he added.

The coronavirus pandemic serves as a teachable moment about the harms of globalism, and why the Chinese communist regime cannot be relied upon to protect the world.

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