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Fiddling While America Burns

4-6-2020 < SGT Report 17 939 words

by Donald Jeffries, Keeping It Unreal:

Thus far, 2020 has been a sci-fi dystopian nightmare. Six months ago, how many people would have believed the images of human beings wearing masks everywhere, while carefully keeping six feet apart from each other? Who could have imagined something like “social distancing?”

But within the last week, the COVID-19 production has been replaced by nationwide riots, ignited by white Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin grinding his knee into the neck of an alleged forger, George Floyd, long enough to kill him. Lloyd was Black, so the state-controlled media jumped on the story like a rabid animal.

The media and sycophantic politicians were quick to drum home the point that “institutional racism” was at fault. In conjunction with Donald Trump, of course, who does nothing much more than Tweet continuously, but is blamed for everything by these Social Justice Warriors. While videos have shown a fairly diverse group of protesters, Blacks are clearly the predominant group, and the prolific graffiti desecrating the likes of the Lincoln Memorial all share the “Black Lives Matter” and/or “Evil White Racists” theme.

Lost in the furor was the fact that the Floyd death was not even that egregious, when compared to the countless unnecessary deaths of unarmed civilians at the hands of police officers. Since 2017, 2,855 civilians in this country have been killed by cops. 1268 were White, 571 were “unknown” or “other,” 518 were Black, and 498 were Hispanic. Somehow, from those official numbers; the press, our laughable politicians, and deluded celebrities have concluded that “cops are killing Black men.”

They are killing Black men, but more accurately, they’re killing even more non-Blacks. And the important point should be that these “public servants” have killed nearly 3,000 Americans in less than three years. By contrast, police in Norway haven’t killed a single person in over a decade.

Most Americans don’t realize that the Supreme Court ruled in 1981 that police are not there to protect  us. So, the old “protect and serve” thing hasn’t applied since then. Once widespread looting and destruction of property began in cities all over the nation this week, police simply let it happen. For days, they didn’t even attempt to stop the vandalism and theft. Firefighters were just as useless, as their superiors claimed it was “unsafe” for them to put out the many fires set by rioters.

So, if we can’t depend on police to stop mass looting and destruction, exactly what are we paying them for? The Supreme Court has already ruled that they aren’t there to protect us. So what are they there for? Why are we giving these often psychopathic bullies guns and unlimited authority? Under the policing for profit system, their primary purpose is to issue as many traffic citations as possible. Most of them seldom encounter a truly threatening situation. So it’s no wonder they don’t know how to quell disturbances involving thousands of angry, potentially violent people.

The riots have managed to push the world’s most dangerous virus into the background. And all those virtue signalers who lashed out at the anti-lockdown protests for their alleged “racism,” and failure to “social distance,” have been as quiet as church mice over these much larger crowds, which are jammed together in pre- COVID fashion. Now, it’s not “irresponsible,” or endangering anyone’s safety, to protest. Now, it’s a precious right. The only difference is what’s being protested, and who’s doing the protesting.

While we were all distracted with nonstop coverage of the riots, the World Health Organization issued a statement saying that only those with COVID symptoms, or who had been around those with the virus, should be wearing masks. No healthy people should. So why is everyone still wearing a mask? Why are states like mine, Virginia, requiring anyone entering an establishment to wear one? Does this make any sense? Why should any of us trust those making such stupid decisions?

If the COVID Plandemic can serve any purpose, it’s to pull the mask off of our largely anonymous leaders at the state and local levels. Americans can see clearly just how incompetent and corrupt those who rule our lives with their laws, mandates, and restrictions, actually are. We are responsible for their salaries, much as we are paying police and firefighters. Most of them are making a lot more than the taxpayers who pay them. And virtually all have much better benefits and more lucrative pensions.

The old expression “you get what you pay for” doesn’t seem to apply to public servants in America. On the contrary, we pay pretty well, but get virtually nothing in return. Except for possibly being harassed by a cop, anxious to meet his monthly quota, over an illegal u-turn or failing to come to a complete stop at an empty intersection. Politically, we have had “taxation without representation” for a very long time. Ironic that this was on of the primary reasons why the Founders fought for independence. You’re lucky to be able to get a phone call through to one of our pointless bureaucratic government agencies. Doesn’t quite seem worth it.

It should bring us to tears, or laughter, depending upon one’s perspective, to watch rioters stealing and throwing things with impunity, while dutifully wearing their masks of submission. The fact that so many more Americans are willing to hit the streets over “racism,” including many Whites, than they were to protest an unwarranted, unconstitutional closure of businesses and implementation of draconian “social distancing” rules tells us all we need to know.

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