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Facebook goes full anti-police, shuts down page for largest "Back the Blue" rally

29-7-2020 < Natural News 17 666 words
Image: Facebook goes full anti-police, shuts down page for largest “Back the Blue” rally

(Natural News) A “Back the Blue” event that was scheduled to take place on July 25 in Long Island has been tampered with by Facebook, which reportedly removed its official event page for no apparent reason.

After receiving more than 6,300 RSVPs, Long Island’s “Back the Blue” rally page suddenly disappeared, prompting Law Enforcement Today (LET) national spokesperson Kyle Reyes to bring it to the attention of Fox and Friends First.

Speaking to Fox News correspondent Todd Piro, Reyes explained that Facebook pulled down the page on July 23, just two days before the event was scheduled to occur.

“Now we know that Facebook has taken down the pages of other rallies and events over the last six months,” Reyes further explained. “We just didn’t expect it to happen with the Back the Blue event.”

According to Reyes, upwards of 10,000 people were expected to attend this Back the Blue rally, and it was “going to be one heck of a turnout.” How many people actually showed up as a result of the event’s disappearance from Facebook remains unknown.

“We are doing this because somebody has to,” Reyes further added, drawing attention to Facebook’s censorship problem. “‘Evil triumphs when good men and women do nothing.’ And we were sick and tired of good men and women doing nothing.”

Top Big Tech CEOs to appear before Congress concerning censorship, antitrust violations

This would hardly be the first time that Facebook removed a page expressing viewpoints contrary to the leftist narrative. Concerning the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), for example, Facebook has pulled down pages questioning mask safety, as well as those “that defy government’s guidance on social distancing,” the BBC reported.

Meanwhile, far-left groups like “Smash Racism D.C.,” a chapter of Antifa, were allowed to post events talking about breaking curfew requirements and rioting in the streets while everyone was supposed to be at home “staying safe” from the virus.

Another Antifa group known as All Out D.C. openly posted an event calling on people to gather in front of the White House for a protest, even though large events were prohibited at the time it was posted.

“We reject D.C.’s attempts to criminalize protesters and the notion of a peaceful protest,” wrote yet another far-left group known as Black Lives Matter D.C.

A shocking 119 different violent Antifa groups still have a presence on Facebook, with a collective follower base of nearly 352,000 users. One of these is said to have been responsible for terrorizing the home of Fox News personality Tucker Carlson, having “cracked the front door” of his residence.

The selective censorship situation at Facebook is so dire that the federal government is having to get involved in trying to sort out the potential antitrust violations of this Silicon Valley behemoth.

A number of other tech CEOs are also scheduled to appear in front of Congress for a hearing about their own censorship activities and antitrust violations, including the heads of Amazon, Apple and Google.

Jeff Bezos, Tim Cook, Sundar Pichai and Mark Zuckerberg will all reportedly face a barrage of questions about the various company practices, including allegations of anti-competitive behavior.

“Since last June, the Subcommittee has been investigating the dominance of a small number of digital platforms and the adequacy of existing antitrust laws and enforcement,” stated House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler and Antitrust Subcommittee Chairman David Cicilline in a joint statement.

“Given the central role these corporations play in the lives of the American people, it is critical that their CEOs are forthcoming. As we have said from the start, their testimony is essential for us to complete this investigation.”

To keep up with the latest news about Facebook censorship, be sure to check out

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