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There Have Only Been 3 Days Since George Floyd’s Death Where Police Did Not Kill Someone

26-8-2020 < Attack the System 21 154 words

I’ve generally found that it’s impossible to get accurate data on how many people are killed by police. There is no established mechanism for collecting such data, whether governmental or non-governmental, and those who have tried are relying mostly on police reports, individual witness testimony, and journalistic accounts, none of which are particularly reliable sources.

By Ewan Palmer


As the issue of police brutality against Black people in the U.S. is being raised yet again in the wake of the shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin, an independent project has highlighted the overall scale of fatal officer-involved shootings. Blake was shot several times in the back by Kenosha Police as he tried to enter a vehicle at the 2800 block of 40th Street on Sunday.

