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3-7-2020 < SGT Report 11 469 words

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

The public’s interest in the coronavirus is waning.  Because fear is necessary to get people on board with their enslavement, now is the time to not let your guard down when it comes to another crisis.

One of the big problems in the United States is the growing number of Americans who are tiring of the hype over the coronavirus says Statista’s Willem Roper. He suggests, that based on recent data, there may be a growing indifference amid a weariness of misinformation and a news cycle dominated by the virus. And that’s a “concern.”

In a new survey from the Pew Research Center, nearly 40 percent of U.S. adults in June say the outbreak has been exaggerated – an almost 10 percent increase since April. In terms of political party, respondents who identified as Republican or leaning Republican had the largest increase between April and June, going from 47 percent to 63 percent believing the outbreak has been exaggerated.

In March and April, Pew recorded that a majority of Americans were closely following updated news on COVID-19 and how it was spreading locally, nationally, and globally, according to a report by ZeroHedge. Since then, new surveys show Americans’ interest has quickly dissipated, going from 46 percent in May to just 39 percent of U.S. adults saying they’re closely following COVID-19 news in June.

This doesn’t mean the panic forced on the public is ending just yet.  The media is still actively trying to gin up fear and supply reasons for states to lock people down again violating their basic human rights. However, when interest in a subject wanes, and the goal is over totalitarianism, it’s likely there will be another crisis to take the place of the COVID-19 scam.

Stay alert and vigilant, but don’t be fearful. Have a few types of metals on hand (gold, silver, and lead) and make sure your preps are in order.  The elites have already shown that a “good crisis will not go to waste” and we’ve seen them follow through on that.

Now is a good time to make sure you’ve got at least a little extra food because the media seems intent upon a food shortage.  It also bears importance to know that they are also ginning up fear of a virus coming from pigs raised for meat, so that could play into this as well.  It’s still difficult to say exactly what the next crisis will be, but they have been waving the food shortage flag for several weeks now.

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