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Left-wing media journalist says 75% of media writers have “side job destroying Trump ballots”

4-11-2020 < SGT Report 24 433 words

by Ethan Huff, DC Clothesline:

Jon Schwarz, a prominent left-wing writer for The Interceptthinks that destroying the ballots of people who vote for Donald Trump is the moral solution to preventing a second Trump term.

According to Schwarz, who also writes for The New York TimesThe Atlantic and other far-left media outlets, “at least” 75 percent of those who work in the mainstream media – “including me,” he tweeted – have “a side job destroying Trump ballots.”

“When you love something as much as we love destroying Trump ballots, you make the time,” he tweeted back on Nov. 1, 2016.


Schwarz added in a series of other tweets the same day that destroying Trump ballots is “not a felony.” He also added that “the constitution says you can destroy trump ballots,” presumably joking – but how does one really tell anymore? 

In a recent article he wrote entitled, “The Election Isn’t Over Until Trump’s Gone,” Schwarz suggested that people who hate Trump need to initiate “street fights” in the event that Trump wins reelection on Nov. 3.

Schwarz also believes that illegal aliens should not only be allowed to vote, but to do so multiple times until Democrat candidates are able to “win.”

A self-described alum of filmmaker Michael Moore’s Dog Eat Dog films, as well as “a research producer for Moore’s Capitalism: A Love Story,” Schwarz is hellbent on removing Trump from office through any means possible.

After being accused of visiting a voting site during the 2016 election “to fake IDs & assist in ferrying illegals from polling station to polling station,” Schwarz responded unashamedly with:

“let’s not rest on our laurels though, everyone’s needed in Wisconsin to destroy Trump ballots during the recount.”

To keep up with the latest election-related news, be sure to check out

Schwarz supports militant Antifa-backed Transition Integrity Project

Should Joe Biden and Kamala Harris not win in a landslide on Nov. 3, Schwarz’s allies over at the Transition Integrity Project (TIP) are planning to unleash hell across America.

The so-called “Fight Back Table” has indicated plans to initiate “mass public unrest” in the event that Trump wins, and Schwarz wants to take it all a step further with mass violence.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has reportedly taken notice of Schwarz’s statements and behavior, having launched an investigation into a positive reaction that Schwarz had to a tweet by Huffington Post editor Nick Baumann that reads:

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