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NBA claims to have cut ties with China’s slave labor camp region, but still won’t denounce China’s organ harvesting and political executions

29-7-2020 < Natural News 20 619 words
Image: NBA claims to have cut ties with China’s slave labor camp region, but still won’t denounce China’s organ harvesting and political executions

(Natural News) The NBA’s Deputy Commissioner and Chief Operating Officer, Mark Tatum, entered into a partnership with three Chinese cities in 2016, as he turned a blind eye to the slave labor in the Xinjiang region. The partnership was dubbed “an international elite development initiative” that included the construction of new training camps that would be used to scout and recruit talent to provide NBA-level coaching to underprivileged communities in China.

The NBA and other American corporations profit from China’s slave labor

As the NBA expands its market in China, executives must turn a blind eye to the thousands of Xinjiang concentration camps in the area, where millions of Uyghurs are rounded up and forced into slave labor. The Chinese Communist Party uses these concentration camps to imprison up to three million ethnic Uyghurs and other minorities in the region. The camps are generally used for communist indoctrination, where prisoners must renounce their faith and pledge their loyalty to the communist party dictator, Xi Jinping.

In the camps, Uyghurs are beaten, raped and sterilized. The population is also profiled for organ harvesting and subject to torture through electroshock. Uyghurs are forced into slave labor, and must manufacture clothing and other goods for companies around the world. In fact, over eighty global brands, which include Apple and the NBA, have sold products that were made in factories that use slave labor in Xinjiang.

The NBA claims to have recently cut ties with their Xinjiang training camp, but they refuse to denounce China’s slave labor, organ harvesting and political executions altogether. Millions of dollars hang in the balance. (Related: Pompeo: Time for free world to stand up to China and change its behavior.)

Senator holds NBA accountable for supporting human rights abuses

Houston Rockets General Manager Daryl Morey broke NBA rules and dared to speak out about China’s abuses. In a tweet, Morey showed his sympathy and support for the anti-communist protestors in Hong Kong. Due to his comments, the CCP immediately blocked all NBA games on state television, hitting the NBA with hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue losses. The NBA did not immediately defend Morey’s comments, hoping that the CCP would reconsider.

Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) held the NBA accountable for their complicity and cowardice in going along with the CCP, questioning their relationship with China. NBA Deputy Commissioner and Chief Operating Officer responded to Blackburn and said their relationship has now been terminated with the Xinjiang basketball academy in Urumqi. Blackburn commended the NBA for ending their relationship and cutting business ties in the Xinjiang region, where Chinese oppression runs rampant. “Making money and standing up for human rights should not be mutually exclusive,” she said, calling on other American corporations to decry these human rights atrocities and condemn Chinese oppression.

Several aging NBA players have been wooed by the CCP, getting jobs with the Chinese Basketball Association and cutting deals as they turn a blind eye to the human rights abuses in the communist state. Even though the NBA is making progress and realizing how submissive they have become toward human rights abuses, they continue to profit from their business ties to the communist regime.

As the NBA comes to terms with how controlled and manipulated they really are, they must begin to denounce all the horrors of the CCP — the organ harvesting, the political executions, the persecution and enslavement of minorities and people of faith.

For more on China’s atrocities, visit Genocide.News.

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