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2013 Medical Study Showed The Quickest Way They Could Find To Completely Dismantle America: Study Warned Authoritarian Governments Emerge From ‘Parasite Prevalent’ Societies

24-8-2020 < SGT Report 33 796 words

by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

– The WHO Warning The World Can NEVER Go Back To Normal Is Another Sign Of Tyranny Ahead

While we’ve written numerous stories on ANP about how Covid-19 is being used by many politicians, and even crazed individuals on US streets, to institute ‘authoritarianism’ and ‘medical tyranny’, the mainstream media would call such reports ‘fake news’ or ‘conspiracy theories’. That despite a damning medical paper published in the US National Library of Medicine and the National Institute of Health back on May 1st of 2013 titled “Pathogens and Politics: Further Evidence That Parasite Prevalence Predicts Authoritarianism”.

Reporting in the paper that according to a “parasite stress” hypothesis, authoritarian governments are more likely to emerge in regions characterized by a high prevalence of disease-causing pathogens, just like 9/11 bringing to the country a ‘need’ for Americans to feel protected (from airplanes/missiles crashing into buildings, etc), covid-19 has brought an entirely new beast to the ballgame of things that Americans feel they need to be protected from and it’s protection needed from something‘invisible’.

And with that ‘need’ to feel protected, as the scientific research paper points out, ‘the masses’ allow government to do all sorts of new things to ‘protect them’, whether requiring masks or the ending of public gatherings or all of the rest of the complete gutting of the US Constitution we’ve been witnessing across America. The excerpt below comes from that medical paper and as we’ll see, the study ties right into what we’ve been witnessing across America from politicians and ‘mask tyrants’, individuals asserting their own ‘authoritarian personalities’ while seeking total ‘compliance’.

According to a “parasite stress” hypothesis, authoritarian governments are more likely to emerge in regions characterized by a high prevalence of disease-causing pathogens.

Recent cross-national evidence is consistent with this hypothesis, but there are inferential limitations associated with that evidence. We report two studies that address some of these limitations, and provide further tests of the hypothesis. 

Study 1 revealed that parasite prevalence strongly predicted cross-national differences on measures assessing individuals’ authoritarian personalities, and this effect statistically mediated the relationship between parasite prevalence and authoritarian governance. The mediation result is inconsistent with an alternative explanation for previous findings. To address further limitations associated with cross-national comparisons, Study 2 tested the parasite stress hypothesis on a sample of traditional small-scale societies (the Standard Cross-Cultural Sample). 

Results revealed that parasite prevalence predicted measures of authoritarian governance, and did so even when statistically controlling for other threats to human welfare. (One additional threat—famine—also uniquely predicted authoritarianism.) Together, these results further substantiate the parasite stress hypothesis of authoritarianism, and suggest that societal differences in authoritarian governance result, in part, from cultural differences in individuals’ authoritarian personalities.

And with more and more leftist Americans, especially politicians, asserting their own ‘authoritarian personalities’, when someone tries to tell you that any talk of ’emerging medical tyranny’ is simply not true, all we need to do is take a look at the ’emerging medical tyranny’ happening from coast to coast as well as this new story over at CNBC which reports, according to the World Health Organization, America and the world can NEVER go back to the way things were.

From this new story over at The Last American Vagabond.:

The authoritarian measures have now grown to include the following:

– checkpoints (asking about travelchecking temperatures)

– temperature screenings at some airports

– contact tracing apps cataloging all your movements and contacts

– emergency orders/executive orders supporting forced vaccinationsisolation, and quarantine

– involuntary quarantine centers/camps

– thermal drones watching people from the sky

– talk of mandatory vaccines (or making it difficult to live without vaccination)

face recognition tech to fight covid19 (by tracking people violating lockdowns)

– discussion of immunity passports/digital certificates to travel

– censorship of alternative viewpoints

– raiding of businesses for not closing

– arrests of people violating lockdown (and this, and this)

– ankle monitors for those violating quarantine orders

– roving cops searching for people not in the “proper” places


While we rarely get truth from Democrats/globalists in 2020, we finally get some from this new story over at CNBC titled “WHO warns coronavirus vaccine alone won’t end pandemic: ‘We cannot go back to the way things were'”. And as we’ll see directly below from their story and an announcement made by the WHO Director General, much of this is about ‘climate change’ and their ‘authoritarian control’ over the rest of us.

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