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7-9-2020 < SGT Report 39 572 words

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have warned that their untested vaccine will be ready on November 1. States have been told to prepare the public and have a plan to distribute a coronavirus vaccine to “hundreds of millions” of Americans.

Donald Trump has been pushing for a COVID-19 vaccine under Operation Warp Speed, and so far, there seems to be one thing in common: the vaccine won’t be held to the already meager safety standards of other vaccines, and it will be rushed as the coronavirus has become political.

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“This timeline of the initial deployment at the end of October is deeply worrisome for the politicization of public health and the potential safety ramifications,” said Saskia Popescu, an infection prevention epidemiologist based in Arizona. “It’s hard not to see this as a push for a pre-election vaccine.”

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has notified public health officials in all 50 states and five large cities to prepare to distribute a coronavirus vaccine to health care workers and other high-risk groups as soon as late October or early November, according to a report by The New York Times.

Over the past week, both Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the country’s top infectious disease expert, and Dr. Stephen Hahn, who heads the Food and Drug Administration, have said in interviews with news organizations that a vaccine may be available for certain groups before clinical trials have been completed, if the data is overwhelmingly positive.

Public health experts agree that agencies at all levels of government should urgently prepare for what will eventually be a vast, complex effort to vaccinate hundreds of millions of Americans. – The New York Times.

There is a silver lining when considering an early vaccine release. Since Trump is the one pushing this vaccine, the left may not be lining up to get it.  People may open their eyes to what a vaccine is, and question this one especially. As of right now, this is not a mandatory vaccine, but try not to bank on it staying that way forever.

For those who tell me I have an “anti-Trump” bias: I actually have an anti-tyranny bias.  This has nothing to do with Trump other than he’s the one “in control” right now. The same criticism would be applied to anyone else trying to shove an unwanted vaccine on the population of the globe. My goal is not to pander to your feelings, but to wake you up to the reality and gravity of the situation.

We are living under totalitarian rule and Trump is the current “leader.” If you have a problem with me bringing this fact to your attention, apologies for triggering you with the truth. Trump is the one who is in charge of Operation Warp Speed, and that came out his own mouth. Wake up.  The vaccine is coming. They are pushing this vaccine for a reason.

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