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'It's easier to move a CATHEDRAL than Messi': Club owner's TV station shows Messi on Milan CHURCH as ex-boss claims dad backs move

29-7-2020 < RT 9 172 words

A TV station run by the owners of Inter Milan has shown an image of Lionel Messi on the largest church in Italy, with the club's former president claiming that the striker's father would walk to seal a transfer there for his son.

Italian giants Inter have been widely named as the most likely destination should Messi ever leave Barcelona in recent weeks, fueled by reports that the Argentina star's father has bought a home in Milan.

PPTV, which is majority-owned by Inter chairman Steven Zhang, advertised an image of Messi with his arms aloft in a prayer-like pose on the front of the ancient building ahead of the club's 2-0 win over Napoli in Serie A yesterday.

When he was asked about the projection in his post-match interview, Inter coach Antonio Conte admitted: "I didn't see that.
