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‘We’re not New York’: Several U.S. States Have Yet to Issue ‘Stay-at-Home’ Orders

7-4-2020 < 21st Century Wire 37 484 words

U.S. Statewide Lockdown Map
Map of U.S. states with full ‘lockdown’ orders. (Original illustration by Business Insider)

This week, while U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams was busy dropping near apocalyptic-level sound bites, calling the next week of the country’s coronavirus crisis “our Pearl harbor moment” and “our 9/11 moment,” eight states have yet to issue a state-wide ‘stay-at-home’ order.

Add to this, nonstop coronavirus media coverage across the nation has millions of television viewers in a trance, ‘bracing’ for what’s coming their way from places like New York City.

Arkansas, Oklahoma, Utah, Wyoming, Nebraska, Iowa, North Dakota and South Dakota have still not ordered their citizens to shut in, however, some cities in these states have already issued local orders.

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem addresses the public and media on April 1, calling the nation’s approach to the coronavirus crisis ‘herd mentality, not leadership.” (Image via YouTube)

During her daily coronavirus press conference, on April 1, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem said “South Dakota is not New York City,” and can weather the pandemic without shutting down, Sioux Falls Argus Leader reported:

“The calls to apply for a one-size-fits-all approach to this problem is herd mentality,” Noem said during the conference. “It’s not leadership.”

“Our constitution ensures that the citizen’s right is protected,” Noem said. “I agree with the role of our government as set forth in our state and in our national constitution.”

“I ask everybody out there to consider the lifestyle they’re living today. Can you do that until July and August? And what you’re asking me to do, if I were to do that, could you live that way until July and August?”

“It’s so important not to turn on the news and look at NYC and think that that’s what Lemmon, South Dakota is going to face in a month,” Noem said. “It’s absolutely not true.”

Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts echoed Noem’s stay-at-home stance last week saying a statewide order is not necessary at this time:

“We’re a different state than states like New York that are doing that. We are much earlier in the epidemic curve than New York,” Ricketts said.

Top officials in states that are currently resisting the stay-at-home action are still encouraging citizens to be smart and continue to practice good judgement while out in public.

Many of the states have also declared certain places of business to be “essential” or “non essential” – following the lead of other locked-down states allowing grocery markets, banks, pharmacies and takeout restaurants to remain open.

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