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27-9-2020 < SGT Report 26 792 words

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

I’ve blogged in recent days about the sad phenomenon of Sudden Animal Deaths (or SADs as I call them in my shameless effort to pander to those who think there can be no communication without acronyms and abbreviations. “lol”.) Flights of birds dropping from the sky, apparently struck dead in midflight by “something”; a herd of reindeer in Norway, elephants in Africa, struck down with apparent suddenness and falling to the ground where they stood. Whales beaching themselves. The list goes on and on.

There are other kinds of animal deaths as well. In recent years we’ve heard about the precipitous decline of pollinator insect populations with bees and butterfly populations nose-diving. Indeed, in some of my past vidchats with members of this site, I have commented on the fact that when I was a boy, a drive down the highway at night would spatter the windshield with all sorts of insect life, necessitating frequent stops at a service station merely to clean it. But now? One can drive all night, and sure, one will get the “insect splatter” on the windshield, but not nearly to the extent of four or five decades ago. My mother’s flower garden in front of our house was a busy buzz of bees gathering the nectar from flowers.  But now? When I take my dog outside, I might – if I’m lucky – see one or two bees, maybe even the occasional butterfly – flying around the little wild flowers that grow here.

Some connections have been established to the introduction of GMOs and pesticides. My problem, however, was and is that pesticides were being used when I was a boy too. So something else, I think, is up. Enter R.M., who noticed the following article from our friends at, and it’s worth bringing to your attention, especially with the growing trend – I might say, corporation-led stampede – to introduce 5G:

Mobile phone radiation may be killing insects: German study

What’s intriguing to me is that the article contains a suggestion, and it’s the one thing that all these Sudden Animal Deaths might have in common:

Radiation from mobile phones could have contributed to the dramatic decline in insect populations seen in much of Europe in recent years, a German study showed Thursday.

On top of pesticides and habitat loss, increased exposure to  is “probably having a  on the insect world”, according to the study presented in Stuttgart, which is yet to be peer reviewed.

Of the 83 studies deemed scientifically relevant, 72 showed that radiation had a  on bees, wasps and flies.

These effects ranged from a reduced ability to navigate due to the disturbance of magnetic fields to damage to genetic material and larvae.

Mobile phone and Wi-Fi radiation in particular opens the  in certain cells, meaning they absorb more calcium ions.

This can trigger a biochemical chain reaction in insects, the study said, disrupting circadian rhythms and the immune system.

There you have it: the dramatic increase in electro-magnetic radiation may be having a deleterious effect on insects, and as I’ve speculated with respect to the Sudden Animal Deaths of birds in flight, or herds of reindeer or elephants, those deaths might have been electromagnetic in nature as well. What of beached whales? Well, I suspect that there too one might perhaps be looking at the same phenonemon. Why? Because with the advent of Very Low Frequency (VLF) broadcasting through the earth itself to communicate with submerged submarines and so on, whales and other sea creatures might be sensitive in ways we don’t know. Of course, I am not saying such a speculative explanation would account for all of them; whales have been beaching themselves for a long time, if pre-radio newspaper reports are to be believed. But I do suspect that the increase of the one has led to the increase of the other. And as if to drive the point home, recall only the limited test of 5G in the Netherlands, and the sudden deaths of birds in the vicinity, or better, recall that video of pigeons literally ripping wires from the top of a 5G tower. Indeed, a simple Google search of “Netherlands 5G test bird deaths” will pull up a slew of articles, and notably, the top search results are mostly articles that dispute any idea that there might be a connection between the test, and the deaths.

Switching to another browser, and entering the same search criteria, brought up a similar result, but with the significant exception that there was an article that connected the 5G tests to bird deaths:

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